SOTT Focus:


SOTT Focus: Former Israeli Intel Operatives Run Security at Brussels Airport

Brussels bombing
These 'jihadis' are going to have to try harder to terrify the people into accepting racism, fascism and a police state.
The aviation and general security services firm ICTS handles security operations at Brussels airport, the scene of a bomb attack yesterday morning.

ICTS was established in 1982 by former members of Shin Bet, Israel's internal security agency and El Al airline security agents, and has a major presence around the world in airport security including operations in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Japan and Russia. ICTS uses the security system employed in Israel, whereby passengers are profiled to assess the degree to which they pose a potential threat on the basis of a number of indicators, including age, name, origin and behavior during questioning.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board at ICTS is Menachem J. Atzmon. Atzmon is a former Likud party member who was indicted and convicted in 1996 in a fraud and embezzlement case relating to the misappropriation of funds raised by charities. Atzmon is also the CEO of the port authority of Rostock in Germany.

This will not, however, be the first time that ICTS has come under scrutiny for possible security lapses leading to a 'Muslim terror attack'.


SOTT Focus: Who is Bombing European Civilians?

brussels attack
© vesti24 / Instagram
The last time a wave of bomb attacks were carried out against European civilian targets, 'leftist' or 'communist' groups were blamed. Eventually the truth came out that those groups were deliberately framed and the real perpetrators were 'commando' type groups working directly under the imperial aegis of NATO, which is to say, the USA, its agents and ideological sympathizers in Europe.

The point of this wave of bombings and shootings was to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist acts to achieve the strategic aims of Western governments, in particular the US government. These strategic aims were embedded in the 'Cold War' ideology of preventing left wing, socialist or communist parties from reaching executive power in Europe, reducing US influence and thereby increasing that of the former Soviet Union.

Last year the Chairman of the U.S. Join Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, stated that the US government and military was 'dusting off its Cold War playbook' in order to deal with Russia and the threat of it gaining influence over European countries. The Pentagon recently designated Russia as the number one threat facing the US today. One has to wonder then how closely the Pentagon's Cold War strategy is being followed today, and if it involves similar false-flag terror attacks against the civilian population of Europe in order to create a climate of insecurity under which more authoritarian policies can be imposed on the public. One also has to wonder about the strange coincidence of Turkish PM Erdogan warning just a few days ago that, "there is no reason why the bomb that exploded in Ankara [on March 12th] could not explode in Brussels."

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: From the invasion of Iraq to the refugee crisis: 'Reshaping' the planet through phony terror

Today marks the 13th anniversary of the post-9/11 invasion of Iraq. March 20th, 2003 was the date on which the Western Empire began its insane quest to 'reshape the Middle East' through violent intervention. This week on Behind the Headlines, we'll be looking back at the bloody mayhem the Iraq War unleashed, and discussing its ongoing ramifications as it continues spreading today, not least in Turkey, where yet another 'suicide' bombing took place this week.

Unlike the American 'Mission Accomplished' three months after invading Iraq in 2003, the Russian equivalent in Syria this week appears to have some basis in reality. We'll be exploring what it means for the balance of power in the Middle East, and also discussing whether there is any connection to yet another Russian passenger airplane falling out of the sky near the conflict zone in southeastern Ukraine yesterday.

This show aired live from 1pm-2.30pm EST / 5-6.30pm UTC / 6-7.30pm CET

Running Time: 01:35:08

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Why Daesh is doomed - and other tales of failed terror states

Baghdadi ISIS
Big Bad Baghdadi, Mossad asset?
The Islamic State pretends to be viable state. It's right there in their name. But are they? And if they are, can they sustain themselves? There are certain reasons why states survive or fail, but the least discussed reasons are perhaps the most important. Luckily, these are discussed in Andrew Lobaczewski's Political Ponerology. On this episode of the Truth Perspective, we continued where our previous discussion of radicalization left off, showing why Daesh is doomed to fail, and how its ultimate purpose must be looked for elsewhere. The only reason it has been able to succeed to the degree it has is because of external, foreign support: from their Gulf monarchy sponsors and from the U.S. It actively eschews appealing for popular Muslim support, relying on a tiny minority of sadistic psychopaths and mercenaries.

Russia is playing a big part in the ultimate demise of Daesh. We discussed what Russia and their allies have accomplished, including the latest news: the partial withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria.

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network on, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events. Live every Saturday at 6 pm UTC / 7 pm CET / 2 pm EDT.

Running Time: 01:54:18

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: The benefits of cold adaptation

cold therapy
Is cold actually good for you? We've all heard stories about long-lived people from Northern Europe and the hardiness of those who live in cold environments, but can these benefits be available to everyone? Can you avoid sickness and infirmity by exposing yourself to the cold? What are the actual mechanisms of how cold adaptation affects the human body? These are the questions we explored on this week's Health and Wellness show: The Benefits of Cold Adaptation. We also discussed Wim Hof's remarkable story, cold adaptation techniques, and heard some live testimonials.

Included as always was Zoya's Pet Health Segment, discussing dog bites: why they happen, how to know the warning signs, and what to do about them. Join us weekly on Fridays on the SOTT Radio Network!

Running Time: 01:54:22

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Here's the transcript of the show:


SOTT Focus: Erdogan slaughters Turkish civilians in Ankara and takes immediate vengeance on the Kurds

ankara blast
The scene of the Ankara blast on March 13.
On Friday, March 11, the American embassy in Turkey warned American citizens of a "potential plot to attack Turkish government buildings and housing" in the Bahcelievler neighborhood of Ankara. Yesterday, a car bomb exploded just a few kilometers away, close to the Justice and Interior Ministries, a courthouse, and the former office of the prime minister, killing 37 and wounding 125. Turkish courts shut down access to social media in order to suppress sharing footage and coverage of the scene. This comes less than a month after another bombing in Ankara, which killed 29, and almost immediately after an interview with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was broadcast, in which he said that Russia has evidence that Turkish troops have crossed the border into Syria, having "already dug themselves in several hundred meters from the border in Syria." These events come on the eve of the resumption of the Syrian war peace talks in Geneva and the announcement by Putin that Russia would start to withdraw its forces from Syria.


SOTT Focus: Demagoguery and cognitive dissonance: Making America great again?

trump rally
© Chicago TribuneA Trump supporter makes her allegiance known, in more ways than one.
I love this country. Not for what it's become, of course - a fascist police state with a rabidity and penchant for lashing out that can only be compared to the Third Reich. No, that's definitely my least favorite part about it. What I love is what it is conceptualized as, and what it ostensibly stands for: freedom, democracy, opportunity, a melting pot of cultures and civilizations.

Growing up, studying the history book version of America inspired me. Granted, we glazed over the Native American holocaust and lionized slave owners and oligarchs, but at the core there was an American mythos worth believing in: the right to be secure in our persons and property, the freedom to believe in and practice whatever religion we wanted, a 'free market' in which we could survive, thrive and prosper. In this America, we had the right to defend ourselves from violence, and to speak our minds when we thought there was something worth speaking about.

Sadly, that America doesn't exist, and worse - I doubt it ever did. Since its inception, America has been controlled by the money men. Those who have the most wealth also have the most power. They control and influence public opinion because they have the ability to talk louder than anyone else. They own the media. They buy politicians and legislation. Laws are selectively enforced based on whether or not the populace is aware that they've been violated, and even then this 'elite' usually get away with it. Bribery and corruption are nothing new - in fact, Citizens United legalized it to a whole new level by proclaiming that a corporation's ability to spend money on political campaigns could not be impugned because to do so is considered a 'violation of free speech' because, as everyone knows, corporations are the most important and privileged of all 'people'.

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - February 2016: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

Sinkholes swallowing cars and people, meteor fireballs raining down, and volcanoes erupting all over the place - for the shortest month of the year, February 2016 sure was eventful...

february sott summary
Last month, there were many spectacular volcanic eruptions in Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Indonesia and Japan. Elsewhere, the Earth literally opened up to kill a man in Arizona, while a giant fissure swallowed a river in southern Mexico. Major earthquakes included a 6.4 magnitude tremor in Taiwan that toppled buildings and killed 33 people, while another strong quake (5.9M) struck Christchurch, New Zealand, which is still rebuilding after a devastating earthquake struck the South Island city in February 2011.

