SOTT Focus:

2 + 2 = 4

SOTT Focus: ISIS as Instruments of Proxy War on Western Populations

The obvious result, and therefore goal, of the horrific Paris attacks that were blamed on ISIS terrorists is to provoke the potential socio/political 'fracture point' of French Muslims vs. (mostly lapsed) French Christians and ignite a debate on what should be done about France and Europe's 'multi-culturalism' in an age of Jihadist terrorism.

This is a particularly cynical and, frankly, evil, maneuver in the context of the recent influx of large numbers of Syrian migrants into Europe, who are fleeing a war against the Assad government that was ignited and has been fully backed by Western powers, including France.

To put it more bluntly, France has been supporting in Syria the very same type of jihadist terrorists that it blames for the Paris attacks.

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Paris Terror Attacks - Strategy of Tension

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The coordinated terror attacks at multiple sites in downtown Paris on a busy Friday night have stunned France and generated a global outpouring of sympathy for the victims. Islamic State aka ISIS aka Daesh has claimed responsibility, saying the attacks were revenge for French airstrikes against IS targets in Syria.

In response to the attacks, the French government has activated emergency powers instituted tighter border controls, and begun making arrests of suspected accomplices. It remains very unclear what happened where, how many terrorists were involved, and whether any of them survived.

This week on Behind the Headlines, we'll be putting the attacks in Paris in context: why they happened now, who or what stands to gain, and what agenda the resulting mass confusion serves. Join us from 2-4pm EST / 8-10pm CET for some clarity on the madness.

Running Time: 01:44:00

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Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: Paris Attacks Reveal Bizarre ISIS Strategy and NATO's Strategy of Tension in Europe

paris terror attacks
Scenes from the multiple coordinated terror attacks in Paris on Friday 13th November 2015
"It's so shocking. When Charlie Hebdo happened, it was a specific, targeted attack. But this time it's terrifying because it is just random, innocent people going about their lives. I know a lot of people in Paris - there is panic and disorder here, no one can understand what's going on. We are all in a state of complete shock."
So said Quentin, 27, who works for an online company in Paris, and whose oldest friend was shot multiple times at the Bataclan concert hall.

Terrorist attacks like these are never "random", at least not in the sense that they have no point. If they appear random, then that is undoubtedly part of the strategy that drives them. Governments and groups use terrorism to achieve a specific goal, so there is always a point. To understand what the point is, you just have to know who is really responsible.

We've already been told that "ISIS" has claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks, a claim partly backed up by the convenient discovery of a Syrian passport on the body of one of the "suicide bombers" (why do these terrorists always carry ID on their suicide missions?). But given that most ISIS terrorists in Syria are foreign mercenaries, this isn't really evidence of anything, except perhaps that some ISIS terrorists were hidden among the Syrian refugees that transited through Greece this summer.

We're told that ISIS aims to establish a caliphate over as much of the Levant as possible. But achieving that aim necessarily involves the removal of the Assad government, which Western powers have been lobbying for for several years. Over the past 4 years of the "Syrian revolution", and until about 6 weeks ago, the group had gone a long way toward attaining that goal, with the Syrian Arab Army seriously pressed and the Assad government's areas of control limited to small areas in and around Damascus. After 6 weeks of Russian airstrikes however, ISIS is now losing ground faster than a 3-legged donkey in a horse race, and their paymasters in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Washington DC can't seem to funnel enough money and weapons to them to make a difference.

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Has the US become the Global Fourth Reich?

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your host Elan Martin, and fellow editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

Since 911, the U.S.'s covert and overt aggression towards the world, and the laws it has enacted domestically point to a remarkable resemblance to what occurred in Germany leading up to the events of WWII. But how has this occurred in the land of freedom and democracy? What were the influences and thinking involved to create such an evil apparatus - and that would that would make such a thing possible in the institutions of U.S. Government?

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 02:04:00

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: A Close Look at Lyme Disease

lyme disease
Lyme disease, or borreliosis, caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which can proliferate to every area in your body, is the most common American tick-borne infectious disease. It often goes undiagnosed or becomes misdiagnosed, and is considered a minor acute illness by the mainstream medical system. That becomes a real problem when you consider that in America, up to 300,000 new cases a year of Lyme disease diagnoses have been reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an increase of up to 10 times what researchers previously believed.

