Puppet MastersS


Russia will have radar-evading nukes by 2016 (officially, that is)

russian missile
© Dmitry Lovetsky/AP A 'Tochka' missile launch travels during a rehearsal for the Victory Day parade on May 5, 2014.
Russia on Friday said it plans to finish modernizing its nuclear-capable missile forces within several years, ITAR-Tass reports.

"By 2016, the share of new missile systems will reach nearly 60 percent, and by 2021 their share will increase to 98 percent," said Col. Igor Yegorov, a defense ministry spokesman for Russia's Strategic Missile Forces. The project would replace Russia's active-duty, nuclear-ready missiles left over from the Cold War.

Yegorov said the upgrades would include systems designed to circumvent missile-defense technology employed by other countries, as well as improvements to their "troop- and weapon-command systems [and] combat equipment."

The spokesman added that Russia is moving this year to deliver RS-24 Yars strategic missiles to the country's Novosibirsk, Tagil and Kozelsk missile units.

"At this stage, operations for their acceptance and commissioning are underway," Yegorov told ITAR-Tass in an interview.

"The work for the creation of new infrastructure of positioning areas of missile regiments continues, it will ensure better conditions for the use of armaments and training of the alert forces," he added.

Comment: In other words, they probably already have such capabilities. Russia's subtle way of saying, "Don't even try it."


Russian Foreign Minister wants Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia to join Syrian reconciliation effort

© RIA Novosti / Vladimir Trefilov
Moscow has reiterated its proposal to engage Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other states in the Syrian reconciliation effort, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said in an interview with RIA Novosti Monday.

Bogdanov said "an idea to create a parallel track" to the Geneva talks has been voiced in order to boost the negotiations between the Syrian government and opposition groups.

"It is an auxiliary course [of negotiations], not an alternative [to the Geneva reconciliation process]. In the past, we discussed engaging countries that might have a positive influence on Syrians: [take] Russia and the United States, as the co-initiators of the Geneva-2 talks, add Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, maybe Qatar, and bring in the United Nations. We still suggest discussing this idea," the Russian diplomat said.

Bogdanov said Russia is ready to discuss other similar proposals.

Eye 2

Flashback Israeli Economy Minister: 'I've killed lots of Arabs in my life and there's no problem with that'

Illustration of psychopathic Israeli politician Naftali Bennett
As Middle East peace talks are set to resume after a five-year freeze, 972 Magazine reports a member of Israel's cabinet has declared his backing for simply killing Palestinian prisoners, rather than bringing them to trial.

On Sunday, Israel announced it would release 104 Palestinian prisoners, a key caveat in the John Kerry-brokered plan to renew peace talks.

But according to the 972 report, Israel's minister of Industry, Trade and Labor and Jewish Home Party leader Naftali Bennett could not have disagreed more, proposing during Sunday's cabinet meeting a swifter, but illegal way to deal with prisoners.

"If you catch terrorists, you have to simply kill them," Bennett allegedly said, according to a report in the Hebrew-language print edition of Yedioth Ahronoth.

Israeli National Security Adviser Ya'akov Amidror allegedly responded by saying that such a practice was illegal. Bennett then reportedly declared, "I've killed lots of Arabs in my life - and there's no problem with that."

A former IDF officer, the right-wing Bennett briefly joined protesters against the decision to release prisoners before attending Sunday's cabinet meeting. According to The Jewish Press, prior to Sunday's vote, Bennett said, "Terrorists should be killed, not released."

Peace talks are slated to begin in Washington on Monday, though both sides remain skeptical about the commitment to resolving the decades-long stalemate.

Comment: Here Bennett is simply revealing the prevailing mindset that all Israeli politicians hold - that Palestinian lives are less important than theirs.


'Second CIA spy in Germany' in a week': Berlin raids Ministry of Defense

CIA spy in Germany
© Reuters/Tobias SchwarzCIA spy in Germany
German authorities have carried out a raid on the residence of a defense ministry official suspected of passing secrets to the US, just one week after the arrest of a German intelligence officer who worked as a double agent.

Officials from the Federal Prosecutor's Office said Wednesday that residential and office premises of the staff of the Federal Ministry of Defense in Berlin were searched on "initial suspicion of activity for an intelligence agency."

