Some locals in Austintown, Ohio, told a UFO witness that their area is a "portal to another dimension" after the witness reported watching and videotaping an "oval-shaped, fiery object hovering in the Southern skies" at 5 p.m. on November 23, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness also videotaped from a second location, but could not locate the object at a third location. The witness then returned to the original location - but again, could not find the object again.

"I do not know what this was," the witness stated. "I have gotten several emails already by folks swearing this is a portal to another dimension. Not sure what I believe."

No video or images were attached to the MUFON report, which was filed on November 23, 2010. It is common in some cases where the witness does not upload video at the time of reporting, but offers the video directly to a MUFON investigator. A check of YouTube though, did turn up a UFO witness who uploaded a video taken in Austintown on the same date. This would appear to be the same case.

Ohio, November 23, 2010 - Strange UFO? UAP? Fiery Object? Portal Hovering. MUFON Case # 26724.

I was driving doing some shopping and saw this object in the sky. I thought it was strange so I filmed it from a shopping plaza in Austintown, Ohio. The video title is the same as the short description on here. It appeared to be an oval shaped fiery object hovering in the Southern skies. This happened at around 5:00pm EST. I looked at my cell phone time to confirm it. I really didn't know what to make of the object.

I tried to find a closer location to the object but it appeared (can't be positive) to be moving slowly away once I was at the 2nd location of filming. The second location was just a little further down the road at a bigger shopping plaza.

At this point I lost sight of the object in the trees. I again tried to find a 3rd location but the object was no where to be found and there were many trees obstructing the skyline.

I then went back to the original location to see if it was still there, it was not. I do not know what this was. I have gotten several emails already by folks swearing this is a portal to another dimension. Not sure what I believe.