This NSA-whistleblower-government-spying scandal is hard for many to digest. On one level, I am an idealist too. I would like to believe that a lone whistleblower can pull a fast one on the NSA/CIA/Mossad axis. But I know that it cannot be. People find it hugely difficult to accept that the world is now so unrelentingly corrupt that
the true extent of this corruption cannot be exposed and overturned by any whistleblowing.
Edward Snowden is either consciously playing his part in a deliberate intelligence psy-op to erect a smokescreen about what is really going on,
or he has been unwittingly set up by his masters to do this. (The latter is the most likely).
One cannot pull a fast one on these people. They know everything and can track everything,
since decades ago, and
only allow things to become public that they approve of.
They plainly
wanted the world to know about PRISM and all that stuff. It works like a kind of bloodletting, to make the public think they still have some say in the running of this thing we call life on Earth, when the exact opposite is the case. They create the leak, sit back and watch the outrage, then some government committee is set up to investigate. Then that committee (which is stuffed full of stooges to make sure it doesn't have teeth) takes a year to carry out its task - after which time most people have forgotten what the fuss was all about. Then the committee finds that certain irregularities have taken place which will be sorted out with some token legislation.
Meanwhile, everything behind the scenes has carried on unhindered and, in fact, deepened. And very few notice or even care.
Anyone who has taken the time to investigate all this will see that what I am saying is true. This isn't "conspiracy theory".
It's just the way it is. You see, the people who run the world run both sides of the show. They run the bad guys (which everybody knows) but they also run the good guys who oppose them (which comparatively few realise).
They told us a hundred years ago that this is how they would be running things. And that's how they work it today.
For example, they own organisations like Amnesty International. That's why they
never really stick their necks out for the real oppressions in the world, nor oppose the serial wars the USA engineers. To make out as if they champion literacy and women's rights (because that's trendy and acceptable to the masses) in a country which is being bombed back to the stone age (and yet say nothing whatsoever about that) is the ultimate smokescreen!
Comment: Has begun shipping weapons?
Arms flowing to Syrian agitators from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon
World Tribune
Thu, 28 Apr 2011
Syria Terrorists Admit France and US Are Supplying Weapons
Russia Today
Wed, 29 Feb 2012