According to the German newspaper Die Welt, a soldier of the Bundeswehr is suspected of committing espionage. The individual was said to have made "intensive contacts" with alleged US intelligence officials and was under the surveillance of the Military Intelligence (MAD) some time ago.

"When sufficient evidence existed, the case was handed over to the federal prosecutor," security sources told the paper.

The news comes just one week after a 31-year-old German intelligence official was arrested on suspicion of spying for a "foreign power" since 2012. German media reported the double agent, who has not been identified, worked on behalf of the CIA..


The U.K. political pedophile ring scandal is just the tip of the iceberg - The full story is much more disturbing

© SCG News
Numerous high ranking British politicians are being investigated for their involvement in an extensive pedophile ring, however the full scope of this scandal can't be fully appreciated without looking at the other side of the Atlantic

It wasn't that long ago that those who claimed that there was a massive pedophile ring involving officials in the highest levels of government were written off as conspiracy theorists and kooks. That is no longer the case, at least in the U.K. It turns out that this so called conspiracy theory was true, and is finally being officially investigated. The coverup isn't going well at this point. The British government is even coming under heat for the convenient disappearance of key files regarding the allegations. At least forty British MPs are implicated, but this is really just the tip of the iceberg.

The scandal, which initially centered around rape and child abuse accusations against the well connected BBC presenter (and knight) Jimmy Savile (who died in 2011) expanded in scope after victims testified that the abuse involved an organized pedophile ring which was operated out of the BBC. This organized pedophile ring apparently involved at least 40 British MPs. Another aspect of this scandal involves a close friend of Savile, former British MP Cyril Smith (also a knight). Police claim to have "overwhelming" evidence that Cyril physically abused young boys in the 1960s. It's worth noting that Savile wasn't just well connected, he was known to rub shoulders with the royal family itself.

Whether those involved actually get brought to justice or not is another story altogether. It's too late to bring down Jimmy Savile and Cyril Smith. They're both dead already. The question now, is whether the rest of the ring will be prosecuted. This is a scandal that has been successfully suppressed for decades in spite of testimony from numerous victims. Indeed the BBC fired the reporter who first attempted to expose the abuse in 2012. Once you look at the profile of those involved it's easy to see why. This time however, the internet seems to be making it a bit harder to sweep under the rug.

War Whore

Ukrainian puppet-master to use science funding for weapons production

© Reuters / Gleb Garanich)Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, near the town of Slaviansk, July 8, 2014
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said he will reduce the country's "useless" science programs to finance the production of drones and precision weapons.

"There will be no more spending of billions of people's money, taxpayers' money on useless research programs, which were used as a tool for theft," said a statement published on the president's website early on Wednesday.

"Today, Ukrainian production will be busy making precision weapons systems, Ukrainian drones, everything Ukrainian army needs, starting with bullet proof vests and ending with thermographic cameras," he said.

The president added that the army's experience in fighting against self-defense forces in the east of the country will be used when making production decisions.

Comment: So instead of using science funding for research that could actually assist humanity, this psychopath wants to use those funds to eradicate humanity. This is actually not surprising since he is a puppet of the US which has been using corrupted science for just that purpose for decades. Any scientist of conscience should boycott the Ukraine!

The Corruption of Science in America

War Whore

Hillary shows her neocon colors: Attacks Snowden for revealing the truth of surveillance state

© Unknown
Who is the true patriot, Hillary Clinton or Edward Snowden? The question comes up because Clinton has gone all out in attacking Snowden as a means of burnishing her hawkish credentials, eliciting Glenn Greenwald's comment that she is "like a neocon, practically."

On Friday in England, Clinton boasted that two years ago she had favored a proposal by a top British general to train 100,000 "moderate" rebels to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria, but President Obama had turned her down. The American Thatcher? In that same interview with The Guardian she also managed to get in yet another shot against Snowden for taking refuge in Russia "apparently under Putin's protection," unless, she taunted, "he wishes to return knowing he would be held accountable."

Accountable for telling the truth that Clinton concealed during her tenure as secretary of state in the Obama administration? Did she approve of the systematic spying on the American people as well as on others around the world, including the leaders of Germany and Brazil, or did she first learn of all this from the Snowden revelations?

