Throughout her entire private and public career, Hillary Clinton has proven herself to be a perfect politician. In other words, she has shown herself to have no moral scruples, to be duplicitous, corrupt, arrogant, greedy, aggressive, self-serving. She is a pathological liar, an inveterate cheat, a war-loving political murderer, and an opportunistic shill who makes herself available to the highest bidder. These two videos from Anonymous's YouTube channel are devastating.
I grew up in Hot Springs, Arkansas, in the same era as Bill and Hillary's rise in politics.
I've followed the stories and intrigue from then until now, and I think I can fairly assess the situation we're in now.
It appears that we have another Jezebel on our hands (Donald Trump - you're no prophet Elijah; but, take note).
The Prophet Elijah, instructed to best the multitude of the priests of Baal who served Queen Jezebel, destroyed all the priests and that power alone seems to have been unapproachable, yet, Jezebel pursued Elijah into the desert and forced him into hiding for a very long time to escape her wrath.
Ladies and gentlemen - We have a modern day Jezebel seeking the highest office in the land. Find a bible and read how that woman met her fate...not a pretty sight...
Yet, her spirit remains...and rears it's ugly head from time to time. I think we're seeing it in these present times...if you know what I mean...and I think you will.