© NASA/JPL-Caltech
Despite warming 27 °C to a balmy 30 °C above absolute zero, the nearly six-year-old Spitzer Space Telescope can still take dazzling freeze-frames.

This image of a cloudy star-forming region near the constellation Cygnus is the telescope's first snapshot since it ran out of coolant in May. Two infrared detectors still work at the new temperature, while two other instruments are now too warm to function.

Though Spitzer's primary mission ended with the thaw, it will continue to observe objects from asteroids to galaxies in its "warm" mission, which began on 27 July.

© NASA/JPL/Ted StrykNeptune's moon Despina
Never-before-seen images of Neptune's moon Despina passing in front of the ice giant planet were found in the dusty archives of the Voyager 2 mission, which launched in 1977 and is now heading out of the solar system.

Ted Stryk, an amateur astronomer with a passion for old data, found the 20-year-old frames, which were originally taken for atmospheric data. That may be why the transit images had been missed before - atmospheric scientists might have deliberately ignored the object's shadow on Neptune's cloud tops. These "new" images could help scientists pin down the orbit of the 148-km-wide moon.

© ESOStar HD 87643
Star HD 87643 sits cocooned in a cave of gas and dust it had ejected previously - but it's not alone. New observations from the European Southern Observatory have found that this star has a companion lying at about 50 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun. The companion may explain HD 87643's ragged, extended nebula - when the neighbour's elongated orbit brings it close to HD 87643 every 15 to 50 years, it makes the central star burp up enormous amounts of new matter. Wind from HD 87643 then shapes the nebula's ragged edge.

Radar images of near-Earth asteroid 1994 CC revealed that the rock has not just one satellite asteroid, but two. It is only the second triple-asteroid system discovered in the near-Earth object population.

© NASA/JPL/GSSRAsteroid 1994 CC
The main asteroid is about 700 metres in diameter, and the two moons are at least 50 metres in diameter. The system flew by Earth at a distance of about 2.5 million kilometres on 10 June, allowing radio astronomers to take the best-ever images of it. It won't come that close again until 2074.

A young, compact galaxy was revealed to have surprisingly speedy stars. Astronomers used observations from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Gemini South telescope in Chile to make speed checks on the stars in a galaxy called 1255-0, whose light reaches Earth from 11 billion years in the past.

© NASA/ESA/A. Feild/STScIGalaxy 1255-0
Because the galaxy is so dense, its gravity causes stars to orbit inside it at speeds greater than 1.6 million kilometres per hour - about twice as fast as our sun whizzes around the Milky Way.

Although these distant galaxies are a fraction of the Milky Way's physical size, many of them have similar masses. Scientists are still debating what became of compact galaxies seen in the early universe, although some think the objects may have become the dense central regions of today's large elliptical galaxies.