Comment: Hillary is campaigning and desperately trying to shore up the lie that the pathocracy needs the NSA to protect us from those US-CIA created 'terrorists'.

Psychopath Hillary Clinton: Hero Edward Snowden's leaks 'helped terrorists'
Edward Snowden: NSA spies more on Americans than Russians

Star of David

Best of the Web: 'Israel under renewed Hamas attack', says the BBC. More balance is needed

Israeli airstrikes murder civilians in Gaza
"Israel under renewed Hamas attack": this was last night's BBC headline on the escalating bloodshed in Gaza. It is as perverse as Mike Tyson punching a toddler, followed by a headline claiming that the child spat at him. As Elizabeth Tsurkov, a Tel Aviv-based Israeli human rights activist, tweeted: "We are targeted by mostly shitty rockets. Gazans are being shelled with heavy bombs. We have shelters, sirens, Iron Dome. They have 0."

There is no defence for Hamas firing rockets into civilian areas, and as sirens wail in Israel, the fear among ordinary Israelis should not be ignored or belittled. But the media coverage hardly reflects the reality: a military superpower armed with F-15 fighter jets, AH-64 Apache helicopters, Delilah missiles, IAI Heron-1 drones and Jericho II missiles (and nuclear bombs, for that matter), versus what David Cameron describes as a "prison camp" firing almost entirely ineffective missiles. Twenty-seven Palestinians are reported to have died in Gaza - and, mercifully, no Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets - and yet the BBC opts for the Orwellian "Israel under renewed Hamas attack".

Black Magic

War economy: Ukraine to reduce funding of scientific research in favor of weapons production

© RIA NovostiCan you spot the president of Ukraine?
Ukraine will retrench financing of research programs "no one needs" in favor of expanding weapons production, Ukraine's President Petr Poroshenko said after a meeting with the military in the city of Slavyansk. "Billions of budgetary funds, taxpayer money will not any longer be spent on research program no one really needs, which were only used as a tool of embezzlement," the press service of the Ukrainian head of state quoted him as saying on Tuesday.

According to the Ukrainian president, the country's defense sector will focus on manufacturing "systems of high precision weapons, drones, everything the Ukrainian army needs - from bullet-proof vests to thermal cameras." "Today, my first deputy, along with the newly appointed CEO of Ukroboronprom, officers of the General Staff, defense minister deputies and representatives from the interior ministry held a conference.

They will draft amendments to the state defense order," Poroshenko said, adding that the state defense order "will take into account the experience the Ukrainian army and National Guard acquired during combat operations in eastern regions Itar-Tass reports.

Comment: All the energy in Ukraine is directed at destruction at the moment. This is not viable long term.


Showcase of the psychopathic US and NATO? What if it all becomes obvious enough?

[An excellent submission from a reader. The topic is Ukraine, but the principle applies wherever emperors parade about in naked shorts.]

© UnknownIs Putin using Ukraine to showcase the destructive behaviour of the US and NATO and setting a trap to catch the snakes in suit?
What if Putin, being a strategic thinker that he is in addition to being a master in judo, has an intention to make not just eastern Ukraine but the whole Ukraine a failed-state-showcase of what happens when the US, Nato, EU, and the IMF causes havoc in eastern Europe. Maybe he is giving a lesson to Germany, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc. and especially his fellow Russians what happens when the US supports the rabid fascists in their region. He realizes that the neo-cons and the Atlanticists, being the mindless psychopathic and sociopathic killers that they are, are incapable of grasping the lessons and consequences of their actions and will press ahead uninterruptedly and fail to see the trap that is being laid in front of them. Remember that psychopaths always think that they'll never get caught, that they're invincible and they, until the very last moment, will always deny their doom (just ask Napoleon and Hitler). So what if Putin's strategic advisors egged on the Kiev regime to bomb unimportant civilian locations making them think that there was concentrated partisan militia and now scattering the militia in various areas where they can take down invididual KJ troops. Could it be Putin's motive to get the KJ bogged down in eastern Ukraine and at the same time causing increasing revulsion of the people in Russia proper.