I am NOT suggesting ANY of this. All I'm doing is thinking out aloud, asking myself some questions.
That being said, please take a moment to THINK along with me. Just THINK about the utter absurdity of the government's claim that the identities of the ultra-macho Navy SEALs who allegedly murdered Usama bin Laden have to be kept secret.
To protect our elite warriors from reprisals from Muslim terrorists, we're told. Okay. But how about all our government brass responsible for writing LAWS that allow our elite warriors to continue torturing and killing tens of thousands of Muslims?
Surely these people's' identities are far from secret?
Take, for instance, Jose Rodriguez, the criminal who ran the CIA torture program.
This guy was recently on "60 Minutes," fer chrissake!
Comment: So, Obama it is then? Looking forward to another four years of 'hope' and 'change'? In the end it should be remembered that the U.S. is a one-party system, both sides financed and controlled by the same players. Debate become little more than circus acts offered up for our democratic entertainment.