Society's ChildS


Singing Nuns say no fracking right of way

Down the road from the Maker's Mark bourbon distillery in the central Kentucky town of Loretto, a feisty cadre of nuns has been tending crops and praying since the early 1800s. An order founded on social justice, the Sisters of Loretto are quickly becoming the face of a new grassroots campaign against what they see as a threat to holy land: the Bluegrass Pipeline. The 1,100-mile pipeline will carry natural gas liquids from the Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia fracking fields, and will pass through Kentucky - eventually connecting with an existing pipeline that runs all the way to the Gulf Coast.

The pipeline is in its early stages of development, but the nuns have already refused to allow company representatives to survey their 800-acre campus, and they are taking their message to local community meetings ... sometimes in the form of song.


Mystery Forth Road Bridge object breaks windscreen

Forth Bridge Road
© Edinburgh News
A MYSTERY object that fell from the sky left a medical teacher shocked after the debris shattered her car's windscreen as she drove across the Forth Road Bridge.

Surgeon Liza McLornan was driving home from work at Dunfermline's Queen Margaret Hospital on Friday afternoon when the freak accident occurred.

The 40-year-old Murrayfield resident was halfway over the bridge at 3.45pm when the unidentified object landed on her Mercedes Benz 320 saloon, shattering the passenger side of the windscreen and spraying glass shards across the front seat and her lap.

Ms McLornan said she had spotted the "white, silver" object falling from the air a fraction of a second before it hit her vehicle.

That brief sighting of the missile was the only glimpse she got.


Seattle Police Officer "unintentionally" shoots unarmed woman

Seattle police said this afternoon the shooting of a woman last night by an officer was unintentional.

According to police, the officer was pulling out his handgun when it accidentally discharged, hitting the woman in the leg. She suffered a wound that is not considered life-threatening, police said.

Police say the woman was not armed.

The incident began just before 11 p.m. when a man called 911 from a motel near North 120th Street and Aurora Avenue North and reported hearing an incendiary device detonate The man then hung up.

As police responded to the scene, one officer spotted a 19-year-old woman punching another woman on the sidewalk near 120th and Aurora. When one of the women ran off across the street, the officer jumped out of his patrol car and chased her, police said.

He approached the woman in the parking lot of a nearby business and the woman refused to show her hands, prompting the officer to draw his firearm, police said. While drawing his gun, the officer unintentionally fired one shot, police said.

"The officer immediately radioed for medics and offered his apologies to the woman for the very regrettable incident," police said in an account of the incident posted online.

Because the woman was a suspect in an assault, officers ran her name and learned she was wanted in Snohomish County on several felony warrants, police said. Seattle police contacted Snohomish County authorities, who requested that Seattle police book the woman into jail for the warrants.

Homicide/Assault detectives are investigating the shooting and have placed the officer's duty firearm into evidence. As per department policy, the 29-year-old officer - who has been with the Seattle Police Department for a year and a half - has been placed on administrative leave.

Police have determined the original report of an incendiary explosion was a false report made by an individual believed to be suffering from mental health issues.

Black Cat

German police storm home-school class, take children by force

The Wunderlich family, with Michael Farris of the HSLDA.
'Officers brought a battering ram and were about to break the door in'

Four children, ages 7 to 14, have been forcibly taken from their Darmstadt, Germany, home by police armed with a battering ram, and their parents have been told they won't see them again soon, all over the issue of homeschooling, according to a stunning new report from the Home School Legal Defense Association.

HSLDA, the world's premiere advocate for homeschoolers, said the family of Dirk and Petra Wunderlich has battled for several years Germany's World War II-era requirement that all children submit to the indoctrination programs in the nation's public schools.

The shocking raid was made solely because the parents were providing their children's education, HSLDA said. The organization noted the paperwork that authorized police officers and social workers to use force on the children contained no claims of mistreatment.

"The children were taken to unknown locations," HSLDA said. "Officials ominously promised the parents that they would not be seeing their children anytime soon."

The raid, which took place Thursday at 8 a.m. as the children were beginning their day's classes, has been described by observers as "brutal and vicious."


Best of the Web: Constituents inundating Congressmen to voice misgivings about attacking Syria - Elijah Cummings (D-Md): "99% of calls to my office are against the war"

We're sick of the lies Obama, just give it up already
Arizona Republican Congressman Matt Salmon told National Review Wednesday that only two of the 500 calls his office has received concerning Syria have supported President Obama's planned attack.

