This article originally appeared at It was translated by Kristina Rus at Fort Russ

Arseny Yatsenyuk outraged the Ukrainians with his answer to a question about how to survive on one salary. The Prime Minister, speaking about the disastrous economic situation in the country, decided to evade from responsibility for the rapid devaluation of the hryvnia.

Yatsenyuk answering to a question of a well-known Ukrainian journalist on how can Ukrainians survive on one salary, when the hryvnia fell to an unprecedented rate of more than 30 UAH per dollar, Yatsenyuk made a surprised face, and then shifted all the responsibility from himself, as a head of the government to the head of the National Bank, Valeria Gontareva.

"Why do you ask me?" - quoted the Prime Minister Obozrevatel. Ua. "Read the constitution. It says who carries all responsibility for the national currency. It is a National Bank."

Naturally such indifferent and at the same time very cynical response from the head of the government, shocked and angered many Ukrainians. The citizens of the state began to discuss, since when the cabinet of ministers refuses to take responsibility for the economic crisis in the country. "Now we realized that with this government Ukraine is done," - Ukrainians posted in social networks en masse.

Translator's comment:

Just when you think you heard it all from Victoria Nuland's appointee Yatsenyuk, he comes up with a new entertaining statement. So not only Russia invaded Ukraine and Germany in the 1940's, but a prime minister does not carry responsibility for the economy.

Reminds me about another Russian politician and a dear friend of US State Department - Boris Nemtsov, who when asked to explain the default of 1998, while he was Vice Prime Minister of Russia, answered (on video), that it was not his responsibility, and instead pointed to the Central Bank and the Minister of Finance.