Puppet MastersS

War Whore

Israel's intelligence minister slams comments by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry

Israel's intelligence minister Monday slammed as unacceptable comments by US Secretary of State John Kerry on negotiations with Iran over its nuclear programme which he said indicated a "surrender" to Tehran.

"The things Kerry said in the Congress are worrying, they are surprising and they are unacceptable," Yuval Steinitz, who is also strategic affairs minister, told public radio.

"We watch the negotiations with concern. We are not opposed to a diplomatic solution but we are against a solution which is entirely a surrender to Iran and which leaves it a threshold nuclear state," Steinitz said.

In remarks to US lawmakers last week Kerry warned that the Islamic republic was two months away from breakout capability to produce enough nuclear material for a bomb should they resume their mothballed enrichment process.

Responding to reports that international negotiations with Iran should focus on extending the time it would take for Iran to produce nuclear weapons to between six and 12 months Kerry said the ultimate goal was assurance that Iran never build an atomic bomb but slowing the process would be an improvement on the current situation.

"I think it is fair to say, I think it is public knowledge today, that we are operating with a time period for a so-called breakout of about two months," Kerry said.


War on humanity: How the U.S. coup machine has been destroying democracy since 1953

Soon after the 2004 U.S. coup to depose President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti, I heard Aristide's lawyer Ira Kurzban speaking in Miami. He began his talk with a riddle: "Why has there never been a coup in Washington D.C.?" The answer: "Because there is no U.S. Embassy in Washington D.C." This introduction was greeted with wild applause by a mostly Haitian-American audience who understood it only too well.

Ukraine's former security chief, Aleksandr Yakimenko, has reported that the coup-plotters who overthrew the elected government in Ukraine, " basically lived in the (U.S.) Embassy. They were there every day." We also know from a leaked Russian intercept that they were in close contact with Ambassador Pyatt and the senior U.S. official in charge of the coup, former Dick Cheney aide Victoria Nuland, officially the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. And we can assume that many of their days in the Embassy were spent in strategy and training sessions with their individual CIA case officers.

To place the coup in Ukraine in historical context, this is at least the 80th time the United States has organized a coup or a failed coup in a foreign country since 1953. That was when President Eisenhower discovered in Iran that the CIA could overthrow elected governments who refused to sacrifice the future of their people to Western commercial and geopolitical interests. Most U.S. coups have led to severe repression, disappearances, extrajudicial executions, torture, corruption, extreme poverty and inequality, and prolonged setbacks for the democratic aspirations of people in the countries affected. The plutocratic and ultra-conservative nature of the forces the U.S. has brought to power in Ukraine make it unlikely to be an exception.


Breaking: Kiev 'interim government' launches anti-terrorist operations against Russian-speakers in Eastern Ukraine - 4 dead, 2 wounded so far

Ukrainian troops have seized an airfield in the eastern city of Kramatorsk, said anti-government protesters. Four people were killed and two injured, activists added. At the same time Slavyansk is being raided by the Ukrainian military.


Ukrainian troops approached the military airfield in armored personnel carriers between the eastern cities of Kramatorsk and Slavyansk, the people's militia located at the airfield told RIA Novosti on the phone.

"They started negotiating with the people's militia, which is in control of the airfield. The shooting started unexpectedly. There are injured among the people's militia, and there may be deaths," they said.

Other members of the militia have blocked the entrance to Kramatorsk and are ready to defend the city, the activists added.


Flashback Massachusetts first responders were planning exact same drill scenario for Boston in June 2013... but real bombings happened first

What are the odds that the very scenario police and other first responders were planning for the Urban Shield drill in Boston last June... was consciously pre-empted by the Tsarnaev brothers? Yes, they're astronomical, which can only mean...
The scenario had been carefully planned: A terrorist group prepared to hurt vast numbers of people around Boston would leave backpacks filled with explosives at Faneuil Hall, the Seaport District, and in other towns, spreading waves of panic and fear. Detectives would have to catch the culprits.

Months of painstaking planning had gone into the exercise, dubbed "Operation Urban Shield," meant to train dozens of detectives in the Greater Boston area to work together to thwart a terrorist threat. The hypothetical terrorist group was even given a name: Free America Citizens, a home-grown cadre of militiamen whose logo would be a metal skull wearing an Uncle Sam hat and a furious expression, according to a copy of the plans obtained by the Boston Globe.

But two months before the training exercise was to take place, the city was hit with a real terrorist attack executed in a frighteningly similar fashion. The chaos of the Boston Marathon bombings disrupted plans for the exercise, initially scheduled for this weekend, forcing police to postpone. Now officials must retool aspects of the training.

Comment: ...and yet, assuming for a minute that the two suspects are guilty as charged, someone on the inside clearly leaked the Tsarnaev brothers precise details about the upcoming June 2013 drill scenario.

Read SOTT Editors' Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley's book Manufactured Terror: The Boston Marathon Bombings, Sandy Hook, Aurora Shooting and Other False Flag Terror Attacks to understand why the first terror attack on American soil since 2001 was very probably committed by some element of the U.S. government.

Bad Guys

Secret fight over Russia in the Obama Administration

The Obama administration has scheduled a deputies committee meeting this week - tentatively set for Tuesday - to resolve a bitter inter-agency dispute over a request from Russia with respect to the Open Skies program. Informed sources believe the White House is likely to side with the State Department, which wants to accommodate Russia, over the objections of the Obama administration's Defense Department and intelligence agencies.

