The White Rose is a global network of independent activists, all working in unison to disseminate a much needed counter narrative to the relentless fear mongering, lies and propaganda we've all been subjected tosince day one of the Covid-19 scamdemic."if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes
Congregation of alligators / Cluster of antelopes / Shrewdness of apes / Flange of baboons / Cloud of bats / Obstinacy of buffalo / Coalition of (male) cheetahs / Quiver of cobras / Mob of deer / Comedy of boxers (dogs) / Piteousness of doves / Convocation of eagles / Memory of elephants / Flamboyance of flamingos / Horde of gerbils / Embarrassment of giant pandas / Implausibility of gnus / Whoop of gorillas / Array of hedgehogs / Sea of hippopotami / Parade of jaguars / Loveliness of ladybirds / Conspiracy of lemurs / Risk of lobsters / Labour of moles / Consortium of octopuses / Passel of opossums / Romp of otters / Tuxedo of penguins / Aurora of polar bears / Prickle of porcupines / Town of prairie dogs / Circus of puffins / Committee of racoons / Maelstrom of salamanders / Surfeit of skunks / Ambush of tigers / Rafter of turkeys / Sneak of weasels / Wisdom of wombats / Cohort of zebraFor some reason the collective nouns are "Not Applicable" for Aardvarks, Anteaters, Armadillos and Sloths
Feldman suffered from thyroid disease and developed Graves' ophthalmopathy, causing his eyes to protrude and become misaligned. A childhood injury, a car crash, a boating accident, and reconstructive eye surgery may also have contributed to his appearanceLove that last sentence
You have a lower SOTT registration number than meHow do you determine that?
I think not. Wait until December, and you will see.