Puppet MastersS


US court orders Iran, others to pay $6 billion for 9/11

New York - A US judge formally ordered Iran, Al-Qaeda and several other defendants Wednesday to pay $6 billion compensation to the victims of September 11, 2001, in a largely symbolic ruling.

Although Iran denies any connection to 9/11, it was included in the list of alleged culprits by the US District Court in New York, along with the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, Afghanistan's Taliban guerrillas and Al-Qaeda, which took credit for the massive terror attack.

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is also named.

However, the money, awarded for economic, personal and punitive damages for a total of $6,048,513,805, is unlikely to be recovered.


FBI using social media to look for Massachusetts terrorism suspect

On the FBI website, you'll find a recording of accused terrorist Ahmad Abousamra. Investigators hope someone will hear his voice, recognize him and turn him in.

"It's often easy for individuals to change their appearance through clothes, makeup, facial hair -- it's not often easy for them to disguise their voice," said Special Agent in charge of the investigation Richard DeLauriers.

Though they won't comment on the timing, Wednesday, the FBI launched a social media campaign and put up a reward of $50,000 for information leading to the arrest of Abousamra.

The 31-year-old computer programmer and UMass Boston graduate was indicted a few years ago on nine terrorism-related charges, including trying to train to kill US service members overseas and conspiring to provide material support to Al-Qaida.

"Detecting, preventing and deterring a terrorist attack here inside the United States is the FBI's top investigative priority," said DeLauriers in a conference room in the FBI's Boston office.

Abousamra has dual citizenship in the US and Syria; investigators think he fled to Syria with his wife and young daughter in 2006 after being questioned by the FBI about trips he took to Pakistan and Yemen.


San Diego anti-terror center spent $100,000 on tiny cameras, big TVs

California, Sacramento - A U.S. Senate report has found massive spending leading to few results from a national anti-terror program, including questionable purchases at one of the so-called "fusion centers" based in San Diego.

That center is one of four regional information-sharing centers created in California after the 2001 terrorist attacks.

The report released Wednesday questioned the San Diego fusion center's $25,000 purchase of tiny cameras hidden in shirt buttons, hats and water bottles, as well as $75,000 on 55 flat-screen televisions that officials used to watch the news.

A former director of the center lost his job over the TV purchases.

Kelly Huston, a spokesman for the California Emergency Management Agency, defended the fusion centers but says officials intend to learn from the report. The agency has oversight of the centers.

Source: The Associated Press

War Whore

Turkey at war with Syria: NATO member fires on Syrian targets

© Reuters Oct. 3, 2012: Smoke rises over the streets after an mortar bomb landed from Syria in the border village of Akcakale, southeastern Sanliurfa province.
Istanbul - Turkish artillery fired on Syrian targets Wednesday after shelling from Syria struck a border village in Turkey, killing five civilians, sharply escalating tensions between the two neighbors and prompting NATO to convene an emergency meeting.

"Our armed forces at the border region responded to this atrocious attack with artillery fire on points in Syria that were detected with radar, in line with the rules of engagement," the Turkish government said in a statement from the prime minister's office.

The artillery fire capped a day that began with four bombs tearing through a government-held district in Syria's commercial and cultural capital of Aleppo, killing more than 30 people and reducing buildings to rubble.

Along the volatile border, a shell fired from inside Syria landed on a home in the Turkish village of Akcakale, killing a woman, her three daughters and another woman, and wounding at least 10 others, according to Turkish media.

The shelling appeared to come from forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime, which is fighting rebels backed by Turkey in an escalating civil war.

