Health & WellnessS


US: Feds announce H1N1 flu guidelines for schools

With the specter of an H1N1 flu resurgence this fall -- and 55 million students preparing to return to the nation's classrooms -- federal officials on Friday released new guidelines for schools that address how to keep the flu from spreading and describe under which circumstances they should consider closing.

Good hygiene is key, they say: Students and staff need to wash their hands frequently, and cough and sneeze into a tissue or shirt sleeve. Sick kids and teachers should be given protective gear and isolate themselves from the rest of the school until they can go home.

Once home, they need to stay put until 24 hours after their fever breaks -- a departure from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) previous guidelines, which recommended a seven-day seclusion period.

"We absolutely must continue to make prevention our collective business," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said.


Study Finds Post-Traumatic Stress From 9/11 Increasing

The number of people who have reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of being directly exposed to the World Trade Center attacks has increased over time, according to a new study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, based on a survey of 50,000 people conducted five to six years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Overall, 19 percent of those surveyed in 2006-7 said they had developed post-traumatic stress symptoms in the five to six years after the attack, up from 14 percent in the first survey done of the group, two to three years after the attack. The increase was seen across the board - in rescue workers, office employees, residents and passers-by - but the sharpest jump was reported in the rescue workers.


How the Food Industry Has Made Bacon a Weapon of Mass Destruction

From the McDonald's McGriddle to Wendy's "Baconator" to "baconnaise" to bacon-infused vodka, bacon has become a ubiquitous ingredient in many diets in this era of extreme food combinations. Arun Gupta of The Indypendent writes, "Behind the proliferation of bacon offerings is a confluence of government policy, factory farming, the boom in fast food and manipulation of consumer taste that has turned bacon into a weapon of mass destruction."

Amy Goodman: We're joined here in our firehouse studio by Arun Gupta, journalist, editor of The Indypendent newspaper in New York. He's writing a book on the decline of American empire for Haymarket Books. His latest article is published at and The Indypendent, and it's called "Gonzo Gastronomy: How the Food Industry Has Made Bacon a Weapon of Mass Destruction," looking at how industrial farming is central to the processed food industry. Arun also happens to be a trained chef, a graduate of the French Culinary Institute.

As well, we're joined from Link TV's studios in San Francisco by Dr. David Kessler, who is the former FDA commissioner, has written the book The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite.


Raw Food: The way nature intended

WHAT is raw food?

Raw food is plant-based, uncooked food the way nature provides it to us. By cooking we mean heating anything beyond 47°C, which is the temperature at which enzymes in food begin to be destroyed. To test how hot this is, if it burns your finger it's too hot.

Why eat it?

Uncooked food provides you with more nutrients­. The cooking process has been shown to destroy nutrients and the higher the temperature, the more is detroyed. Because of the destruction of enzymes, cooked food requires more energy to digest.

What are the benefits?

Most common is a feeling of lightness and clarity. Emotions become more stable. Chronic conditions often improve and skin, hair and nails look better. Less sleep is required,­ as your body is no longer detoxifying all night and weight loss is often dramatic­. I can see this being easier to follow in summer than in winter.


Live Recordings Of Cell Communication

A new advanced method for nano-scale imaging of vesicle-fusion - vesicles are biological nano-sized containers - could add to our understanding of diseases of the nervous system and viral infections. In the long term, this could be useful in developing a cure for neurological diseases and mental disorders (e.g. schizophrenia, depression, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease). Researchers from the Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology and the Nano-Science Center at the University of Copenhagen are behind the new data, which have recently been published in the prestigious scientific journal PNAS.

Neurons communicate with each other with the help of nano-sized vesicles. Disruption of this communication process is responsible for many diseases and mental disorders like e.g. depression. Nerve signals travel from one neuron to another through vesicles - a nano-sized container loaded with neurotransmitter molecules. A vesicle fuses with the membrane surrounding a neuron, releases neurotransmitters into the surroundings that are detected by the next neuron in line. However, we still lack a more detailed understanding of how the fusion of vesicles occurs on the nano-scale.


Prostate Cancer Testing Doesn't Help, It Harms Men

If you are a man, you've probably had the fear of prostate cancer drilled into you -- along with the idea that it is critical to your health, and probably your life, to have regular prostate cancer screenings. But two just released large randomized trials indicate that if there is any benefit to screening, it is extraordinarily small. The authors of a review of this research, just published in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, Otis W. Brawley, M.D. of the American Cancer Society and Donna Ankerst, Ph.D. and Ian M. Thompson, M.D. of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, say that prostate cancer is almost inevitable in men as they grow older, so a medical goal to find more prostate cancers is not acceptable.

In fact, they point out that principles of good public health policy call for screenings only if they reduce the risk of death and/or suffering from prostate cancer, or reduce health care costs when compared with a non-screening scenario. And according to the new research, prostate cancer screenings do none of these things. But they can cause havoc in a man's life.

Cell Phone

Video: Your Cell Phone and Brain Tumors


Proof That Thimerosal Induces Autism-Like Neurotoxicity

A new scientific study proves that the mercury-based compound used as vaccine preservative -- known as 'thimerosal' -- induces neural damage similar to that seen in autism patients.

According to the study, thimerosal-induced cellular damage caused concentration- and time-dependent mitochondrial damage, reduced oxidative-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Thimerosal at low concentrations induced significant cellular toxicity in human neuronal and fetal cells.

Thimerosal was found to be significantly more toxic than the other metal compounds examined.

Magic Wand

Woman hypnotized to believe surgery loses 55 Pounds

A woman lost 55 pounds after undergoing hypnosis to implant memories of a gastric band surgery in her head.

"I've tried every other diet and exercise plan the world has to offer," said the woman, Marion Corns. "Now I am able to shed up to three pounds a week because I believe I've had a band fitted into my stomach. Bizarrely, I can remember every part of the 'procedure' - including being wheeled into theatre, the clink of the surgeon's knife and even the smell of the anesthetic."


Detox Symptoms are Often What Medical Folks Call Disease

People who understand body cleansing, understand what detoxification symptoms are. Medical professionals understand the symptoms that make up what we call disease. But the odd thing is that most detoxification symptoms are also the symptoms used to detect a disease.

If you think about that for a minute, what does it really tell you? The truth is: When we have a problem in the body, the body tries to detoxify itself to remove the problem. That is why we experience detoxification symptoms in the presence of a problem. Yet, your doctor will often call the presence of these symptoms the problem, without understanding what the body is trying to do about the problem.