CBCThu, 03 Jul 2008 18:48 UTC
Police investigating a report of a small plane crashing in Halifax say the glowing object was likely a flare.
A group of children reported that a fireball nosedived to the ground in a wooded area off Herring Cove Road Wednesday evening.
Firefighters, police and search-and-rescue teams sprang into action. As a helicopter searched from above, police rode dirt bikes through the woods.
Witnesses across Southern California say they saw an object 'moving very fast across the northern sky' and falling near the San Bernardino Mountains. Officials have no firm answers on what it was.
©LA Times
From Hollywood Hills to the Nevada state line, people reported seeing a fireball streaking across the sky and falling near the San Bernardino Mountains this morning. But explanations of the mysterious object were scarce.
A weekend trip for astrophotography in central
Australia can result in gorgeous skyscapes. In this example recorded in March of 2006, the center of our
Milky Way Galaxy rises over planet Earth's horizon and the large sandstone formation called Uluru, also known as
Ayers Rock.
©Joseph Brimacombe
Fireball at Ayers Rock
It looked like a small plane that was on fire and about to ditch in the ocean, Port Macquarie's Luke Williams said.
To the policeman he spoke to it looked like a meteor or a piece of space junk that disappeared into the ocean.
Panic gripped city dwellers in the early hours yesterday when sounds of several explosions rocked parts of the capital city.
Neither police nor the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) could say anything with certainty about the explosions or from where the sound of explosions originated.
Some city dwellers heard six to seven loud explosion sounds in southern parts of Dhaka at around 12:40am yesterday.
Drew Sandholm
KSFY.comFri, 20 Jun 2008 17:43 UTC
KSFY has been contacted by several individuals, who report seeing several unidentified objects in Sioux Falls' western skies Thursday evening.
Comment: The National Weather Service explains it away as nothing more than a contrail, because of course the people in South Dakota had never seen one of those before, dontcha know. It would be outlandish to think, given all of the fireballs recently witnessed, that there would be yet another sighting, wouldn't it? Too many of those and people might start getting the idea that
Something Wicked This Way Comes.
Date: June 14, 2008
Time: Approx: 11:55 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Fremont, CA.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Fireball.
Full Description of event/sighting: My wife and I, traveling south through Fremont, CA, around 11:55 pm, saw what looked like an extremely bright meteor descending toward the southern horizon. We cannot say that it was a UFO, but it was astonishingly bright and we at first thought a plane or some other object might be falling toward the local town of Milpitas. Only later, based on similar reports on Yahoo, did we conclude that it might be a meteor heading due south. However, it was much brighter than any meteor I have ever seen before. We note with interest: a) several reports of sightings in southern California that report the object moving north (rather than south, as in most accounts); b) there were similar sightings in Seattle and Portland; c) the coincident UFO sightings.
A Winsford man had an unwelcome visitor on Sunday night in the form of a small meteorite.
Graham Brooks, 37, a heavy goods vehicle fitter, lives at his mother Christine's house at Railway Cottages in Rilshaw Lane.
He was sitting at home looking at wedding magazines with his partner Karen at around 10.30pm when he heard a loud bang outside.
It's a UFO no more. An unidentified flying object spotted over the mountains between Salt Lake and Tooele has been identified as a rare daytime fireball; a meteor big enough and close enough to be spotted when the sun's still out.
We had several e-mails, and so did NASA's ambassador to Utah Patrick Wiggins. We asked him what conditions need to be in place to see a daytime meteor. He said, "Size would be part of it, certainly how fast it's going, if it was going really slow for a meteor; that is, it wouldn't get bright enough."
A woman spotted a UFO in the skies above Flintshire, in the latest in a string of bizarre sightings around the region.
Comment: The National Weather Service explains it away as nothing more than a contrail, because of course the people in South Dakota had never seen one of those before, dontcha know. It would be outlandish to think, given all of the fireballs recently witnessed, that there would be yet another sighting, wouldn't it? Too many of those and people might start getting the idea that Something Wicked This Way Comes.