David, United Kingdom
A classic example of climate scientist caught up in the politics of global warming. Read between the lines, he essentially acknowledges that climate variability is cyclic, but has to insert the obligatory "man is responsible" rubbish to ensure that the grant money keeps rolling in.
Manfred , Germany
Nature does obviously not care about the consensus of the IPCC politicians. Temperatures are not higher than 20 years ago, when the hysteria began. (Link) And Mr. Wanner is wrong in another issue: water scarcity would improve with warming, the IPCC report about this comes close to a lie: (Link) By the way, african deserts are in spectecular retreat: (Link)
retroproxy, United States
The climate is cooling and has been for about 10 years. The sun has entered a period of low sunspot activity. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation has switched to its cool phase meaning cooler La Nina events will be the norm. The North Atlantic Decadal Oscillation is switching to its cool phase. That's why it's colder and snowier now. Previously the climate was a bit warmer because the sun was in a period of high sunspot activity and because the PDO was in its warm phase meaning warmer El Nino events were the norm. Mankind's paltry CO2 emissions aren't altering the climate. It's against the laws of nature for "greenhouse" gases to heat the atmosphere. It can't happen. Experiments by R.W. Wood and Neils Bohr in the early 20th Century proved that CO2 cannot by nature trap infrared radiation and heat the atmosphere. This is well-documented. Anthropogenic climate change is one of the biggest lies ever told by governments and radical environmentalists. Numerous scientists believe the Earth is entering a prolonged cooling period or possibly a mini ice age event that would have terrible consequences for humans. Looking at both the 100,000 and 11,500 year pattern of glaciation and short-term interglacial periods, we are due for glaciation. The 0.038 percent concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, a fraction due to human activity, is a drop in the bucket. Don't believe the lie of anthropogenic climate change/global warming.
Comment: The basic point of this paper is that the highly glorified global warming paper recently produced by Eric Steig that shows Antarctica to be warming, seems at this point and time to be highly flawed. Until Eric Steig is more forthcoming with the data he used to produce his conclusions that Antarctica is warming, the evidence at this point appears that he chose specific methods, specific data points, and specific algorithms that all provided him with the greatest possible outcome that he was seeking.
It is starting to look like the Michael Mann hockey stick debacle all over again. But in the global warming world this makes no difference. The Steig paper accomplished what it set out to do, "influence the world and reinforce the global warming propaganda."