The Atlantic hire Julia Ioffe posing with white nationalist Richard B. Spencer
© TwitterThe Atlantic hire Julia Ioffe posing with white nationalist Richard B. Spencer on November 8.
President-elect Donald J. Trump's inner circle will be cutting off access to David Bradley's The Atlantic magazine after a disgusting tweet by one of its new hires, Julia Ioffe, a highly-placed source has confirmed to GotNews.

Ioffe was fired from Politico ahead of schedule after posting the following obscene tweet, which has since been deleted but was archived here:
Julia Ioffe twitter

"This was not a first-time thing," the Trump source told GotNews, pointing to "conspiracy theories" written by Atlantic senior editor David Frum about Trump world's ties to Russia.

"It's a far left-wing magazine that's about as relevant as the New Republic. We're getting pretty tired of them calling us anti-Semites while they write hit pieces against our Jewish staffers."

The anonymous staffer who spoke to GotNews also pointed to the recent hiring of BuzzFeed's McKay Coppins, who circulated a discredited rumor that Breitbart News was backed by Trump and who had a reputation of embellishing or making up stories against Trump during the 2016 cycle.

Ioffe was immediately removed from her position at Politico following the tweet:

So far, however, The Atlantic does not seem to be fazed:

Loss of access to the Trump Administration may change that.

The once vaunted center-left Atlantic has been moving in an anti-Russia, anti-Trump direction for several years, against its longstanding pretense of balance. The magazine's editorial bent seems to be pushing a distinctly anti-white agenda with the hiring of Ta-Nehisi Coates, and, believe it or not, even an anti-Gentile one.

This bias hasn't gone unnoticed:

Ioffe has circulated conspiracy theories about Russian President Vladimir Putin as well. Her hiring by The Atlantic was applauded by Russophobic ex-Obama ambassador Michael McFaul:

Julia Ioffe has an infamous Twitter career at this point, including posing for a cheery photograph with white nationalist Richard Spencer:

Former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway has also taken notice of Ioffe: