High StrangenessS


Yowie! - mysterious creature sighted in Australia

A mysterious creature allegedly sighted scampering into the bush outside Batemans Bay has all the hallmarks of the legendary Yowie, according to cryptozoology experts.

Around 11pm last Saturday a Batemans Bay resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, saw what she described as a two-legged non-human creature in her headlights.

She said it was more than six feet tall, covered in a dark brownish fur and appeared and moved like no other animal she had ever seen.

After hearing the report, cryptozoologist Paul Cropper said it was consistent with many he had heard from around the country.

Mr Cropper said Batemans Bay was one of the country's hot spots for sightings of the mysterious ape-like creature.


Video: UFO fleet over Lima, Peru

Video: UFO fleet over Lima, Peru on May 20th, 2007.

Comment: The video is taken from a Peruvian network in Spanish; no translation is available. However, the comments do not add much to what is already obvious from the footage. A witness describes the objects as "flying saucers", while the reporter only speaks of "white spots forming shapes in the sky" that were seen for 30 minutes over the city. A commander of the Peruvian Air Force compared the sighting with others previously recorded over Mexico. Though he cautioned against calling them "extraterrestrial", he was also unable to provide any conventional explanation.


Nessie's Back! Loch Ness monster aficionados say new video among the finest taken

She's as much an emblem - and a tourist draw - as tartan, bagpipes, and shortbread.

And now Nessie's back.

An amateur scientist has captured what Loch Ness Monster watchers say is among the finest footage ever taken of the elusive mythical creature reputed to swim beneath the waters of Scotland's most mysterious lake.

"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this jet black thing, about 45-feet (15 meters) long, moving fairly fast in the water," said Gordon Holmes, the 55-year-old a lab technician from Shipley, Yorkshire, who took the video this past Saturday.

He said it moved at about 6 mph (10 kph) and kept a fairly straight course.

Comment: Watch the newest Loch Ness monster video:


Lights in Dorset Sky 'Like Close Encounters'

It was like a scene from the movie Close Encounters, according to at least one eye-witness.

Orange lights dancing in the night sky moved in formation, coming and going in waves.

Dorset police confirmed they had received 'a few' calls and suggested it could possibly be a meteor shower. They are discounting the possibility of a military cause because, they say, the services inform them if they are conducting exercises at night in the area.

Taxi firm boss Nicky Smith, 38, of Capstone Road said this morning: "It was an incredibly strange experience. I've never seen anything like it before.


Spotted: UFO in Bangalore airspace!

New Delhi: First it was unusual sightings in the skyspace of Prime Minister's 7, RCR residence in Capital, and now "flying objects" spotted in Bangalore - the UFO theory seems to be gaining credence.

THEY ARE COMING: Afzal Khan captured the pics of the 'UFO' from his camera.


Washington, US: Plane Part Lands in Backyard?

Julie Chisholm thought her husband had left a piece of his new tractor out in the yard when she first discovered a 3-foot-long chunk of metal sticking out of the ground Saturday afternoon.

On closer inspection, it became clear that the panel, resembling a Nike "Swoosh" logo, came off of a plane, possibly a small aircraft. The pointed end was stuck in the lawn, indicating that it probably fell from a great height.

Chisholm and her husband, Dennis, live in the Livingston Mountain area northeast of Camas. She'd gone inside to work on a craft project for about an hour early Saturday afternoon after working out in her yard.

"I came back out, and there it was," she said. "It was embedded 4 to 5 inches in the yard." Chisholm guessed it fell around 12:30 p.m.


Residents baffled by strange lights in the sky

Strange lights seen hovering in the sky above Tunbridge Wells baffled residents this week.

Between 20 to 40 glowing orange orbs mystified all who saw them on Saturday night as they rose into the clouds.

Michael King was at the Hand and Sceptre pub in Southborough when he spotted them: "It was definitely no kind of plane, not in the way they were climbing. If there was a UFO sighting this has got to be it."


Channel Islands UFO spotter shocked by worldwide interest

The Aurigny pilot's story was featured in The Sun and The Independent, which dedicated a whole page.
The internet took the sighting global, with hundreds of UFO websites featuring it.

But the biggest surprise for Captain Bowyer was a small article in the New Zealand Herald, that country's largest paper.

'My mum lives in Auckland and said she saw it in the paper there,' he said.

'The story has gone all over the world. I didn't think it would ever get further than Alderney or Guernsey, so it's unbelievable how much attention it has got.'

Grey Alien

UFOlogists to offer 'proof' of aliens

Proof that a 12-foot creature with fiery red eyes spooked Braxton County schoolchildren in 1952. Proof that aliens crashed a spaceship near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Proof that the U.S. military engaged alien spaceships in battle over the Atlantic Ocean more than 50 years ago.

"You're going to see some hard evidence" at the Flatwoods Monster 55th Anniversary and Flying Saucer Extravaganza on Sept. 7-8 in Charleston, said promoter Larry Bailey. "That's a promise. That's not just promotional talk."

The UFO conference coincides with the 60th anniversary of an unexplained sighting of a crashed aircraft in New Mexico that is still a source of controversy and speculation of a government coverup. It's also the 55th anniversary of sightings of a noxious-odor-emitting monster in Flatwoods in Braxton County.


Canada: Silent glowing UFO - Scheduled plane, cloud or birds? Authorities debunk

Scientists have plenty of ideas, but witness says flying object gave her 'chills'

Chilliwack - A Chilliwack woman is wracking her brain today after seeing an unidentified flying object near University College of the Fraser Valley.

Lisa McCubbin was in bed about 12:30 a.m. yesterday when she got up to investigate a commotion outside.

"I heard people outside on the street shouting, 'Oh my God, it's coming back, what is it?'" she said.