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As of last night, Hillary Clinton is all but a lock to become the Democratic Presidential Nominee. Her nomination is hugely important because most odds favor Hillary as beating potential GOP Nominee, Donald Trump, in a head to head battle. Hillary Clinton sits poised to make a lot of critical decisions on behalf of the people of the United States. And that's not likely a good thing at all.

Hillary has in the past pushed for a "no card, no care" National Patient ID system. The idea fell flat, not gaining support and seemingly vanishing. Ron Paul was critical in dismantling the idea. That is until now. States could deploy a similar legislation known as REAL ID. This is dangerous territory because it puts at risk the medical information of all Americans. As it stands, you have a right to have your medical information as private. That could all change. REAL ID had been around since 2005 as a reaction to 9-11 when the Government quickly moved in with all types of ideas which infringed on our privacy. From the Department of Homeland Security website. "The Act established minimum security standards for state-issued driver's licenses and identification cards and prohibits Federal agencies from accepting for official purposes licenses and identification cards from states that do not meet these standards. States have made considerable progress in meeting this vital recommendation of the 9/11 Commission and every state has a more secure driver's license today than before the passage of the Act."

CCHF, a patient-centered national health freedom organization, based in St. Paul, Minn., is taking REAL ID to task. They posted this today.
HIPAA required this Hillary-backed ID, but Congressman Ron Paul prohibited its funding. Then a federal law required "creditors" to ask for IDs, and federal officials tried to designate doctors and hospitals as creditors, but a 2010 law clarified they aren't, said Brase.

"Yet some clinics havenʼt gotten the message and still ask for this ID," Brase said. "Now the Obama administration is pushing REAL ID, a national ID card that could become a National Patient ID. And a former bureaucrat just called for a National Health Safety Identifier, which is just another name for a national patient ID. Whatever they call it, itʼs all the same.

"Furthermore, the federal REAL ID law says that the Health and Human Services Secretary can change the purpose of REAL ID at any time without permission from Congress. The Secretary could simply declare the card to be a unique patient identifier for access to medical services.

"Americans have been misled. Homeland Security is issuing threats that people won't be able to fly without a federal REAL ID card," Brase continued. "But Homeland Security has already told Illinois that's not true. They'll still be able to fly, but may require more security screening. Furthermore, some states without REAL ID have Enhanced Drivers' Licenses and Homeland Security says those also work for flying."
This puts all of our information at risk, not only to hackers but also by the Federal Government. This is too much power. The Health and Human Services Secretary can change the purpose of REAL ID at any time without any approval from Congress. Imagine for a second the disturbing potential which exists in such a bylaw.

This is directly from Twila Brase: "Hacks into the private records of millions of Americans is a frightening commentary on how secure our data is," Brase said. "Imagine if, besides our financial information, social security numbers, family names and addresses, and fingerprints, all our identification information was in a national database network, and our private medical data was readily accessible to outsiders with that information. Our medical information must be protected just as well as all of our other data—in fact, even more so. A National Patient ID, which could come as a result of REAL ID, would make our personal and medical data even more unsecure."

Could we someday have to present vaccine cards to government officials who knock on our doors? The slippery slope here is terrifying. This is government overreach at its finest. And with Clinton a likely predecessor to Obama, I see no light at the end of the tunnel.