Lyme disease sufferers go through a living hell, not recognized for suffering the from the actual disease they have and often being accused of having a psychological disorder or "faking it". Today on the SOTT Talk Radio Health and Welness show, we take a deep look at this mysterious and devastating disease.

Running Time: 01:14:00

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Health and Wellness In the News

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Today on the Health and Wellness Show we look at some of the latest headlines and connect the dots to get an overall picture of what's happening to our collective state of health here on the big blue marble. A new flu vaccine being introduced, ADHD, mycotoxins in your coffee, plastic in your table salt and creepy crawlies for dinner - all this will be explored and more in today's SOTT Talk Radio Network's Health and Wellness show.

Join us every Friday and 10 am EST as we explore the lies and emphasize the truth about health in our modern world!

Running Time: 02:07:00

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Blue Planet

SOTT Focus: The great global change game: Our civilization is headed for the fate of the Bronze Age - destruction

world burning
I haven't written anything for SOTT in quite a while, mainly because, as far as I could see, I had said everything that I thought needed to be said in dozens of articles over the years. It's not that I gave up, I just turned my attention to my historical research in an effort to find the key that might possibly unlock a system for change. I haven't found it. In fact, historical research has convinced me more today than ever that there is no good outcome for the human race if the present conditions continue along their defined trajectory. If human beings don't kill billions of other human beings rather soon, it seems the planet itself, or the cosmos, will do it for us.

Oh, indeed, Vladimir Putin has tossed a monkey wrench into the works of the Global Elite's drive for full-spectrum dominance, but the last person who did that from within what could be called an equivalent empire was Julius Caesar, and look what happened to him.

At present I'm working my way through a detailed account of the collapse of the Bronze Age civilization and the comparisons are so interesting that I think I'd like to bring them to your attention. At the end of the Bronze Age, there was a perfect storm of conditions and events that took the Mediterranean peoples - possibly the peoples on the entire planet, if the data could be collected - into a dark age that they did not come out of for about 300 years. If humanity survives at all, I think we are facing something similar.

Comment: Recommended reading: 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed by Eric H. Cline.


SOTT Focus: Fat Controversy - What You Don't Know About Healthy Fats

Fat Controversy
We all know that saturated fats are unhealthy and kill us. The government says it, the experts say it, and the medical professionals say it.

But is this really the case? Let's have a look a the actual science behind this claim.

The hypothesis, that saturated fats are unhealthy was first developed in 1955 by a researcher, Ancel Keys. In his famous - or I should rather say infamous - Seven Countries Study, he showed that the countries with the highest amount of saturated fat in their diet showed the highest rates of cardiovascular disease.

The problem with his study however was pointed out by two other researchers - Yerushalmy and Hilleboe - two years later. Keys had only picked seven countries out of a total of 22 for which these data were available. Had he used the full data set, his theory would have looked much weaker, and his study probably never published.


SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Alternative Medicine Overview

alternative medicine
Today on the Health and Wellness show we'll be doing an overview of alternatives to mainstream medicine.

Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Orthomolecular Medicine, and more.

While discernment is necessary, and it's not black and white that "alternative is good, big pharma is bad," there are many conditions for which natural remedies are safe and effective.

Please join us for a discussion framed around these possibilities. Included as always will be Zoya's Pet Health Segment.

Running Time: 02:13:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Did a 'Directed Energy' Weapon Bring Down the Russian Plane over Egypt?

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As the investigation into the tragic crash of Russia-bound Metrojet Flight 9268 continues, a stream of unnamed 'experts' and people 'close to the investigation' have come forward with contradictory accounts, unconfirmed speculation, and baseless accusations. The Brits and Americans are saying ISIS did it, but what do they know that the Russians and the Egyptians don't?

There are plenty of strange, anomalous details about the crash itself that the mainstream narratives can't explain. Today on Behind the Headlines, we'll be talking about what we really know about the crash, and what might explain the data available at this point in time.

Join us this Sunday, 8 November 2015, from 2-4pm EST / 8-10pm CET, for the perspective you won't hear on the mainstream media.

Running Time: 02:00:00

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