The North Coast and in particular Lismore is busy cleaning up today after a super cell storm hit the region yesterday. Heavy rain, golf size hailstones and wind gusts of more than 80 km per hour had enough force to smash the windows of cars, houses and businesses.
Pop quiz: define undular bore. If your answer included words such as dull or tiresome, i.e., boring, think again. Those giant waves-"undular bore waves"-were photographed Oct. 3rd flowing across the skies of Des Moines, Iowa.
©Iowa Environmental Mesonet Skycam
Undular bore waves over Iowa, Oct. 3, 2007
Authorities have blamed a "mini tornado" for ripping roofs from buildings and causing damage across a south-west Queensland town.
Comment: Queensland is currently being battered by a series of intense daily storms causing impressive damage. The "dry" dams seem to be filling up rapidly as well.
Expect much more as we bid adieu to El Nino and welcome the exciting - although "frozen" - new beginnings...
Tara Lohan
AlterNetThu, 11 Oct 2007 12:40 UTC
Thanks to global warming, pollution, population growth, and privatization, we are teetering on the edge of a global crisis.
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, the Hungarian biochemist and Nobel Prize winner for medicine once said, "Water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water."
We depend on water for survival. It circulates through our bodies and the land, replenishing nutrients and carrying away waste. It is passed down like stories over generations -- from ice-capped mountains to rivers to oceans.
Michael Kahn
ReutersThu, 11 Oct 2007 02:17 UTC
Greenhouse gases are making the earth's atmosphere wetter and stickier, which may lead to more powerful hurricanes, hotter temperatures and heavier rainfall in tropical regions, British researchers reported on Wednesday.
The findings, published in the journal Nature, are some of the first to show how human-produced greenhouse gases have affected global humidity levels in recent decades and could offer clues on future climate change, the researchers said.
More kangaroos should be slaughtered and eaten to help save the world from global warming, environmental activists say.
The controversial call to cut down on beef and serve more of the national symbol on our dinner plates follows a report on curbing greenhouse gas emissions damaging the planet.
Comment: This global warming propaganda is becoming tiring. Although the Earth is undoubtedly warming in the past few decades, there is plenty of evidence that there are many factors involved and man plays just a small part in it; evidence that is not reported by the media. See
"Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda" for a thorough debunking of the media-driven climate change swindle.
AN earthquake measuring 4.8 on the Richter scale has rocked parts of southern WA - and has been felt as far away as Perth.
©Geoscience Australia
Comment: This is normally a very stable area with few earthquakes, yet it is only 6 weeks ago that there was an earthquake of similar magnitude. See
Beijing -- More than 3,000 people have been evacuated from their homes in southwestern China after a huge landslide dammed a river, creating a menacing lake that threatened to burst, state media reported Monday.
A study by an Indiana University environmental science professor and several colleagues suggests a widely planted variety of genetically engineered corn has the potential to harm aquatic ecosystems. The study is being published this week by the journal Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences.
The United States will have warmer-than-normal temperatures this winter in most of the country, except for the northern Plains and Northwest states, government weather experts predicted on Tuesday.
As for precipitation, it will be drier than average across the Southwest and the Southeast, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration projected in its winter forecast.
Comment: Queensland is currently being battered by a series of intense daily storms causing impressive damage. The "dry" dams seem to be filling up rapidly as well.
Expect much more as we bid adieu to El Nino and welcome the exciting - although "frozen" - new beginnings...