Health & WellnessS


Study: Junk Food Linked With Increased Depression Risk

A new study shows that junk food may have effects beyond expanding your waistline and upping your sodium levels - it might also be sabotaging your mental health.

A new study in the journal Public Health Nutrition shows that regularly eating commercial baked goods - including doughnuts and croissants - as well as fast food - pizza, hamburgers and hot dogs - is linked with an increased depression risk.

Researchers from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University of Granada found that the people who regularly eat these foods are also more likely to be more sedentary, smoke, eat other not-so-nutritious foods and work 45 or more hours a week.

"Although more studies are necessary, the intake of this type of food should be controlled because of its implications on both health (obesity, cardiovascular diseases) and mental well-being," study researcher Almudena Sánchez-Villegas said in a statement.

Comment: To learn more about how Your Diet May Be Depressing You read the following articles:

Research Suggests, Eating a Diet High in Processed Food Increases the Risk of Depression
Junk Food Found to Deteriorate Pleasure Center of Brain
Research Shows Transfats Found in Junk Food Causes Brain Damage
Better Food, Better Mood: How Our Diet Affects the Way We Feel
How a Healthy Diet Can Prevent Depression

Bad Guys

Stealth GMOs Rapidly Consuming Global Food Supply

Obviously there is no room for GMOs in truly healthy food products, which is why it is truly vital that you understand the nature of GMOs and how they are oftentimes hidden in commercial food products.

It may very well shock you to know just how prevalent GMOs are within the food supply. It's truly amazing that modified products continue to go unlabeled despite being linked to organ damage - among a barrage of other conditions - in a prominent review of 19 studies.

In fact, nearly 93-95% of US soybeans are genetically modified in order to resist powerful weed-killers that were found to be killing the actual soybeans as well as the weeds. Following current trends, genetically modified food products will makeup the majority of the future food supply if a change is not made. For now, that change has been shot down by the FDA - the very organization tasked to defend public health. Just recently, the agency deleted around 1 million signatures from the GMO labeling campaign 'Just Label It.'


New Report: Nitrate Contamination Threatens California's Drinking Water

© pubs.usgs.govAreas in the United States most vulnerable to nitrate contamination.
Today, the Food & Environment Reporting Network - the first and only independent, non-profit, non-partisan news organization that produces investigative reporting on food, agriculture, and environmental health in partnership with local and national media outlets - published its third report, "Farming Communities Facing Crisis Over Nitrate Pollution, Study Says," on Reporter Stett Holbrook takes a deep dive into a new study by UC Davis that reveals that nitrate contamination is severe and getting worse for hundreds of thousands of people in California's farming communities.

The most comprehensive assessment so far to date, the report also reveals that agriculture is the main source of 96 percent of nitrate pollution. The five counties in the study area - among the top 10 agricultural producing counties in the United States - include about 40 percent of California's irrigated cropland and more than half of its dairy herds, representing a $13.7 billion slice of the state's economy, Holbrook reports.


Hang onto your DNA - the 1% wants that, too

First, they took your manufacturing, then your jobs, then your homes, then the whole economy. Next, they got more physically personal and took the food that goes into your body and genetically engineered it and, in doing so, they took your health. They are also going after all land and resources and your labor (an undeclared part of UN Agenda 21, which they wrote).

But all that is not enough. They want more of what is yours and they are going even deeper.

They want to take over your DNA.

They can do this with the new DNA vaccines. They are injecting genetically engineered PATENTED material into people. That means not only that they are altering people's very code of life (for the first time in all of existence, forcing their synthetic genetically engineered material into the person's DNA), but after doing so they can make commercial patent claims on what is inside people's bodies. This is just what Monsanto is doing to farmers after it contaminates their organic fields. They could make claims over blood, organs, whatever, because DNA with their patented intellectual property is in it all.

And this is the intent.


Vaccine to Stop Heart Attacks Could be Here in 5 Years

Vaccine scam
© Unknown
A vaccine delivered in an injection or nasal spray to prevent heart attacks could be available within five years.

Scientists have discovered that the drug stimulates the body's immune system to produce antibodies which prevent heart disease by stopping fat building up in the arteries.

It is the first time that the underlying cause of heart disease has been targeted. Current treatments focus on using drugs to reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

The vaccine can cut the build up of fat in arteries by up to 70 per cent, according to tests by researchers at Lund University in Sweden. The fatty deposits cause arteries to narrow, meaning the body has to work harder to pump blood, and can lead to a heart attack.

