Puppet MastersS


The real Paul Ryan is bad for America

© APBiden not only won over the audience, but he got under his opponent's skin.
For the second time in as many presidential elections, Joseph Biden got to debate a young, attractive Republican candidate who was demonstrably less qualified to to be president than I am to be chairman of the World Bank. Joseph Biden is a very lucky man. The Great Political Matchmaker in the Sky keeps handing him people who are trying - and failing - to fight above their weight class, and he keeps blowing through what can now legitimately be called the Bum of the Quadrennium Club.

Comment: So, Obama it is then? Looking forward to another four years of 'hope' and 'change'? In the end it should be remembered that the U.S. is a one-party system, both sides financed and controlled by the same players. Debate become little more than circus acts offered up for our democratic entertainment.

Bad Guys

Market Manipulation: Flawed data used by Canadian banks and lenders bumps up house prices

Flaws in a national databank that helps determine the value of houses across Canada have helped fuel inflation in home prices, putting mortgage lenders and borrowers at greater risk, key players in the housing sector have warned.

Documents obtained by The Globe and Mail detailing confidential statements from banks, appraisers and mortgage insurers show rising worry over the use of a database operated by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The documents suggest the data are flawed and help push home prices up.

Introduced in 1996 as a way for the CMHC, banks and other lenders to quickly and inexpensively determine how much money can be lent against a residential property, the database known as Emili is relied upon too heavily by lenders, the documents suggest.

Comment: Funny how often 'flaws' in the system seem to only benefit of the banks and lenders.

Bad Guys

Israel educates Zionist trolls to manipulate online content

Video from a training session teaching Zionist trolls how to edit and influence Wikipedia and other online sources.


The oil patch opens an eastern front

oilsands quebec
The battle over Alberta's oil sands is spreading east as governments in Quebec and the eastern U.S. are confronted with aggressive moves by western crude producers to access new markets.

The oil industry's critics in Quebec and Maine are gearing up for a fight over existing plans and potential projects that would reverse the flow of oil in a cross-border pipeline network in order to carry crude from Alberta and North Dakota to refineries in Quebec and perhaps as far as the U.S. East Coast.

Che Guevara

Save Bani Walid to save Libya

We want our socialist participatory democracy back! Demonstrators in Libya protest against their western puppet regime.
While mediation efforts are still going on, it's the last chance for the GNC to act wisely and correct itself by first annual its notorious decision and immediately activate the long overdue national reconciliation process, insists Mustafa Fetouri.

The siege of Bani Walid, 180 km, south west of Tripoli has been in place for nearly two weeks now. It was publically authorized, encouraged and approved by Libya's newly elected General National Conference GNC. Reports from inside the city speak of increasingly depleted supplies of food, water, and other necessities. Sporadic indiscriminate rocket bombardments are daily routine especially round the east of the city. Al-Mardoum valley, the closest to the front line have so been under daily fire killing five civilians and injuring a dozen so far. Libyan rights groups joined hands their international counterparts in condemning the siege calling on the Libyan authority to lift it immediately. Amnesty International in particular has been at the forefront of calls to lift the siege and allow supplies to enter the city as well as free movement of people into and out of the Bani Walid.

Home to Libya's largest tribe Bani Walid has been the safest cities in Libya since the war ended last October. The local population attribute this to the fact that no militias are able to enter the city from outside and only its own people volunteered to protect it. They are organized in local defense committees in charge of daily security, checkpoints on the outskirts of the city. Having seen what the revolutionary brigades have done to their houses, farm land, and other personal properties when then entered the city last October local were determined not to let any armed individuals to enter their city again.

Comment: So the NATO puppet regime in Libya, put there to replace Gaddafi because he was "killing his own people" (he wasn't), is now killing its own people by shelling civilians and trying to starve them into submission. Maybe NATO should be awarded next year's Nobel Peace Prize.


Nigel Farage on BBC News "baffled" about the EU winning a Nobel Peace Prize

Comment: Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence party, expressing his views on the ridiculousness of the EU winning a Nobel Peace Prize.


Where are these bastards?

I am NOT suggesting ANY of this. All I'm doing is thinking out aloud, asking myself some questions.

That being said, please take a moment to THINK along with me. Just THINK about the utter absurdity of the government's claim that the identities of the ultra-macho Navy SEALs who allegedly murdered Usama bin Laden have to be kept secret.


To protect our elite warriors from reprisals from Muslim terrorists, we're told. Okay. But how about all our government brass responsible for writing LAWS that allow our elite warriors to continue torturing and killing tens of thousands of Muslims?

Surely these people's' identities are far from secret?

Take, for instance, Jose Rodriguez, the criminal who ran the CIA torture program.

This guy was recently on "60 Minutes," fer chrissake!


White House finally admits the truth on Libya attack


Pay for Comments: Confessions of a paid disinformation internet shill

mysterious man graphic
Note from WuW: Government trolls. Disinformation shills. Call them what you want, they are real.

Every day at WuW, we see "comments" submitted on our articles that are blatantly composed by trolls. Lengthy, well written comments designed to steer the conversation in a pro-government, pro-status quo direction. They pose as readers and first-time commenters, but post essay length commentary quoting "expert" government research on a range of topics, question those who question the government line, and urge us to believe in the path chosen for us by our trusted leaders. If we believe them, everything is and has always been ok. No further questions need to be asked. Those who do are paranoid.

Site moderation is something we take very seriously at WuW. We offer a platform for different voices and opinions to be expressed, and it is therefore quite rare that we suppress a reader's comment from being posted on the site. But we're not stupid, and we won't let our site be undermined. We know government trolls and paid disinformation shills are real, and we can pick their work a mile away. It has a certain... quality. And they prove us right! The troll comments we supress are often re-submitted, again and again, word for word, from a variety of reader aliases and email addresses.

Like I said... we're not stupid.

This is the story of a man who, due to economically hard times, accepted a job as an internet disinformation shill. After only 6 months, he resigned. He was no longer was able to look himself in the mirror.


Germany to re-legalize circumcision

Germany's Parliament approved a bill on Wednesday that explicitly legalizes circumcision, following months of uncertainty over the law after a court declared the practice illegal.
The surgery is one of the most common medically unnecessary procedures performed around the world, and while it is mostly safe, it also carries the potential for some side effects. One such botched circumcision is what triggered a lawsuit in Germany earlier this year, ultimately leading a district court in Cologne to ban the practice in June.

Fearing prosecution for child abuse, German doctors stopped performing circumcisions, leaving the deed to devout religious leaders. The decision outraged religious Muslims and Jews, who joined forces to push back against the ban.