Health & WellnessS


Flashback Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls

AUSTIN (AP) - Gov. Rick Perry ordered Friday that schoolgirls in Texas must be vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer, making Texas the first state to require the shots.

The girls will have to get Merck & Co.'s new vaccine against strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV, that are responsible for most cases of cervical cancer.

Comment: This is a great real-time snapshot of "the money trail" that had lead to a far reaching decision in public health policy.

It is also significant that "women's health" issue is being exploited and compromised by "women in power".

A pathocratic agenda in action, yet again.


WHO denies advising tourists to China for Olympics to pack bird flu drug

The World Health Organization denies it is recommending that visitors to China for this summer's Olympic Games should pack an antiviral drug to protect themselves against avian flu.

The denial comes in the wake of a report Monday by the Italian news agency Ansa, which said WHO is warning tourists going to Beijing for the August sports event to arm themselves with the drug Tamiflu "in case of exposure to the disease virus."

Comment: So is the article 'playing down' or 'playing up' the threat of H5N1? It seems at first to be one, then the other.


Propaganda Alert! Australia: Parents urged to take advantage of flu vaccination

The Health Department says it is worried that parents are underestimating how serious influenza can be on children.

The department has revealed that less than 20 per cent of Western Australian children have been vaccinated for this year's flu season.

Evil Rays

Flashback Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 - 2007)


Think U.S. health authorities have never conducted outrageous medical experiments on children, women, minorities, homosexuals and inmates? Think again: This timeline, originally put together by Dani Veracity (a NaturalNews reporter), has been edited and updated with recent vaccination experimentation programs in Maryland and New Jersey. Here's what's really happening in the United States when it comes to exploiting the public for medical experimentation:


'Emotional inflation' leads to stock market meltdown

Investors get carried away with excitement and wishful 'phantasies' as the stock market soars, suppressing negative emotions which would otherwise warn them of the high risk of what they are doing, according to a new study led by UCL (University College London). Economic models fail to factor in the emotions and unconscious mental life that drive human behaviour in conditions where the future is uncertain says the study, which argues that banks and financial institutions should be as wary of 'emotional inflation' as they are fiscal inflation.

The paper, published in this month's issue of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, explores how unconscious mental life should be integrated into economic decision-making models, where emotions and 'phantasies' - unconscious desires, drives and motives - are among the driving forces behind market bubbles and bursts.

Comment: It seems that those who are busy manipulating the market are quite aware of this 'lack of understanding of the vital role of emotion in decision-making' and use it for their own advantage.


Zebrafish may help solve ringing in vets' ears

Ernest Moore, an audiologist and cell biologist at Northwestern University, developed tinnitus -- a chronic ringing and whooshing sound in his ears -- twenty years ago after serving in the U.S. Army reserves medical corps. His hearing was damaged by the crack of too many M16 rifles and artillery explosions. He suspects his hearing also suffered from hunting opossum with rifles as a kid on his grandmother's farm in Tennessee.

Ever since his ears began ringing, Moore has been researching a cure. He's at the forefront of just a small band of such scientists in the country. There's a lot riding on his work.

Half of the soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan exposed to explosive devices suffer from tinnitus. The major cause is exposure to loud noises, which can damage and destroy hair cells of the inner ear. It's the number one war-related disability.

Nearly 400,000 troops collected disability for service-related tinnitus in 2006, which cost $539 million in 2006. The number climbs nearly 20 percent each year. It could hit $1 billion by 2011, according to the American Tinnitus Association.

Evil Rays

Patients endangered in 'secret science' trials of risky blood substitutes

U.S. and Canadian regulatory rules allowed companies to conduct "secret science" that jeopardized the lives and health of hundreds of people who took part in clinical trials for a human blood substitute, even though earlier tests had shown the existing products were dangerous, researchers reported Monday.

A review of data from 16 clinical trials showed people who got blood substitutes were 30 per cent more likely to die than those who did not. And the risk of heart attack in patients who received the products was nearly three times higher, according to the study.

Eye 1

Delusions 'haunt' sick children

Children Intensive Care
Children had few real memories of their time in intensive care

One in three children admitted to intensive care will suffer powerful and frightening hallucinations which stay with them, say UK researchers.

A study of 100 children found those who had hallucinations were more likely to show signs of post-traumatic stress disorder three months later. The "delusional memories" may be linked to medication, such as painkillers and sedatives, the researchers said.

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Drug resistant TB 'rising in UK'

TB bacteria
TB bacteria are fighting back against drugs

Drug resistant tuberculosis is posing a growing threat in the UK, probably fuelled by immigration, say experts. A Health Protection Agency team examined 28,620 TB infections in England, Wales and Northern Ireland between 1998 and 2005.

They found the proportion of cases resistant to any of the first-line drugs rose from 5.6% to 7.9%. The British Medical Journal study also found a small increase in cases of multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB).


Keyboards 'dirtier than a toilet'

Some computer keyboards harbour more harmful bacteria than a toilet seat, research has suggested.

Consumer group Which? said tests at its London offices found equipment carrying bugs that could cause food poisoning.

Out of 33 keyboards swabbed, four were regarded as a potential health hazard and one harboured five times more germs than one of the office's toilet seats.