Bashar Al Assad
© DesconocidoPresident of Syria Bashar Al Assad
Sometimes it takes a very silly man to ask a truly amazing question

Below is perhaps the most enjoyable verbal exchange we've seen concerning the ongoing horror in Syria, which admittedly is not a very amusing subject to speak about.

A responsible internet article would provide a "blockquote" highlighting the juiciest morsels of irony and cognitive dissonance, followed by the mic drop retort.

Sorry, we will not provide you with this. You have to watch the whole thing. Start to finish. (Don't be lazy, it's not very long.)

We know that you are probably at work and are not allowed to watch YouTube videos, especially YouTube videos showing Assad ripping a dumb Belgian journalist a brand new anus, but as Audrey Hepburn once pointed out: rules are meant to be broken.

So, without further ado, here it is: "Lobotomized journalist asks Assad if he's grateful that Belgium is illegally bombing Syria; Assad calmly explains why aforementioned journo is a sad idiot."

Remember when the US-led coalition was demanding that Assad step down? Now they want to be thanked by Assad for trying to make Assad step down. What a bunch a knuckle-dragging cretins.