Puppet MastersS


The Army's Secret Cold War Experiments on St. Louisans

Lisa Martino-Taylor is a sociologist whose life's work has been to uncover details of the Army's ultra-secret military experiments carried out in St. Louis and other cities during the 1950s and 60s.

She will make her research public Tuesday, but she spoke first to the I-Team's Leisa Zigman.

The I-Team independently verified that the spraying of zinc cadmium sulfide did take place in St. Louis on thousands of unsuspecting citizens. What is unclear is whether the Army added a radioactive material to the compound as Martino-Taylor's research implies.

"The study was secretive for reason. They didn't have volunteers stepping up and saying yeah, I'll breathe zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles," said Martino-Taylor.

Army archive pictures show how the tests were done in Corpus Christi, Texas in the 1960s. In Texas, planes were used to drop the chemical. But in St. Louis, the Army placed chemical sprayers on buildings and station wagons.

Star of David

"This is good for Israel" - Israel Seeks War on Iran to Keep Lid on 9/11, by Kevin Barrett

© Lasha Darkmoon"This is good for Israel""
Almost every politically-aware person on the planet is puzzled by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's bizarre obsession with Iran. Netanyahu is risking his political career, his reputation, and Israel's future by intervening in the US presidential elections.

He is using all of Zionism's considerable might - including organized crime assets like "Las Vegas Godfather" Sheldon Adelson - to force Obama to attack Iran; or, failing that, to make sure that Obama is defeated by the Zionist puppet Romney. There are even rumors of Israeli-sponsored assassination attempts on Obama.

Even the rabidly pro-Zionist Jewish Daily Forward has editorialized:
"It's difficult to recall a time when an Israeli prime minister has inserted himself into a presidential election campaign in the way that Benjamin Netanyahu has. It's even harder to recall a time when a trusted ally openly urged the American president to undertake a questionable, unpopular and highly risky war. We sure hope Netanyahu knows what he's doing, because the stakes for him - and for the two nations he professes to care about the most - could not be higher."

The Jewish Daily Forward has good reasons to wonder whether Netanyahu knows what he's doing. The editorialist cites polls showing that the American people strongly oppose attacking Iran, even if war breaks out between Iran and Israel and only US intervention could save Israel! These polls show that American voters no longer give a damn whether Israel, which has chosen to live by the sword, finally dies by the sword. As Dave Lindorff observes, Netanyahu's mad obsession with pushing the US into yet another unwanted war for Israel "may have fundamentally undermined the long-standing 'special relationship' between the US and Israel."

Star of David

Flashback UK union posts link to anti-Semitic article

Group is member of union which voted to reintroduce boycott of Israeli academics in Britain.

Comment: Just a note to say that I, Joe Quinn, did NOT "link to the Web site of convicted Holocaust-denier David Irving".


19 Signs That America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Giant Surveillance Grid

© End of American Dream
You are being watched. The control freaks that hold power in the United States have become absolutely obsessed with surveillance. They are constantly attempting to convince the American people that we are all "safer" when virtually everything that we do is watched, monitored, tracked and recorded.

Our country is being systematically transformed into a giant surveillance grid far more comprehensive than anything George Orwell ever dreamed of. If you still believe that there is such a thing as "privacy" in this day and age, you are being delusional. Every single piece of electronic communication is monitored and stored.

In fact, they know that you are reading this article right now. But even if you got rid of all of your electronic devices, you would still be constantly monitored. As you will read about below, a rapidly growing nationwide network of facial recognition cameras, "pre-crime" surveillance devices, voice recorders, mobile backscatter vans, aerial drones and automated license plate readers are constantly feeding data about us back to the government.

In addition, private companies involved in "data mining" are gathering literally trillions upon trillions of data points about individual Americans each year. So there is no escape from this surveillance grid. In fact, it has become just about impossible to keep it from growing. The surveillance grid is expanding in thousands of different ways, so even if you stopped one form of surveillance you would hardly make a dent in the astounding growth of this system.

What we desperately need is a fundamental cultural awakening to the importance of liberty, freedom and privacy. Without such an awakening, the United States (along with the rest of the planet) is going to head into a world that will make "1984" by George Orwell look like a cheery story about a Sunday picnic.

The following are 19 signs that America is being systematically transformed into a giant surveillance grid....

Star of David

Funding Genocide: Israel Receives Over $3BN Annually from US Taxpayers Despite Being One of World's Richest Countries

The Israeli army's chief of staff states that in the past three years, "US taxpayers have contributed more to the Israeli defense budget than Israeli taxpayers," according to a report in the Jerusalem Post, a prominent Israeli newspaper.

According to the report,Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi made the statement during a speech on September 11th. In it he emphasized: "We must preserve ties with the United States. I believe this is a security necessity."

According to the newspaper the speech was at the Calcalist Conference, which appears to be an annual event in Tel Aviv sponsored by the Calcalist newspaper, an Israeli Hebrew-only daily financial newspaper. It is is part of the group that publishes Yedioth Ahronoth, the largest circulation newspaper in Israel.

