President Biden, as well as White House COVID response coordinator Jeff Zients, each pushed the messaging last week, with the former issuing the stark and gloomy warning to Americans following a Thursday White House briefing on the pandemic.
"I want to send a direct message to the American people: Due to the steps we've taken, omicron has not yet spread as fast as it would have otherwise done," Biden said.
"But it's here now, and it's spreading, and it's going to increase ... We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated - for themselves, their families and the hospitals they'll soon overwhelm," he added. "But there's good news: If you're vaccinated, and you have your booster shot, you're protected from severe illness and death."
Zients repeated the warning the following day while giving an update from the COVID response team.
"We are intent on not letting omicron disrupt work and school for the vaccinated. You've done the right thing, and we will get through this," he said. "For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm."

"We are all in this together unless you are in the outgroup in which case you gonna die," wrote Fox News contributor Ben Domenech, while former communications director for the 2020 Trump campaign Tim Murtaugh suggested the messaging wouldn't help Democrats going into 2022.
"President Biden's warning of a 'winter of severe illness and death' makes President Jimmy Carter's 'malaise' speech urging Americans to lower expectations seem a cheerful upper by contrast. How do Democrats run as the party of 'severe illness and death'? This is madness," wrote former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Other critics echoed his Jimmy Carter comparison.
Concerns over the omicron variant of the coronavirus have grown as it is set to become the dominant variant in the U.S. due to its high rate of transmission. Despite it reportedly not being as a serious as the delta variant, a number of universities, schools and businesses have decided to close or return to virtual learning.
Biden is set to address Americans again on Tuesday to provide an update on the omicron variant, as well as additional measures the administration plans to take.
Reader Comments
So, to cover up this crime against humanity, Fauci redefines "fully vaccinated" as 2 shots plus 28 days after the booster is taken. The people who die without having the booster will be labeled "the unvaccinated" - Biden delivered that message. If anyone dies even though they are 28 days post booster, the story will be the Omicron variant killed them. The killer vaccine is deemed innocent by the lapdog media.
In case anyone missed it, Mr. "warp speed" Trump is out there telling people to get the booster. The US government has turned and is no longer to be considered legitimate. The people are obligated to stop it in it tracks. We need a new American Revolution NOW.
The good thing is, some vaxxer are getting frustrated and wake up.
The sign of the end, other than the decline of Spengler's West, here we are beyond decline and even beyond the vaccine. With an excruciating snowfall effect on top that completes the truly Soviet sadness of the matter. One hears "if you want to go to the bar, happy to celebrate, you have to do the doses, to make a good Christmas", and one feels the urge to pester himself, to mutilate himself, to kill himself. Other than Covid. Because everything is fine, but there is a limit. Even to raging madness, there must be a limit.
But, too, dear Mattarella, who want space to be taken away from the "novax" (long live democracy, long live the President of "all Italians"), is it possible that such obscenities will suit you? Can't find anything to say? "Eat the panettone, get the vaccination": and these are scientists? Is this the science we are forced to trust? But here we are at the Zecchino d’oro in andropause, at the jokes of the climacteric (or, who knows, the third dose). Of the three, the most convinced, needless to say, is Bassetti, one who has done everything. Crisanti, on the other hand, is funereal, he looks like a deportee, he communicates a dying conviction. As for Pregliasco, his verve recalls a Bulgarian border guard as he tries, unsuccessfully, to chant "with the third dose you will have joyful parties!".
Chilling. The video, appropriately shot as part of the radio broadcast "A sheep's day", is making the rounds of whatsapp and everyone responds, inexorably: no but it's not them, come on, it's a fake. And instead. Someone tries the last desperate escape from reality: they must have wanted to joke. And instead. What is it, an acid trip? To get what? To convince who? Children, if they see them, run away. The old ones are marked. Those who think send them directly to shit, sorry but that's the only thing you can say. That is, here all the schemes and all the logics have been blown up, but does the third dose really create certain devastating and, one would say, irreversible damage? But how can they not have a vague inkling of the abyss? One imagines the phone calls, hello Pregliasco, I'm Bassetti, do you know what came to mind? Ah, great idea, let's call Chrysants too. And away with the Golden Vaccine, or rather tin. Let's just hope that these images don't go around the world!!!!:
but there is little to be fooled. Italian foi, always sings, guitar and mandolin!
No, virologist and vaccine. The pranks in the hubs for children, that hideous brothel, that sad party were not enough to convince the little ones to get a shot. But I say, do you remember when he touched us, decades ago? We went hand in hand with our mother, slightly restless, and, if we whimpered, she shot a stern look and the fateful phrase: behave like a little man, don't let me look bad, for a prick, that you don't even notice. In fact, we didn't notice it and we all came out proud. Now they do the Takimiri Circus to convince them, but it's not that they have to convince the infants, it's that they're not safe. And, to exorcise the fear of having done yet another bullshit, they disguise themselves as clowns: the infantile vaccine, understood as an adjective. No, that was not enough, we also needed the three terrors that do not guess a prediction or a note like this and, reading the hunchback, they sing "for the decline in infections doses also to the Magi". With a sepulchral voice and a waxy face that already seems to have one foot in the pit. closed, fine. We drown in the ridicule (theirs) of the ballet of doses, of vaccine racism, of the greenpass to be buffered, of closing conformism, of "psychic sacrifices" theorized by some minister black belt of bullshit, triple doses, rosaries of tampons are not enough, we go back to colors, to "selective" lockdowns, but you will see that they will then be total, we pretend to stop a viral circulation with the veil of masks, we are prey to hysteria from numbers, always on infections, never on hospitalized or deceased ... and they think of humming “vac-ci-nia-mo-ci”. And maybe they think they have combined who knows what genius. Able that Amadeus calls them to Sanremo. Okay now everything is customized, that everything is a reality show, that the more serious the situation is, the more ridiculous it is, but they really had to spare us this one. At least this one. At least at Christmas. More than a vaccine, a cow DANCE...........
i greatly appreciate your light handed reply, thank you sir.
alexal60 sir, i owe you an apology,
i presumed your comments were that of an artificial intelligence type algorithm or some spamming bot.
i read another of your comments and immediately put the pieces of the puzzle together with great disappointment on my part for jumping to conclusions with a derisive reply.
please accept my apology for being shortsighted and close minded.
alexal60 FUCILATED? Thanks..
I see no end to this, no penalties for those who are doing this, we are past the tipping point and it's gonna get a whole lot worse. Meanwhile, these people will travel with impunity, hold their meetings, gatherings and parties, laughing dancing and singing merrily all the while we toil in their shit.
It's all an evil spell that demands sacrifices to keep it alive, it's the blood of those who have perished (RIP), that empowers their lies and fear.
God Bless Us All and God Bless those who can see it and have to put up with and forgive those who cannot.
Merry Fucking Christmas 2021 Everyone! Hang tough as the worse is yet to come!
This will be a truthful message, you can count on it.
See it tis we already know that not all we say
is the truth.
To be honest, that is why we had to make a ministry of it.
So really take everything we say with a grain of truth (salt?).
By the way, just like in that Don McLain song when he talked about the father, son, and holy ghost catching the last train to the coast....well, that makes sense to those of us who hope to not get pulled in, so we are heading out to glory!
See you later suckers they thought to themselves while the winds were blowing all around
seems they didn't realize some strings were connected
...now, them strings will be doing what strings do
and always have -them strings be
pulling them in
to justice!
Poem of 2021 - may this effing year end.