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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration - part 2

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This is Part 2 of the Truth Perspective's discussion of Dr. Kazimierz Dabrowski's Personality-Shaping Through Positive Disintegration, published by Red Pill Press. We covered several aspects of the book and the theory, including its implications for politics, the similarities to ponerology and the work of Gurdjieff, the subject of psychopathy, and we read some key passages from the book. Part one of the discussion can be found here. The book is currently available on

During the second half of the show, we talked about some important news items from the previous week, tying them into our observations on positive and negative disintegration and how that might relate to various countries and the personalities involved..

Running Time: 02:04:00

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Two brothers die after inhaling sewer fumes in Dublin tragedy

Dublin sewer tragedy
Stephen and Alan Harris were working at a housing estate
Another man has died in a double tragedy after being overcome by fumes while working in a sewer.

Stephen Harris, 34, of Monasterboice Road in Crumlin, Dublin, lost his fight for life in Beaumont Hospital at 9am today.

He was caught up in the same suspected methane gas incident which claimed the life of his brother, Alan Harris, a father of two, on Wednesday.

The pair had been inspecting underground pipes on a housing estate in the Portmarnock area of north Dublin.

Alan Harris, in his 40s, was the owner of DrainTech, a company specialising in drainage clearance and pipe and sewer unblocking in the Dublin region for about 20 years.

The accident happened on the Drumnigh Woods estate in Portmarnock.

The brothers were beginning to assess work on pipes under the road, some of which were reported to be 20ft (6m) below the surface.

Stephen Harris, who was knocked unconscious by the noxious gases, was rescued by fire crews but lost his fight for life in hospital.

His family requested that their privacy be respected during their grief.

Investigations by the Garda and the Health and Safety Authority are continuing.

Comment: Methane is a colorless, odorless gas at room temperature and standard pressure, and as residents 'complained of a smell' prompting the sewer inspection, this tragedy could be related to inhalation of other toxic 'sewer gases'. Such as hydrogen sulfide, which does have an odor and is "heavier than air, very poisonous, corrosive, flammable, and explosive".

In India last week, three workers died after inhaling poisonous gases inside a manhole. Those working on sewer systems or living in 'low-lying areas' may be particularly susceptible to such 'heavier than air' out gassing.

Such seeps are likely to be contributing to increased manhole explosions worldwide, and to fish die offs, such as the "catastrophic" one elsewhere in Ireland recently.


Indian reporter burned to death by police for reporting on local corruption

Jagendra Singh
They came in the heat of the late afternoon, two cars jammed with enforcers and police officers allied with a local dairy minister. They charged into the reporter's house and reminded him that he had been warned many times that "he should not write anything against the minister."

At least that's what the reporter, Jagendra Singh, told a police official on his deathbed, with 60 percent of his body covered with burns after, he said, the men doused him with gasoline and set him on fire.

It was payback, he said, for his many posts on social media linking Ram Murti Verma, the minister of dairy development in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, to illegal sand mining and taking possession of unoccupied land, two underground activities rampant in the state.

"They warned him that they will not leave his fingers in such a state that they would be able to write anything against the minister," said Mr. Singh's son, Rahul, in a telephone interview on Thursday.

The police in Uttar Pradesh said Thursday that they were investigating the accusations against Mr. Verma and his associates. Amitabh Thakur, a senior police official, went to check on Mr. Singh in his hospital bed in Lucknow, the state capital, before he died on Monday evening, a week after he was burned in the dusty town of Shahjahanpur on June 1.

The Committee to Protect Journalists called this week for an independent inquiry into Mr. Singh's death.

"Given the allegations of police participation, and India's poor track record of solving crimes in connection with reporting on local corruption, the involvement of an independent authority is essential," Sumit Galhotra, a research associate for the group's Asia branch, said in a statement.

Comment: Hopefully his death will not have been in vain, and the guilty parties will be held responsible.


Good citizen invites police into his home to help them, they shoot his dog four times

cop shoots dog
© KWES NewsWest 9
Yet another family pet has been ruthlessly brutalized by the cops.

In Odessa, Texas, U.S. Marshals shot Spot, a 15 year old dog, multiple times while attempting to serve an arrest warrant.

CBS 7 News says that the cops were swarming a neighborhood looking for Austin Dawson, who had "violated his parole."

Homeowner Anthony McDowell allowed police to search his property. "I said you can come in the house and look. I'm giving you permission", said McDowell.

The cops were warned that there was a dog in the back yard.

Despite the warning, they shot Spot multiple times, claiming that he "came towards them in an aggressive manner."

Spot is fighting for his life at a vet clinic in Odessa. Although the vet believes he will survive, he will never walk again.

"That's the reason he said hey he ain't here, why didn't we just leave? But he made it his business to let us know that he's serious come back here and kill our dog. He put two slugs into my dog for no apparent reason and we asked him why and he couldn't give us no justification. He didn't run charging barking or nothing. My dog was scared of the police officers," said a distraught McDowell.

This man tried to be a good citizen.

He gave the cops permission to search his place and they rewarded his honesty and cooperation by tearing his house apart and trying to kill his dog.

They knew there was a dog present, there was absolutely no excuse for such an action.

The homeowner was present; all they had to do was have him secure the dog.

As usual, the lame old "I felt threatened" excuse was trotted out.

It appears that by simply existing, dogs threaten law enforcement.

