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Israeli PM's 2010 Iran strike order rebuffed by IDF and Mossad, says Israel's Channel 2 documentary

Israeli fighter plane
© AFP Photo/Jack GuezAn Israeli F-15 fighterjet
In 2010, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the IDF to prepare fully for a war with Iran. The head of Mossad intelligence service and country's chief of general staff opposed the move and prevented war with Iran, a documentary claims.

­Investigative journalist Ilana Dayan produced an hour-long documentary for Israel's Channel 2 TV on the decision-making process in Israeli policy towards Iran over the last decade, from PM Ariel Sharon to PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

The film, to be aired late on Monday, poses the question as to how far a politician can go in taking a "no return" decision to assault a foreign state he believes poses a threat to his country and whether he has the authority to do so unilaterally.

The move was made during a meeting of "forum of seven" group that represents only a part of the Israeli government. Netanyahu addressed the now-retired Chief of General Staff Gabi Ashkenazi and actually ordered the head of the Israeli Defense Forces to "set the systems for P-plus," which means full IDF readiness for an assault. The request met full support of the attending the meeting country's Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

Star of David

Best of the Web: It's time for sanctions on Israel

Benjamin Netanyahu, right, and the foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman
© Abir Sultan/EPA The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, right, and the foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, shake hands after they announced their parties will unite for the 2013 election.
The merger of the rightwing parties will increase extremism and racism against Palestinians. Sanctions are the only answer

Ahead of the Israeli elections next January, a merger between the parties of the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, and the foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, has been announced. They are to contest the elections on a joint list, intending to become the largest bloc in the Knesset.

The move is seen as an achievement for both men. Netanyahu was shaken by the recent decline in the popularity of his Likud party at the rate of one seat per week. More specifically, his apprehension revolved around the possible return of Ehud Olmert, the former Israeli prime minister, as leader of an opposition alliance consisting of Tzipi Livni, the former foreign minister; Shaul Mofaz, leader of Kadima; and Yair Labed, a rising political star.

Netanyahu's avowed objective is to assemble a major political force that would guarantee his re-election and ensure his dominance of the Israeli right. Lieberman is the main beneficiary of this alliance: it guarantees power for his party, Yisrael Beiteinu, and under the agreement, Lieberman can choose to run whatever ministry he desires, including the important ministry of defence. He will gain political legitimacy and be transformed from a mere participant in a coalition government to a key player. If in recent years the government has been a construct of Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, the defence minister, the next government will be a Netanyahu-Lieberman one. Lieberman can also contest Likud's leadership after Netanyahu.

The alliance reflects a lunge to the right, at a time of greater extremism in Israeli politics. Previously, Lieberman was very much on the margins. When he became minister of transport, a minister in the Labour party resigned, refusing to sit at the same table with him.


Mayor Bloomberg diverts resources and National Guard from 'war zone' within city

Residents throughout the city and surrounding areas have been hit hard by the violent winds, rains, and flooding that the "super storm" Sandy threw at them earlier in the week.

Now facing the aftermath, residents and businesses await the next phase of recovery as they piece back together their lives to some sense of normality. But when will it come?

In the middle of New York harbor lies weather struck Staten Island, mostly flooded and submerged from the storm.

It has now been reported by ABC and others that Staten Island is under distress as residents fight for there lives in what has been described as not only a "disaster zone" but a "war zone".

Thousands of people are displaced as some seek refuge in shelters throughout the region.


Dr. Judy Wood - Where Did the Towers Go?

This is a video and picture enhanced radio show interview between Dr. Judy Wood and Regina Meredith on Conscious Media Network at http://www.cmn.tv/radio/judy-wood/

Where Did The Towers Go is Dr. Judy Wood's book which is a summary of the physical evidence submitted in her federal qui tam case accusing the defendants of science fraud. NIST was mandated by congress to "Determine why and how WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed..." yet NIST admitted to me that they did not analyze the "collapse." The contractors they hired with taxpayer money knowingly allowed the fraudulent report to become final.


Yemen's Tattered Reality After 'Fairytale' Revolution - Photographic perspectives

© Nile Bowie A portrait of deposed President Ali Abdullah Saleh hangs from an abandoned government ministry in the Hassaba district in downtown Sana'a.
A year on from the Arab Spring, supposed to usher in a new era for Yemen, for most it is a perilous time. With no clear direction, it is plagued by instability and lawlessness, allowing it to fall prey to further US military expansion.

­The unrest brought about by the Arab Spring triggered numerous political transitions throughout the Middle East and North Africa in 2011. In Yemen, the only state in the Arabian Peninsula to have a republican form of government, President Ali Abdullah Saleh was deposed after 33 years in power, and replaced by his deputy, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.

After nearly a year since this political transition, Yemen continues to face food insecurity, impoverishment and the threat of violent extremism from Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and other Islamist militias. Guns are everywhere in the country's capital, Sana'a, and several government ministries are abandoned and riddled with bullet holes. Once frequented by foreign tourists, political instability has left Yemen's rich historical sites abandoned.


