© Dennis Van GervenOne of the Nubian mummies studied by the team led by Amber Campbell Hibbs and George Armelagos at Emory University.
A "modern" disease of humans may have been what sickened ancient Nubian cultures, research on more than 200 mummies has found. The mummies were infected by a parasitic worm associated with irrigation ditches.
The disease, called schistosomiasis, is contracted through the skin when a person comes into contact with worm-infested waters. The disease infects over 200 million people worldwide a year; once contracted, the disease
causes a rash, followed by fever, chills, cough and muscle aches. If infection goes untreated, it can damage the liver, intestines, lungs and bladder.
The species of Schistosoma worm, called S. mansoni, found to be prevalent in the Nubian mummies had been thought of as a more recent agent of disease, linked to urban life and stagnant water in irrigation ditches.
"It is the one most prevalent in the delta region of Egypt now, and researchers have always assumed that it was a more recent pathogen, but now we show that goes back thousands of years," said study researcher George Armelagos of Emory University in Atlanta.
Although Armelagos and his colleagues weren't able to discern how bad the infections were in these Nubians, they said those who were infected would have felt run down - which would have affected their work (mostly farming).
Comment: Intelligent like this individual, for example?
Another thing to consider, in light of this recent article about human beings being *behold the hubris!* "extinction proof" due to the "benefits" of agriculture, is that the advent of agriculture led to humans eating a predominantly carbohydrate-based diet, which in modern times has resulted in the consumption of copious quantities of chemical-laden pseudo-foods based on grains. The result is a population that is so full of toxins that they have literally, physically lost the ability to think.
This fundamental inability to think has, in more recent decades, led to a total 'coup-de-monde' by utterly corrupt individuals and groups who found it rather easy to get the world to believe in lies and illusions.
A global population immersed in illusion and ruled by corrupt leaders, more than anything else, makes the human race eligible for an extinction level event.
In short, if you act like a bunch of dumbed-down idiots, 'creation' tends to do the merciful thing and wipe the slate clean.