Prof Peter Weissberg, the British Heart Foundation medical director, said the vaccine was "very promising".

Different ways of administering the vaccine are being developed and could be licensed within five years, the Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology conference at Imperial College London was told.


Are Boys Turning in to Girls Because of Man Made Chemicals?

Cases of accelerated puberty in young girls and the "transgender" phenomenon) are occurring with increasing frequency.

Recently we are seeing accelerated puberty in young girls , alarming increase in the men with extremely low sperm counts and transgender phenomenon growing at alarming pace. Endocrinologist have found out that endocrine disruptor found in man made common chemicals like DES, dioxin, PCBs, DDT, plasticizers and in many more chemical we use daily are responsible for this unusual phenomenon. Endocrine disruptor gets locked in to your fatty tissues and they can not be excreted out of our bodies as they are insoluble in water and they get accumulated during our entire life time.

Endocrine disruptor disturbs the endocrine glands that releases hormones into the bloodstream to control various organs of the body. The endocrine glands includes the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, thymus, pancreas, ovaries, and testicles. Developing fetuses and infants are are more vulnerable to endocrine disruptor.

Magic Wand

Bacteria causes Obsessive Compulsive Disorder symptoms? Mental health group investigates possible link

David Beckham and Paul Gascoigne are just two of the 1.2 million British people who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) which leaves those afflicted neurotically obsessed about things such as tidiness or cleanliness.

A mental health organisation is now expanding research to see if a strain of bacteria may cause children to develop a particular condition with OCD-type symptoms.

The study by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), based in Maryland, United States, will see if there is a link between Streptococcus bacteria and a condition called Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS).

© UnknownCause: Research is to begin to find out if the Streptococcus strain of bacteria could be the cause of an OCD type condition in children
PANS causes children and teens to suddenly develop symptoms or abnormal eating behaviors, along with other psychiatric symptoms without any known cause.

Susan Swedo, Managing Director of the NIH, said: "Parents will describe children with PANS as overcome by a 'ferocious' onset of obsessive thoughts, compulsive rituals and overwhelming fears.'


Women spend longer in labor now than 50 years ago

Changes in delivery practices appear to be main contributing factor.

Women take longer to give birth today than did women 50 years ago, according to an analysis of nearly 140,000 deliveries conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. The researchers could not identify all of the factors that accounted for the increase, but concluded that the change is likely due to changes in delivery room practice.

The study authors called for further research to determine whether modern delivery practices are contributing to the increase in labor duration.

The researchers compared data on deliveries in the early 1960s to data gathered in the early 2000s. They found that the first stage of labor had increased by 2.6 hours for first-time mothers. For women who had previously given birth, this early stage of labor took two hours longer in recent years than for women in the 1960s. The first stage of labor is the stage during which the cervix dilates, before active pushing begins.

Infants born in the contemporary group also were born five days earlier, on average, than were those born in the 1960s, and tended to weigh more. The women in the contemporary group tended to weigh more than did those who delivered in the 1960s. For the contemporary group, the average body mass index before pregnancy was 24.9, compared with 23 for the earlier generation. Body mass index is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. At the time they gave birth, the mothers in the contemporary group were about four years older, on average, than those in the group who gave birth in the 1960s.


Monsanto's Roundup is Causing DNA and Cellular Damage


There is a reason that masks are worn while applying herbicides, and warning signs are erected upon recently sprayed land plots; herbicide exposure is known to cause serious health complications.

New research has recently been released showing that glyphosate, the main active ingredient found in Monsanto's Roundup Ultra Max, is causing both DNA and cellular damage to cells found in the mouth and throat.

Seeing as the inhalation of herbicides and ingredients like glyphosate is very common, this research alone is enough to raise concern over the safety of such substances which are used on a major scale.


Don't Worry, That's Just Bread Mold On Your Tampon

© Unknown
Normally, Danielle wouldn't have pulled her Kotex tampon out of the applicator for inspection before using it. I mean, who does that? One happened to fall out of the applicator, though, and that's when she saw them. The splotches of blackish mold. "Makes you wonder how many times things like this happen to tampons and we don't have a clue," she wrote. Um, yes.

She posted photos on her blog, along with the response that she received from a Kimberly-Clark representative when she e-mailed in the same photos. Their response, paraphrased: "don't worry about that mysterious substance that you almost inserted into your vagina. It's just bread mold." Then they promised to send her coupons for more Kotex tampons. Thanks?