Comment: For a better idea of what is really going on in Syria please read:
Sott Focus: Syria's Bloody CIA Revolution - A Distraction? by Joe Quinn
Sott Focus: One Man's Suicide Bomber - National Security Building Bomb in Damascus and Bourgas Bus Bomb by Joe Quinn
Sott Focus: Reign of Fire: Meteorites, Wildfires, Planetary Chaos and the Sixth Extinction by Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley

For additional information read:
German intelligence working to bring 'al Qaeda' barbarians to power in Syria
Mossad, Blackwater, CIA Led Operations in Homs
Wikileaks: US-led NATO Troops Operate Inside Syria

Meanwhile, back in Istanbul...

Istanbul last night, where tens of thousands protested their government's war against Syria

Evil Rays

TSA to implement body scanners that instantly know everything about your body

TSA Scanner
© NaturalSociety

If you thought the x-ray scanners at the airport were bad, wait until you find out that TSA employees will soon know what you had for breakfast and how pumped you are to sit on a plane for twelve hours.

Unfortunately, you won't know what they know, because Homeland Security's new toy is capable of detecting every molecule on your person from over 164 feet (50 meters) away - without your permission.

CIA-Backed Company Develops New Scanners
"Within the next year or two, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will instantly know everything about your body, clothes, and luggage with a new laser-based molecular scanner fired from 164 feet (50 meters) away. From traces of drugs or gun powder on your clothes to what you had for breakfast to the adrenaline level in your body - agents will be able to get any information they want without even touching you," reports Gizmodo.
The scanner was developed by Genia Photonics before being subcontracted by In-Q-Tel, a company founded in 1999 "by a group of private citizens at the request of the Director of the CIA and the support of the U.S. Congress." Although the technology is not new, In-Q-Tel made it exponentially faster and more convenient to use - which has its own implications.


Democrats, Republicans plot post-election assault on Medicare, Social Security

Discussions are underway in the US Senate to forge a plan for sweeping cuts to social programs in the aftermath of the November 6 election. The New York Times reported Tuesday on moves by a bipartisan group of senators to come to an agreement so as to avert automatic spending cuts mandated in last year's deal to raise the debt ceiling. That agreement was signed by President Obama on August 2, 2011.

Under the debt ceiling deal, Congress' failure in 2011 to produce a deficit reduction bill with at least $1.2 trillion in cuts triggered some $1 trillion in across-the-board spending cuts or "sequestrations" - including to social programs such as Medicare and to the Defense Department - to begin in January 2013 and extend over 10 years.

These automatic cuts would coincide with the expiration in the new year of the Bush-era tax cuts as well as payroll tax reductions and federally funded extended unemployment benefits. The Obama White House and congressional Republicans agreed in December 2010 to extend the Bush tax cuts, including for the richest Americans, until the end of this year, while reducing the payroll tax and extending jobless benefits for the same period.

The combination of these expirations and the mandated deficit reduction measures has been called a "fiscal cliff" that threatens to plunge the economy into a deeper slump.

Comment: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and lots of other stuff could be easily afforded by cutting the military budget in half. But for some reason, no one seriously proposes that, even though, if cut in half, the U.S. military would still be the strongest by far in the world. The U.S. can't afford its global empire, but it's those who benefit from the global empire and the military spending that are calling the shots. These pathocrats don't care if the U.S. becomes a Third World kleptocracy where the vast majority are impoverished.

Arrow Down

The euro crisis and the lessons of the Weimar Republic

Weimar inflation
In the final years of the German Weimar Republic, between 1930 and 1932, the austerity program implemented by the Brüning government in response to the flight of capital and the world economic crisis precipitated the catastrophe that followed: mass unemployment, Nazism and war. For years, this has been regarded as evident and was taught in schools. However, the present developments in Europe show that the ruling class is not capable of learning from history.

In recent days, the Greek and Spanish governments have agreed to austerity measures that far exceed the emergency measures implemented by the Brüning government.

Even though Greece has been in recession for six years, the Greek government has agreed a further round of austerity amounting to €11.5 billion. According to the government's own calculations, economic output will sink by 25 percent compared to 2008 - a staggering decline. Most of the cuts are being made in pensions, health and social expenditure, impacting the poorest layers of the population.