A lot of spectacular meteor fireballs were caught on camera last month. On just one day, February 6th, there were 3 notable meteor events: NASA recorded a massive overhead explosion in the South Atlantic Ocean; a second meteor shook homes when it exploded over Denmark and sent meteorites to the ground; and a third meteor did likewise in southern India, killing a man who had the misfortune of becoming the first official case of 'death-by-meteor'. The bolide that exploded over the South Atlantic was the largest to hit the planet since the Chelyabinsk event, almost three years to the day.

february sott summary
Those strange 'sky sounds' were heard in North America last month, notably in the US Northeast and Quebec. Deluges brought flash-flooding to Mauritius, Fiji was flattened by its strongest ever storm, Peru was hit by devastating mudslides, and there were heavy snowfalls in parts of the US and Pakistan. Ottawa, Canada received its biggest single-day snowfall in over 100 years.

An increasingly erratic Jet Stream coupled with a record-strong El Nino brought weather extremes to the US, with the US Southwest experiencing a record heatwave for this time of year, the US Northeast experiencing record cold temperatures mid-month, and the US South experiencing both unseasonal tornado outbreaks and blizzards. In what appears to be an increasing trend, sea life continues washing ashore in droves on beaches around the world. We also have several clips of animals going on the rampage, including the somewhat symbolic sight of a bear attacking people in Turkey.

These were the signs of the times in February 2016...

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: 'Muslim Hordes' - The Islamic origins of Western Civilization

caliphs Islam spread
The Age of the Caliphs: Brown - Muhammad, 622โ€“632. Orange - Rashidun Caliphate, 632โ€“661. Yellow - Umayyad Caliphate, 661โ€“750
With post-9/11 anti-Muslim hysteria in the West providing fertile ground for the perception of today's refugee crisis in Europe as a "Muslim horde invading Western civilization to rape our women, steal our jobs and generally tarnish Our White European Christian Values", intense historical revisionism is underway to paint Muslims as having always been a 'backwards, sub-human horde'.

In a throwback to the Medieval crusades, today's Western wars of conquest in the Muslim world have essentially been justified on the basis of a 'civilizing mission' to bring freedom and democracy to backwards peoples. Citing it as historical precedent, the revisionists propose that the Medieval era crusades launched against Muslim cities in the Eastern Mediterranean were justified because of the 'invasion and occupation of Medieval Spain' during Europe's Dark Age.

In what is arguably one of history's richest ironies, this complete inversion of what really happened when the Muslims came to Europe around 700 AD has obscured the truth about just who was behaving like a marauding horde and who was doing the civilizing. So this week on Behind the Headlines we're going to take a moment to explore the origins of Western civilization.

We're live from 1pm-3pm EST / 5-7pm UTC / 6-8pm CET

Running Time: 01:38:57

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: What is radicalization?

Orthodox Jews
© Reuters / Toby MelvilleA group of Orthodox Jews attend an anti-war demonstration in central London.
This week, the Truth Perspective hosts were joined by Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley from Behind the Headlines.

If you read the papers or watch the news, you probably 'know' that radicalization is the biggest threat to human civilization and values the world has ever seen. But is it really? The phenomenon of radicalization is much discussed, but ill-defined and not thoroughly understood. The word itself has become a convenient catch-all for individuals and groups with a variety of goals and motivations. Whether religious, social, political, or economic, radicals can be either a force for positive change, or personal and social degradation. We need new words if we want to understand what's really going on.

Moving in that direction, we discussed radicalization in general, the history, goals, and influences on "radical Islam", and how the science of ponerology provides the only comprehensive understanding of what's really going on, and the real threats facing humanity. Relevant topics included: the Iranian revolution, the colonial history of the Middle East, the creation of Israel, the occupations of Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq, the nature of resistance movements, the varieties of 'conversion' experiences, and more.

Running Time: 02:27:03

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