Mr. Potato

Woman accused of locking child in hot car arrives at court, leaves kids in parked vehicle again...

child locked in car
© Reuters/Francois Lenoir
A Virginia woman going to court to turn herself in and face charges for leaving a child in a hot car locked her kids in a vehicle outside the courthouse. She picked up an additional charge, has been arrested and denied bail.

Laquanda Newby, 25, was slapped with three counts of contributing to the delinquency or abuse of a child after police said she left her kids in a vehicle, outside the Henrico County Courthouse on June 8, as well as for a previous incident.

Following a tip off, police found the woman's children outside the court, in a car with the windows shut.

"Their shirts were wet, sweat rolling off their brows," Henrico Sheriff's Capt. David Kinkle told WTVR. "They seemed to be OK, but it was very hot."

The temperatures were reportedly in the 90's, and officials were not able to say how long the children had been left in the car, but surveillance footage showed they had been there for more than an hour.

"Had a citizen not alerted us to this, it's a situation that would've turned out much differently," Henrico Sheriff's Capt. David Kinkle said.

Officers gave the children, aged six and one, water and snacks until their father came and picked them up.

Brick Wall

Fast-tracking of TiSA and the destructive block of monetary reform

It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

— Attributed to Henry Ford
In March 2014, the Bank of England let the cat out of the bag: money is just an IOU, and the banks are rolling in it. So wrote David Graeber in The Guardian the same month, referring to a BOE paper called "Money Creation in the Modern Economy." The paper stated outright that most common assumptions of how banking works are simply wrong. The result, said Graeber, was to throw the entire theoretical basis for austerity out of the window.

The revelation may have done more than that. The entire basis for maintaining our private extractive banking monopoly may have been thrown out the window. And that could help explain the desperate rush to "fast track" not only the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), but the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA). TiSA would nip attempts to implement public banking and other monetary reforms in the bud.

Comment: TiSA is fascism taken to a near-global scale. Is it any wonder that countries like China, Russia and the BRICS association have been established and want absolutely nothing to do with the Western banking system and "liberalism"?

Heart - Black

Peddler's Permit required: Cops crack down on lemonade stand run by little girls

lemonade stand
Remember when you were a kid, and summer came, and you and your siblings or friends decided it would be fun to make and sell lemonade to your neighbors?

People came by and bought little cups of your refreshing, sugary thirst-quencher when they were taking breaks from mowing their lawns or gardening.

Maybe, like me, you even sold homemade cookies to go with your lemonade. Neighbors complimented your drink-mixing and baking skills and tossed a little extra change in your money jar.

Yeah, those days are over.

You see, nowadays, you need a PERMIT to do that.

Two creative young ladies in Overton, Texas found this out the hard way earlier this week. Sisters Andria and Zoey Green wanted to raise $105.00 to buy their dad a special Father's Day gift, so they set up a lemonade stand.

Comment: The Nanny State is alive and well. This isn't the first instance of cops behaving like complete idiots and terrorizing kids trying to make an honest buck.

Arrow Down

DHS agent harassed for investigating corruption in immigration program

Taylor Johnson
© Still from Youtube video
After voicing concerns about an obscure US immigration program for foreign investors, a Department of Homeland Security agent says she was barred from owning a personal firearm and almost lost custody of her one-year-old adopted daughter.

Taylor Johnson, a senior special agent with a division of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), testified before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on Thursday. She was at a hearing alongside several other whistleblowers who claim that they have also faced harassment for speaking out against their agencies wrongdoings.

Arrow Down

Cop kills homeless man wielding a pipe in front of 60 witnesses including children

police killing miami
© Reuters/Gaston De Cardenas
A Miami police officer shot and killed a homeless African-American man in front of up to 60 witnesses including children attending summer camp. Police officials said the violent suspect refused to drop a metal pipe he was holding.

Miami Police Chief Rodolfo Llanes said officers were responding to a report of a violent dispute on Thursday morning. He said several dozen people were in Gibson Park, many of them children, who may have witnessed the events that unfolded.

"I understand the anxiety that's been created across the country from police-citizen interactions, but I would ask that everyone, wait for the facts of the case and not make up your own story," Llanes told reporters. "We will know what the facts of the case are."

The chief added that the officer involved in the shooting, who is a 20-year veteran of the department, will be reassigned to administrative duties pending the investigation's outcome.

Comment: Another completely over the top response by police who now just shoot to kill without even considering the possibility of subduing a suspect by less aggressive means. Obviously they now realize that it's unlikely there will be any repercussions from their brutal acts.


Man drowns in police custody, officer who speaks out is demoted and harassed

brandon ellingson
Brandon Ellingson
On May 31, 2014, 20-year-old Brandon Ellingson was stopped by a Missouri Highway Patrol officer for suspicion of boating while intoxicated.

The events that followed Brandon's arrest are shocking, horrible, and tragic.

Ellingson was taken into custody by Trooper Anthony Piercy while boating on The Lake of the Ozarks after the officer claimed to see a beer can fly off of the young man's boat.

Piercy ended up arresting Ellingson. He cuffed the college student's hands behind his back and placed an ill-fitting life vest on him.

The wrong kind of life vest. Piercy used a Type III vest on Ellingson. But that kind of vest has armholes and cannot be properly secured on someone who is already handcuffed. Type I jackets go around a person's head, so even if they are handcuffed their head will float to the surface of the water. Type I life vests are the kind which troopers are trained to use on handcuffed subjects.

They were available on Piercy's boat.