Far more shocking, Maryland Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings told MSNBC's Ed Shultz Wednesday that 99 percent of the calls his office has received also oppose such an attack.
ED SCHULTZ, HOST: But Congressman, how can we assume that the Syrian people are going to say that this is not an act of war, that they only hit us with a few citizen missiles, that they only hit with us 200? I mean, we may not view it as an act of war in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the debate coming up in the House, but who is to say that the Syrian people and the Arab world isn't going to view this as some, you know, cowboy diplomacy that we've taken a shot at them, and it could inflame the entire Arab world against the United States?

CONGRESSMAN ELIJAH CUMMINGS (D-MARYLAND): Well, I got to tell you, Ed, this is the argument, the argument that you're making right now is one that I'm hearing from my constituents. I know Bernie Sanders says most of the calls coming into his office were against this effort. I can tell you 99 percent of the calls coming to my office are against it, and they are citing the types of things that you just said.


Limes blamed for second degree burns

Lemoore, California -- An everyday piece of fruit is being blamed for causing severe burns on five young girls in the South Valley. The burns cover much of their bodies.

The five little girls were simply enjoying a summer day in the backyard pool when they decided to make a lime and lemonade stand, little did anyone know that the lime juice would be so dangerous.

Reyghan, Candy, Bailey, Jewels and Jazmyn are all recovering now. But, the marks on their faces, hands and legs show just a glimpse into their painful experience following a fun day in the sun.

"So you're thinking when they're like 'we need cups. Ok, here's cups for the lemonade and lime,' it's just so innocent, but yet so, you know... traumatizing to the kids at the same time," Stephanie Ellwanger said.

Arrow Down

The world's tallest skyscrapers have a dirty little secret

Tallest Buildings_1
© CTBUHThe Worst Offender: The Burj Khalifa
Supertall skyscrapers aren't necessarily built to fit as many people inside as possible--sometimes they're just aiming to be, well, really tall. Large portions of these buildings are designed to increase height, but remain unoccupied. Wasteful!

The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, a not-for-profit organization that tracks the world's skyscrapers, just released some data on that subject. Surprise! Some really tall buildings don't need to be so tall.


Syria: Learn to see lies

© parlement.ukBritish parliament was recalled early from summer recess Thursday to vote on - and reject - a military attack on Syria/Photo:
Syria is a tragedy: tens of thousands of innocent victims are murdered and a country that was the heart of Arab civilisation is being destroyed. Our heart is bleeding for the suffering of the Syrian people. Rage and sadness, however, should not be incompatible with a critical reading of the information we are fed with from the mainstream media.

These media are accusing the regime of all the crimes committed during the last year, especially the alleged use of chemical weapons.

Even before the UN inquiry commission landed in Damascus, it was seemingly acceptable to state that chemical weapons had been used, and that it was the Syrian army which used them against the Syrian people. A bloody or even crazy dictatorship against a liberation movement comprised of angels?

Let's start with the so-call Syrian Liberation Army (SLA): it is not a united body - in fact, they are fighting each other - and though it originally contained true Syrian democrats, most of them have left the movement that is increasingly led by Muslim fundamentalists, criminal gangs and foreign agents. The international powers supporting the SLA may quickly regret their choice of partners, as happened with Al Qaida in Afghanistan...


'Stand Your Ground' law, 'Bush Doctrine' used to defend double homicide

Florida murder case
© Joe Raedle / Getty Images / AFP
A Florida man accused of killing two men and seriously injuring a third has invoked the state's controversial "stand your ground" law as well as the "Bush Doctrine," which provided legal justification for the war in Iraq, for his defense.

William T. Woodward, 44, allegedly confronted his neighbors during a Labor Day picnic in Titusville, Florida.

Police had responded to the neighborhood multiple times in the past, reportedly because of an ongoing feud between the two parties. Officials say they previously offered to mediate the dispute, but when officers arrived at the scene on Tuesday they found that Gary Lee Hembree, Roger Picior, and Bruce Timothy Blake had all been shot.

Hembree and Picior were mortally wounded, but Blake survived despite being shot at least 11 times. Blake later told that he needed to call the police dozens of times on Woodward, who is a combat veteran.

"I feel about as good as I can with 16 bullet holes in me," he said. "Who in the world think they are going to walk outside to smoke a cigarette and get shot 11 times from somebody a month earlier who was your friend."


US military sick and tired of war, have no faith in government

© Facebook
The US government has no more credibility with the American people and the military that are "sick and tired" of war which has now lasted for 13 years, Gordon Duff, a marine veteran has told RT.

As President Barack Obama is seeking support from Congress for military action in Syria, anti-war sentiment among the population is growing. Earlier last week, images emerged on social media purporting to show US servicemen speaking out against a looming strike against Damascus.

People wearing military uniform are seen posing in front of cameras with posters saying they did not join-up to fight with Al-Qaeda in Syria. Those pictures cannot be verified but the Pentagon is reportedly already looking into the identities of those involved.