Last week, the Spanish cabinet cut the budget for 2013 by an additional €40 billion. The five austerity packages passed by the Rajoy government in the last year now add up to €127 billion. This equates to a quarter of the annual national budget.


The 1 Percent Court

Supreme Court
© The Associated Press/J. Scott ApplewhiteUS Supreme Court Building in Washington
Why a special issue of The Nation devoted to the Supreme Court? Because with partisan gridlock paralyzing the president and Congress, the Court has more than ever become "the decider" - the most powerful branch of government, and one at the center of a controversy whose outcome may shape the course of democracy for generations to come.

By a paradox both historical and constitutional, the political appointees on the Roberts Court will never have to answer for their decisions to voters like you and me. Nor to the president or Congress: once they are confirmed, the Supreme Court's justices, like all federal judges, serve for life or "good Behaviour."

The Constitution's framers meant to secure the Court against political pressure from the electorate and arbitrary dismissal of its members from on high by presidents dissatisfied with their decisions. As the third branch of a new national government - one whose powers were to be divided to block overreach by any one of them - the Court would be equal to the executive and legislative arms, even though the president appointed its members with the concurrence of the Senate.

That changed dramatically when John Marshall became the fourth chief justice in 1801, shortly before Thomas Jefferson took office. The two brilliant men were bitter rivals, members of opposing parties. Marshall was a Federalist, Jefferson a Republican (no kin to the present GOP). So the supposedly neutral Court has been thrown since its infancy onto the partisan battleground, where it remains to this day.


Corrupt court upholds NDAA; stay extended on indefinite detention injunction

Guantanamo Bay
© Agence France-PresseProtesters wearing orange prison jump suits and black hoods on their heads march during a protest against holding detainees at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay during a demonstration in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington
A federal appeals court has extended a stay on the injunction blocking the notorious indefinite detention provision in the 2012 defense bill that lets the US government jail any American without end over even suspected terrorist ties.

This comes as attorneys for the White House fight to lift the order imposed by a federal judge last month that made permanent an injunction on a statute of the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA. On Tuesday, an appeals panel weighed in to offer the latest installment in the Hedges v Obama saga and agreed to side with the White House.

President Barack Obama signed the NDAA into law late last year, and the now infamous provision that allows for indefinite detention of US citizens without trial - Section 1021 - was challenged in court shortly thereafter by a team of plaintiffs led by former New York Times journalist Chris Hedges.

The Obama administration insists that the indefinite detention provisions of the legislation are necessary for the safety and security of the nation, a claim that Hedges and his colleagues have condemned whole-heartedly in the ten months since the NDA went on the books. Journalists and human rights activists insist that Section 1021 actually allows the government to label any American citizen as a suspected terrorist and then treat them accordingly.


Vatican orders probe of police for 'abuse' of Pope's butler after arrest

The Pope's butler accused the Vatican of mistreating him during his two month incarceration, alleging that he was kept in a tiny cell with the lights on 24 hours a day for up to 20 days.

Paolo Gabriele
© The Associated PressPaolo Gabriele
Rome, Italy - In a surprise development, the judge in charge of the trial of Paolo Gabriele, accused of stealing confidential documents from the Pope's office, ordered an investigation into whether he had been held in inhumane conditions.

The investigation will only add to the Vatican's embarrassment over the scandal which has thrown the Holy See open to open to unprecedented scrutiny.

Speaking publicly for the first time since his arrest in May, Mr Gabriele disclosed details of his incarceration in an isolation cell in the headquarters of the Vatican gendarmerie, the Pope's police force.

He said that the cell that he was initially held in after his arrest was so narrow that he could not stretch out his arms and that the bright lights had damaged his vision and left him depressed.

"For the first 15-20 days the light was on 24 hours a day and there was no switch. As a result my eyesight was damaged," Mr Gabriele told the Vatican court.