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IAF jets fly mock raids over south Lebanon after mysterious aircraft shot down over Israel

© Yuval TebolIAF F-16B jets.
Israel still investigating Saturday's incident in which an unmanned aircraft was shot down over the country's skies, with main suspect being Lebanon-based and Iran-funded Hezbollah.

Israeli warplanes swooped low over Lebanese villages Sunday in a menacing show of force apparently aimed at the Hezbollah guerrilla group after a mysterious raid by an unmanned aircraft that was shot out of Israeli skies over the weekend.

Israel was still investigating Saturday's incident, but Hezbollah quickly emerged as the leading suspect because it has an arsenal of sophisticated Iranian weapons and a history of trying to deploy similar aircraft.

The Israeli military said the drone approached Israel's southern Mediterranean coast and flew deep into Israeli airspace before warplanes shot it down about 20 minutes later. Israeli news reports said the drone was not carrying explosives and appeared to be on a reconnaissance mission.

Military officials would not say where the drone originated or who produced it, but they ruled out the Gaza Strip, which is ruled by Hamas, a group not known to possess drones. That left Hezbollah as the most likely culprit and suggested the drone may have flown with the blessing of Iran. Tensions are high between Israel and Iran over Tehran's suspect nuclear program.

"It is an Iranian drone that was launched by Hezbollah," Israeli lawmaker Miri Regev, a former chief spokeswoman for the Israeli military, wrote on her Twitter feed. "Hezbollah and Iran continue to try to collect information in every possible way in order to harm Israel."

She did not offer any further evidence and was not immediately available for comment.

Hezbollah officials would not comment on speculation that the group had launched the drone.


Turkey returns fire at Syria

© The Associated PressSoldiers are seen Sunday at a Turkish military station at the border gate with Syria, across from Syrian rebel-controlled Tel Abyad town, in Akcakale, Turkey.
Akcakalet, Turkey - Turkey's military on Sunday fired artillery on targets inside Syria for a fifth day consecutive day, immediately responding to a Syrian shell that landed on Turkish soil. The exchange kept tensions along the volatile border running high and stoked fears of a regional conflagration.

An Associated Press journalist witnessed the shell landing some 200 meters inside Turkey, near the border town of Akcakale. A short time later, eight artillery shells could be heard fired from Turkey.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Saturday warned that Ankara would respond forcefully to each errant Syrian shell that lands on Turkish soil. The latest Syria-Turkey crisis erupted earlier this week, after a Syrian shell killed five civilians in a Turkish border town.

Inside Syria on Sunday, forces loyal to President Bashar Assad clashed with rebels across the country, from the northern city of Aleppo to the southern border with Jordan. Activists said opposition fighters were strengthening their hold over the village off Khirbet al-Jouz, in the northern province of Idlib, which borders Turkey and where violent clashes broke out a day earlier.

The Turkish state-run Anadolu news agency said Sunday that the rebels had regained full control of Khirbet al-Jouz. It said the Syrian army was forced to "pull back" following an "offensive" by some 700 rebels.


New airport scanners to read every molecule in your body

Security staff at airports can already force us to go through metal detectors and use X-rays to see under our clothes.

But a new technology being developed on behalf of the U.S. government goes even further - soon officials will be able to scan every single molecule in our bodies.

And travellers might not even know that they are being watched, as the device can be operated from a distance of 50 metres.
Portable: Picosecond Programmable Laser scanner show how small the device is which means that it could be used in a wide range of circumstances

It is reasonable to assume that the Department of Homeland Security is primarily intending to use the Picosecond Programmable Laser scanners in airports, where security is usually at its highest.

But the device is small and light enough to be easily portable, and could be installed in any building or even on the street.

The invention, while technologically exciting, raises the sinister spectre of government, businesses and individuals having the ability to monitor everyone constantly.

Bad Guys

The fallacy of voting for "the lesser of two evils"

© Unknown
For decades, disaffected Americans have been trudging to the polls and voting for the lesser of two evils. That's how they register their preference for a presidential candidate.

Choices based on that dubious strategy seem to work for the short-term (at best). But in the long run, the law of diminishing returns sets in.

Term after presidential term, the lesser of two evils lowers the quality of life for everyone and keeps nudging the decline of the American Republic. The hole to dig out of becomes deeper, and successive presidents - each one the lesser of two evils - are less capable and willing to do the necessary digging.

That's the story of leadership in America.

But prompted by new and more desperate created crises, citizens resort to the "lesser" strategy every four years, believing they must.


Surprise! Citizens and scientists realize Japan Science Ministry manipulated Fukushima radiation readings

nuclear plant workers, Fukushima
Citizens and scientists have raised concerns that the science ministry manipulated its measurement of radiation levels in Fukushima Prefecture to show figures lower than they really were.

The Association for Citizens and Scientists Concerned About Internal Radiation Exposures said on Oct. 5 that its survey this year of airborne dose levels found an average 10-30 percent higher than the ministry's numbers, and in certain areas, the discrepancy was even greater.

Black Magic

Why is the US government planning for "mass fatalities"?