U.S.-backed terrorists mass murder unarmed civilians in Syria

Washington Post claims "soldiers" were executed - terrorists in video clearly refer to victims as civilian "shabih." Victims had no weapons, uniforms, or IDs indicating they were soldiers.
Images and reports eventually trickled out as NATO-backed genocide unfolded throughout Tripoli's streets, indicating the destruction of infrastructure and the specific targeting of black Libyans written off by the corporate media as "suspected mercenaries." Benghazi rebels have been long reported to harbor extremist ideologies and an intense ethnic and racial hatred. These very Libyan, Benghazi terrorists are now streaming into Syria to commit similar atrocities against the Syrian people.
An egregious war crime was reported on by the Washington Post, but deceitfully and purposefully spun and shrugged off. In the Post's article, "Syrian rebels execute unarmed government soldiers; dozens killed in fighting," it is first reported:
Syrian rebels executed at least a half-dozen unarmed government soldiers Thursday after attacks on checkpoints near the town of Saraqeb in northwest Syria.
The execution of the soldiers, which was documented in a graphic video [GRAPHIC] posted online Thursday, is not the first time that rebel fighters appear to have committed war crimes. U.N. representatives and human rights organizations have repeatedly criticized the Syrian opposition in recent months for carrying out summary executions and for abusing detainees.
The video clearly shows unarmed men, none of whom are wearing uniforms or equipment typical of "government soldiers." The Washington Post then links to another video while reporting:
A second video posted online Thursday [GRAPHIC], which appears to have been filmed shortly after the execution, shows at least three other bodies spread out around the checkpoint. The man filming approaches two of the bodies and says, "The shabiha of Assad, the dogs."


Did Icelandic households receive a major debt forgiveness? Yes and no

In effect, the Icelandic revolution was neutralised
"tkn" asked me in a comment to How to create a housing bubble? whether it was true that the Icelandic households had had their debt forgiven in any major amount. This is, unfortunately, not true. The short answer is that Icelandic households had 196.3 billion ISK (about 1.0 billion pounds) "forgiven" of their debts. That's about 12% of GDP.

But that's not really it. According to the "Icelandic Broadcasting Company" (IBC instead of BBC) the write-offs consisted of:
43.6 billion ISK due to the 110% act: if your mortgage was worth more than 110% of the market value of your property you could apply for, but not necessarily get, debt forgiveness to the point where the rest of your debt would be 110% of the market value. This, along with the next point, was organised and, of course, hailed by the government as a "significant" act to lessen the debt burden of households.

"Abstract debt relief" provided for 6.2 billion ISK of the total 196.3 billion. This part was for individuals and couples that were in "serious" debt difficulties.


International corporations move in for the kill as Africa is carved up in massive land grab

Food and Agriculture Organisation chief José Graziano da Silva demands high noon on land grabs that jeopardise food security

Amid warnings that land deals are undermining food security, the head of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has compared "land grabs" in Africa to the "wild west", saying a "sheriff" is needed to restore the rule of law.

José Graziano da Silva, the FAO's director general, conceded it was not possible to stop large investors buying land, but said deals in poor countries needed to be brought under control.

"I don't see that it's possible to stop it. They are private investors," said Graziano da Silva in a telephone interview. "We do not have the tools and instruments to stop big companies buying land. Land acquisitions are a reality. We can't wish them away, but we have to find a proper way of limiting them. It appears to be like the wild west and we need a sheriff and law in place."


More evidence emerges of powerful pedophile network at apex of British establishment

British TV 'Newsnight' programme, protecting the psychopathic pedophiles in power
A victim of the sexual abuse at north Wales children's homes in the 1970s has called on the prime minister to launch a fresh investigation into the scandal, claiming that he was sexually assaulted at the time by a former senior Conservative political figure.

Steven Messham, who was one of hundreds of children who were abused over two decades, told BBC Newsnight that he and others had been "swept under the carpet" despite a three-year inquiry in the late 1990s, and said he now wanted to meet David Cameron.

The former political figure, who was not named but was reportedly a senior official during the Thatcher era, has "vehemently denied" the allegations, according to Channel 4 News.

Comment: It's probably not a good idea to tell BBC Newsnight these things: they tend to twist everything and then cover up for the politicians concerned, all the while children are being raped in the studio next door.

Child rape has been taking place at BBC studios for decades: Newsnight editor steps aside over Jimmy Savile scandal

Dollar Gold

Greece is governed by a corrupt clique, says Kostas Vaxevanis

© Orestis Panagiotou/EPAKostas Vaxevanis, editor of Hot Doc magazine, was cleared of privacy breach for publishing the names of 2,000 suspected tax evaders.
Greece is undergoing a crisis of democracy with press censorship at its centre, says the magazine editor in the middle of the media storm that has engulfed Athens. Speaking to the Guardian a day after being cleared of breaching privacy laws, Kostas Vaxevanis said Greece was ruled by a clique of corrupt politicians in thrall to businessmen who owned - and gagged - the media.

"There's a huge problem in Greece, a problem of democracy and essence," he said in his fifth-floor office, surrounded by copies of Hot Doc, the investigative magazine that last week published the names of more than 2,000 high-earning Greeks with bank accounts in Switzerland. "The country is governed by a poisonous combination of politicians, businessmen and journalists who cover one another's backs. Every day laws are changed, or new laws are voted in, to legitimise illegal deeds."