American taxpayers give Israel over $3 billion per year (over $8 million per day), more than to any other nation, despite the fact that Israel is smaller than New Jersey and is in the top 30 richest countries in the world.

Comment: The US is sending money to one of the richest and most warmongering nations in the world while the US economy is tanking, millions of children are living in poverty and the US infrastructure is crumbling. And in addition, the pathocrats are funding this transfer while threatening to make cuts to social welfare programs. See anything wrong with this picture?


Wafa Leader Claims Mossad Infiltrated Tunisian Ministry

Abderrauf al-Ayadi, head of the Wafa Party, confirmed that the Israeli Mossad has succeeded in infiltrating the Tunisian Ministry of Interior. In an interview with Al-Khaleej, Ayadi - who defected from the party of the Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki - stated that he defected from the Congress for the Republic (CPR) because he refused to mix between the affairs of the Tunisian state and the party. He wanted to stay loyal to the CPR's main goals and principles.

Moreover, Ayadi condemned [Prime Minister Hamadi] Jebali's government as "a total failure," because it was focused on building a "stronghold" and making appointments on the basis of party affiliations in preparation for the upcoming electoral campaign. Jebali's government does not care at all about the urgent affairs that must be dealt with immediately, and cares even less about the revolution's goals.

The following is Al-Khaleej's interview with Ayadi:

Mr. Potato

CNN's Piers Morgan Repeatedly Embarrassed Trying To Discredit Jesse Ventura on 9/11 and Government Corruption

Jesse Ventura
CNN Anchor Piers Morgan was embarrassed by his own audience trying to echo government propaganda points only to be soundly countered by Jesse Ventura.

During Friday's appearance on CNN's Piers Morgan Show former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura countered numerous government propaganda talking points.

It was so bad that Morgan who was simply at a loss of any logical counter arguments was forced only to resort to the "you are a tin foil hat wearing crack pot" tactic.

Morgan receiving a cool reception to his own audience threw out the line "I think you make good points and I think you make crackpot points" to discredit Ventura and then hurriedly tried to change the subject by moving along to the next topic.

But Ventura wasn't having it and put Morgan in his place telling him "No! No! Now you wait!".

Bad Guys

The US is the World's Biggest War-Monger

US military
There is a massive deception campaign in the US, and in its global propaganda, which seeks to portray the United States as a poor set-upon nation that would like world peace but just has to keep a military stationed around the globe to "police" all the world's "trouble spots."

In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

That truth is that the US is the biggest war-monger the world has ever known.

Let's start with its budget. According to research by the War Resisters League, the US, in fiscal year 2012, budgeted a total of $673 billion for the military, plus another $166 billion for military activities of other government departments, such as the nuclear weapons program, much of which is handled by the Department of Energy, or the Veterans Program, which pays for the care and benefits of former military personnel. There's also another roughly $440 billion in interest paid on the debt from prior wars and military expenditures. All together, that comes to $1.3 trillion, which represents close to 50% of the general budget of the United States -- the highest percentage of a government budget devoted to the military of any modern nation in the world -- and perhaps of any government of any nation in the world.

That spending represents also the world's biggest percentage of national gross domestic product devoted to the military (GDP is a measure of all economic activity in a nation). Looking at the other countries with big militaries -- China, Russia, Britain and France -- not only does not one come even close in terms of the percent of GDP spent on its military, but taken together, all of their expenditures on their military combined total less than half what the US spends by itself.

Arrow Down

Hamas Leader Khaled Mashaal to Step Down

© Agence France-Presse/Ho/HamasExiled Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal
A senior Hamas official has confirmed that the group's leader, Khaled Mashaal, will not be seeking re-election. Mashaal will, however, remain a member of the Islamist party.

Mashaal, who has led Hamas from various Arab capitals since 1996, told a meeting of senior officials in Cairo last week that he had no desire to remain its chief and that his decision not to run in the election was final, a diplomatic source told the Jerusalem Post earlier Sunday.

"When Mashaal said he was not seeking re-election, a message was sent to him from the movement's leaders, unanimously asking him to change his mind," senior Hamas official Salal Bardawil told Ma'an news agency.

The diplomatic source told the Jerusalem Post that Mashaal was tired of policy changes from the group's leadership.

"Mashaal has grown impatient with some of his Gaza officials who recently tried to undermine decisions he took on behalf of the group," the source said.

The leader angered Hamas' leadership earlier this year when he agreed that its main rival, the Fatah movement, could lead any future unity government.


West Dispute Over Iran Nuclear Energy Work Benefits No One: Ahmadinejad

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the prolongation of the current Western dispute over the Islamic Republic's nuclear energy program is in no one's interest.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ban Ki-moon
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (L) and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, September 23, 2012
"If everyone tries to reduce negative outlooks, we will be more successful in resolving the issue," Ahmadinejad said in a meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the sidelines of the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

The Iranian president stressed that clearing the misunderstandings regarding Tehran's nuclear energy program can help resolve disagreements.

The United States, Israel and some of their allies accuse Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program.

Iran rejects the allegations, arguing that as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of International Atomic Energy Agency, it is entitled to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.