Science of the SpiritS


SOTT Focus: Insiders and Outsiders in Washington

©Signs of the Times

You have probably heard the terms "insiders" and "ousiders" used in reference to the people in Washington. The insiders are the people who are members of the exclusive think tanks, policy organizations, lobby groups, and other groups that influence and decide policy. The outsiders are those who aren't.

The insiders are also those with connections to important sectors of the economy like the oil and gas industries, the pharmaceutical companies, the major food conglomerates, the media, the secretive Skull & Bones fraternity at Yale that counts among its members both George W. Bush and John Kerry, and long-time politicos who have made a career out of doing the bidding of the aforementioned groups. And then there is the infamous, and, according to the media, non-existent, Israel lobby, the lobby that is so strong you aren't even allowed to talk about it.


Capitalism: A System Run By and For Psychopaths

Regardless of whether they are characterized as compensated psychopaths, partial psychopaths, subclinical psychopaths or subcriminal psychopaths, these psychopaths cause others to suffer immeasurably from their own psychopathy, and conveniently for them they do it without a trace of their always nonexistent conscience. Dr. Robert D. Hare, the world's foremost expert on the psychopath, has described psychopathy as "a socially devastating disorder defined by a constellation of affective, interpersonal, and behavioral characteristics."

Comment: A few more useful reference links from cassiopedia on the subject matter:



And an important book on the subject:
"Political Ponerology" by Andrew Lobaczewski

Life Preserver

SOTT Focus: Objectivity And The "Middle East Conflict"

A reader recently commented on the SOTT video accompanying the SOTT editorial: 'Israeli release of prisoners an example of Zionist propaganda'

Evil Rays

SOTT Focus: Mind Control and HAARP


I received the following message from someone with whom I have been having a interesting email exchange. He was responding to our podcast on Mind Control, HAARP, and the Coming Catastrophe. He didn't want to post it himself, hoping to preserve some anonymity, so I am posting it in his place. I removed a few personal references, but other than that, it is as he wrote it to me.

The dumbing down of the American public has been the subject of much speculation. It is blamed on the public school system, television, flouride in the water, computer games, and other things. The following looks at the use of technology:

My information only confirms the conclusions I heard on the podcast, but you know enough about it that maybe some of my anecdotes will confirm some things you've guessed for you as well.

Red Flag

SOTT Focus: Almost Human - Psychopaths In Power

It's time to wake up to the true cause of all unnecessary war, death and suffering...


SOTT Focus: Ponerology of Apathy and War

Understanding the science of ponerology presents a real and viable opportunity to create a life affirming world rather than the current world ruled by the inhuman laws of war and apathy.

Magic Wand

SOTT Focus: The Art of Deception

The man sitting across the table from you is known for trickery. He is a stage magician. You know he employs trickery, so he tells you he is going to do a card trick in which he can't possibly manipulate the cards. In this trick, you will do all of the card handling. He won't touch the cards at all.

He instructs you to cut the deck into four piles. You do so. He then tells you that you are going to randomize the order of the cards by shuffling them around and moving cards from one pile to another. Pointing to a pile of cards, he instructs you to take the top three cards and place them at the bottom of that pile. Then, take the next three cards and place them, one each, on top of the three piles remaining on the table. You repeat the procedure with all four piles of cards. The cards should now be very well mixed.

The man then begins his patter in earnest. He asks you to confirm the fact that he has not touched the cards. You agree. In no way could he have manipulated how you would cut the cards or handle them. Again, you agree. With a smile, he asks you to turn over the top card from each pile. You are amazed. The four aces sit at the top of each of the four piles of cards. For a moment, your mind might actually entertain the possibility that real magic has been performed, though you "know" you've been duped.


SOTT Focus: Transmarginal Inhibition

Pavlov Dog
Pavlov demonstrated that when Transmarginal Inhibition began to take over a condition similar to hysteria manifested. In states of fear and excitement, normally sensible human beings will accept the most wildly improbably suggestions.


Best of the Web: Listen to the Guantanamo Teach-In Presentation

WHAT: Antioch University Seattle hosted a day-long Guantanamo Teach-In on October 5. Antioch was one of 300 universities to participate in the nationwide teach-in on issues related to detainees at Guantanamo Bay and U.S. practices that involve detention and torture. The national teach-in began as a project of the Seton Hall Law School, which hosted a simulcast teach-in to the participating colleges and universities. A Noise Room was set up on Antioch's campus that featured video feeds from the national event, as well as a book display and take-action materials. "What Torture Means to 'Us' and What Torture Means to 'Them,'" were the topics of the keynote speech capping the day's activities.


SOTT Focus: If The Sociopath Is Next Door - Move Upstairs

ยฉPA Game Commission

I recently finished reading "The Sociopath Next Door" by Martha Stout Ph.D. and wanted to share with you some realizations. I hope they are helpful.

Before reading the final pages of the book, I was sure that the idea that psychopaths are NOT like most of other people was pretty much "accepted" in my mind. I was sure that I "understood" it intellectually, even if I did not "believe" it 100% yet. Well, somehow, those few final pages organized everything in my mind, and the realization is profound and shocking: psychopaths ARE different. I'll try to explain what I've understood.