FEMA badge
This government organization has more power than the President of the United States or the Congress.
You just can't make this stuff up.

Late last week, a bill HR 6566 was introduced on the floor of the US House of Representatives. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read it.

The bill is entitled the "Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act," and its stated purpose is "[to] amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide guidance and coordination for mass fatality planning..."

Hmmmm. Homeland Security. FEMA. Sounds like a fun party.

The bill was introduced a week ago, but it took the US Government Printing Office until this morning to actually make the text available to the public.


Mass protests in Istanbul against possible Turkey-Syria war

Tens of thousands of anti-war protesters gathered in Istanbul, Thursday evening, opposing military action against Syria. Marchers streamed through the capital's commercial district, opposing Turkey's alliance with the United States and pledging support for the Syrian people.

The demonstration took place after the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government used its majority in parliament to grant Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan powers to send soldiers into "foreign countries".

The clear intent is to wage a cross-border offensive to depose the regime of Bashir al-Assad without consulting the national assembly. The motion submitted allows the government to determine "the scope, extent and time" of any possible intervention.

The motion was passed after a stray shell from Syria killed five people in the Turkish border town of Akçakale Wednesday. Two days of mortar fire followed; Turkish fighter jets also carried out strikes on targets including a Syrian military camp, killing an unspecified number of soldiers.


Hezbollah denies sending drone over Israel; was incident another self-inflicted wound?

© AFP Photo / David BuimovitchAn Israeli army helicopter searches for the remains of an unarmed and unidentified drone in the northern Negev on September 5, 2012
Israel is on a quest to find out the origin of the drone shot down Saturday, with various theories coming to light, including Hezbollah's planning and Iran's manufacturing to carry out surveillance and test Israel's interception capabilities.

Israel's defense has refrained from revealing full details regarding the origin of the unmanned aerial vehicle that was shot down over the Israel's unpopulated Negev desert.

The only information given is that the drone came from the direction of the Mediterranean, around the Gaza Strip, and that it is unlikely that Palestinians organizations are involved.

The aircraft was unarmed and it said to have been sent for surveillance purposes.
Iran-Hezbollah connection

It is unclear who is behind this mission, but Israeli media have speculated that the drone was manufactured by Iran and sent over by Hezbollah.

Israeli MP and former chief spokesman of the military Miri Regev wrote in his Twitter feed that it was an "Iranian drone launched by Hezbollah," pointing to the Lebanese Shiite group that fought a war with Israel in 2006.

However, defense officials did not confirm this link.

Comment: Everyone knows that Israel is a mad dog just itching for someone to attack them, so it is extremely unlikely that anyone but Israel would attack Israel first.


U.S. Special Forces deployed in Iraq, again

Iraqis joyfully awaiting the return of US Special Forces
Despite the official US military withdrawal last December, American special forces "recently" returned to Iraq on a counter-terrorism mission, according to an American general in charge of weapons sales there. The mission was reported by the New York Times, in the fifteenth paragraph of a story about deepening sectarian divides.

The irony is that the US is protecting a pro-Iran Shiite regime in Baghdad against a Sunni-based insurgency while at the same time supporting a Sunni-led movement against the Iran-backed dictatorship in Syria. The Sunni rebellions are occurring in the vast Sunni region between northwestern Iraq and southern Syria where borders are porous.

During the Iraq War, many Iraqi insurgents from Anbar and Diyala provinces took sanctuary in Sunni areas of Syria. Now they are turning their weapons on two targets, the al-Malaki government in Baghdad and the Assad regime in Damascus.

Comment: We wonder if their redeployment has anything to do with this?

US takes MEK off list of terror groups, set to recognise cult as legitimate Iranian government?

Baghdad insists on deporting Iranian cult


Vatileaks Scandal Ends: Papal butler gets 18 months in jail

Paolo Gabriele
© Agence France-Presse/Osservatore RomanoPope Benedict XVI's former butler Paolo Gabriele (R) sitting in a courtroom for the start of a closely-watched case that could see him receive up to four years in prison for aggravated theft.
The Vatican court trying Pope Benedict's former butler on charges of stealing confidential papers and leaking them to journalists has found him guilty, sentencing him to 18 months in prison.

Judge Giuseppe Dalla Torre read the verdict aloud Saturday one hour after the three-judge panel began deliberating Paolo Gabriele's fate.

The Vatican court stated that it gave a reduced sentence because Gabriele had no criminal record and ordered the accused to pay legal expenses.

The ex-butler does not plan to appeal his sentence. He will serve his jail term under house arrest in his Vatican apartment while waiting a possible pardon, his lawyer said on Saturday.

In addition, Vatican spokesman told Reuters that Pope Benedict XVI will "most likely" pardon his former butler for theft, which would exempt Gabriele from serving the jail sentence.

The prosecution in the trial of Pope Benedict's former butler had requested a three-year jail sentence.

While, the defense has asked for the charges to be reduced from "aggravated theft" to "misappropriation" and for the accused to be freed.

Forty-six-year-old Paolo Gabriele is being charged with allegedly stealing papal correspondence and leaking it to a journalist.