The Open Skies treaty allows the United States and Russia to fly over each other's territory with planes loaded with certain agreed-upon sensor packages, in order to ensure compliance with arms control agreements and to provide assurance against preparations for various military surprises. Russia has asked the U.S. to agree to an upgrade in the sensor package their planes can carry. (Obviously, the exact nature of these sensor packages and the proposed upgrades is highly classified.) The request would apparently result in a significant increase in Russian spying capabilities; the first response from Pentagon was, according to one government official close to the situation, "You've got to be kidding." But the State Department has been making the case for acceding to the Russians' demands, and the White House seems to be on State's side. The White House has also stonewalled requests for information from the congressional intelligence committees.

House Intelligence Committee chair Mike Rogers is apparently so concerned that he sent the president an unusual public letter Friday. Here's the press release:


Russian jet passes near U.S. ship in Black Sea 'provocative' sez Pentagon

© RIA Novosti / Mihail MokrushinSu-24 aircraft
A Russian fighter aircraft made repeated low-altitude, close-range passes near a U.S. ship in the Black Sea over the weekend, the Pentagon said on Monday, condemning the action at a time of heightened U.S.-Russian tensions over Ukraine.

"This provocative and unprofessional Russian action is inconsistent with their national protocols and previous agreements on the professional interaction between our militaries," said Colonel Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman.

Warren said a Russian Su-24 aircraft, or Fencer, made 12 passes at low altitude near the USS Donald Cook, a destroyer that has been in the Black Sea since April 10. It appeared to be unarmed, he told reporters.

The incident lasted 90 minutes and took place on Saturday evening while the U.S. ship was conducting a patrol in international waters in the western Black Sea, Warren said. The ship is now in a Romanian port.

Star of David

Israeli role in the U.S. surveillance machine

© Washington PostA slide from the National Security Agency powerpoint presentation on the PRISM program.
If the Israeli government has indeed ordered its spies "to dig up intelligence" showing links between the supporters of BDS and "terrorists and enemy states" asreported in the February 11, 2014 London Times, it may find that it already has as much information as it needs in its data banks.

As described in the UK Guardian by Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras and Ewen MacAskill, a 2008 document obtained by whistleblower Edward Snowden states that "one of the NSA's biggest threats is actually from friendly intelligence services, like Israel. There are parameters on what NSA shares with them, but the exchange is so robust, we sometimes share more than we intended."

Nevertheless, in the following year the NSA and the Israeli SIGINT National Unit drafted a top-secret memorandum of understanding (MOU) dated March 2009 under which the NSA would provide raw intelligence to Israel, including on American citizens. The MOU requested Israeli intelligence to "destroy upon recognition" communications going to and from "officials of the Executive Branch (including the White House, Cabinet Departments, and independent agencies), the US House of Representatives and Senate (member and staff) and the US Federal Court system (including, but not limited to, the Supreme Court)" as well as communications of civilian and military personnel on official business of government.

It is not clear if the MOU revealed by Snowden was ever implemented. But if it was, Israeli intelligence services might be receiving little data that they don't already possess - including communications of US government officials and Members of Congress.


Europe will now think twice before following Washington's orders - Ex-CIA Officer Ray McGovern

The Ukrainian crisis may have seen a flickering light at the end of the tunnel, as politicians from the great powers collided over the former Soviet state are now bringing up the idea of having four-sided talks between the US, EU, Russia and Ukraine itself. But with the east of the Ukraine boiling with new wave of protests, and Kiev's government being fed with unreasonable promises from Washington - whatwill tomorrow hold for the Ukrainians themselves? Are talks a real possibility? Will there be any use of them? To find this out, Sophie talks to Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst turned whistleblower.

Sophie Shevardnadze: Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst, whistleblower, political activist, it's really great to have you on our show today. So, we're going to talk about Ukraine as usual. Just recently the US, Russia and the EU have agreed to sit down with Ukraine, in an attempt to resolve this crisis. But, is this a problem to be solved internationally, or is it an internal Ukrainian issue? As a matter of fact, was it ever Ukraine's internal problem?

Ray McGovern: Well, Ukraine, obviously needs to be involved intimately. We can't have the EU and the US and Russia deciding the future of Ukraine, so the answer is Ukraine needs to be involved intimately, but all of them, East and West, and I'm really glad that the adults have taken over now, and what should have happened several weeks ago is happening now. People getting together to figure out how to do this, when no one's security is endangered.

Red Flag

Medvedev: Kiev authorities fall into their own trap

Dmitry Medvedev
The illegitimate Kyiv authorities are falling into their own trap: they are trying to restore the order they trampled upon when they took power in an armed revolt, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev wrote on Facebook.

"Blood has been spilled in Ukraine again. The country is on the verge of a civil war. That is sad," Medvedev wrote.

The cause of the Ukrainian tragedy is that the legitimate authorities did not even try to preserve law and order in regions where administrative buildings were seized and "those authorities were nullified", he said.

"Meanwhile, the illegitimate rulers are trying to restore the order they have cynically trampled upon when they took part in an armed revolt and are falling into their own trap," Medvedev wrote.

Action triggered counteraction, and a state crime [the revolt in Kyiv] led to public protests in regions, Medvedev said.

Light Sabers

Lavrov denies claims of Russia seeking to derail Geneva meeting on Ukraine

Sergei Lavrov
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has advised against trusting claims made by the current authorities in Kyiv that Russia allegedly seeks to disrupt a planned key four-party meeting on the Ukrainian crisis in Geneva.

"When you hear those who today head the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry say that Russia is wary of the Geneva meeting and that Russia wants to derail it, do not believe them because this is not true," he said at a press conference after talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

"Furthermore, you should not believe statements made by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry alleging that this meeting is not expected to address the internal Ukrainian crisis, but, instead, will allegedly center on steps that the Russian Federation should take. It is a blatant lie. We will gather there in order to discuss the Ukrainian crisis," Lavrov said.