Dr. Zajac and his wife Julie have been married for over 25 years and have 8 children.
In terms of education and experience, no one can criticize Dr. Zajac as being "uniformed" when it comes to children's health.
Dr. Zajac starts out in this interview by explaining medical doctors do NOT receive a lot of training in vaccines, so he had to spend years researching vaccines independently. He began his research after seeing some of his patients get injured from vaccines.
During the first two years of his practice, Dr. Zajac explains he saw a "separation" among his patient population.
There were patients who were seeing the local chiropractor who were healthier than my other patients, and they were doing some other things for their health other than just taking medication for whatever condition they might have.Dr. Zajac admits that he used to be a "vaccine bully," because his clinic needed to achieve certain vaccine rates. But his attitude changed as he had to start making decisions about vaccines for his own children, and his own clinical practice had shown that the rates of vaccine injuries were not what the CDC and drug companies were claiming, such as "one in a million," but more like one out of 100 were being hospitalized from vaccine injuries.
They also had a lower vaccine uptake, and they were healthy. And that was really hard for me to recognize.
My partially unvaccinated patients, and none of us liked them, quite honestly, back then they were going against their medical doctor's advice. And with the ego that I had, it was really hard to swallow.
It took me a couple of years to start learning about vaccines.
And the moment I started reading research about vaccines, it changed my life forever.
How a Board-certified Pediatrician Changed his Views on Vaccines
Then in 2007 or 2008 an important medical discovery was made in his practice:
I experienced my first regression to autism in one of my patients.Then another medical event really opened up his eyes regarding vaccines:
Now, you've all heard the same story, that they were born with autism and the doctor just didn't know that they had autism.... No, that's not true.
My background is in child development. I was working with kids with special needs. I had a perfectly normal child in my practice until they received the 12 month vaccines.
When I walked into the room at the 17 month visit, I literally saw a child I had never met before. I thought I had walked into the wrong room. I stepped out to make sure I was in the right room. I did not recognize this child. He had regressed into autism, one the saddest cases I have ever seen.
That's when I started reading about vaccines.
A few years later we had a patient die after his shots - they called it a SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) death, at 2 in the afternoon, a few hours after his vaccines.He recalls a conversation he had that day:
The coroner asked the E.R. doctor, "Do you think this is related to the vaccines the child had earlier today?"No further inquiry or investigation happened, and Dr. Zajac states: "That's when I started reading about vaccines, and that led to a transition into who I am today."
And the doctor said, "No, it wouldn't have been the vaccines," implying of course that vaccines are perfectly safe.
Dr. Zajac says he reads about vaccines for about 1 hour every day, but he works with moms who read about 10 hours a day regarding vaccines.
They know more than I do.Then he addresses his fellow medical doctors:
To all medical doctors who are watching this: I am sure they (the parents) know more than you do (about vaccines).Children with No Vaccines Are Healthiest?
There are only a handful of doctors in this country who know as much about vaccines as these parents do. Because once your child is injured by a vaccine, you'll never stop researching it.
Dr. Zajac then discusses the range of children in his practice, their vaccine status, and their health:
Doing this for 15 years now, I will share with you that the vaccinated kids are the sickest, the partially vaccinated kids are not as sick, and the unvaccinated kids are the healthiest.Watch the entire interview:
The parents etc of those affected do this automatically... as part of their 'waking up' process.... they can overtake their doctors knowledge rather fast. As the above doc says, they aren't given much training/learning on this or many issues like nutrition, etc... they are trained to serve the system and keeping informed of the Truth makes them an enemy of the system.... same with the parents that don't follow orders... resisting sheep are dangerous.