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Daily Mail publishes major scoop... the location of RT's evil London lair

Daily Mail Russian Lie Factory Westminster
The Daily Mail, the very symbol of journalistic integrity in Britain, [Ed: LOL!] has scored a major coup - it has revealed the location of RT's UK office. We haven't been able to confirm the number of investigative journalists involved in finding the address - presumably by googling it.

The biggest surprise to dedicated Daily Mail readers will be that RT is not operating from a hollowed-out volcano on a super villain's tropical island, but actually from a gray, aging (cold) skyscraper.

The Daily Mail article, jumping wholeheartedly upon the now-speeding anti-Russia bandwagon in Britain, carries the breathless headline: "Putin's lying machine: Revealed, how Russia's spewing out ruthless propaganda from a Moscow-funded TV station - right next to Westminster."

Comment: The British establishment media, like their American counterparts, is a joke. Every person who retains the ability to think for themselves (not many) know this.

Eye 1

Forget 'Russiagate': A new Special Counsel should investigate real scandals of US election

trump mueller
President Trump and Special Counsel Robert Mueller
Sixteen months after the Russiagate investigation was started it has produced
  1. a sloppily drafted though aggressively worded indictment against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates relating to their business dealings in Ukraine which does not touch on the Russiagate collusion allegations;
  2. a cynical and in my opinion oppressive indictment against George Papadopoulos - which has resulted in his guilty plea - because he mixed up the dates of his first meeting with a Maltese professor, but which also does not touch on the Russiagate collusion allegations;
  3. rumours of a third indictment against Michael Flynn because of his alleged failure to register properly his lobbying work for the Turkish government, but which apparently will also not touch on the Russiagate collusion allegations; and
  4. relentless hounding of Carter Page, whose "crime" is that he has longstanding and openly acknowledged business contacts in Russia and that he gave a public speech during the election at Moscow's New Economic School.

Evil Rays

Liberals are ignoring what's important regarding Trump to focus on irrelevant or made-up gaffes

Trump koi pond
© Jim Watson/Getty Images
The left should be encouraging the president's moderation on foreign policy rather than distorting the truth about alleged gaffes.

With his party reeling from a wave of electoral defeats on Tuesday, Donald Trump stood before the South Korean National Assembly on Wednesday to tout his alleged victories as president. After a desultory Wikipedia-style description of the achievements of the South Korean miracle, the nation's remarkable economic recovery after the devastation of civil war, Trump said, "The United States is going through something of a miracle itself. Our stock market is at an all-time high. Unemployment is at a 17-year low. We are defeating ISIS. We are strengthening our judiciary, including a brilliant Supreme Court justice, and on and on and on."

It's unclear why South Koreans would care about the appointment of Neil Gorsuch, if they're even aware of it, but Trump then took his diplomatic tactlessness a step further by plugging for one of his properties: "The women's U.S. Open was held this year at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, and it just happened to be won by a great Korean golfer, Sung Hyun Park, and eight of the top ten players were from Korea."

Comment: Americans ignoring what's important to focus on irrelevant trivialities is just par for the course.

Bad Guys

Ukraine's Yarosh claims Donbass will be recaptured on Hitler's birthday, 2018

Dmitro Dmitri Yarosh maiden ukraine odessa massacre
Dmitro Dmitri Yarosh, one of the coordinators of the Odessa massacre in 2014
Originally at Novorosinform

Kiev. Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, and leader of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army, formed from Pravy Sektor (banned in Russia), Dmitro Yarosh said that Kiev will regain control of the Donbass on April 20, 2018. He stated this in an interview published on Monday, October 9, with the publication Apostrof.

"We ("Ukrainian Volunteer Army "- ed.) take our pedigree from April 20, 2014. And maybe we'll make our Victory Day April 20, 2018? To combine the two dates - so as not to celebrate too much," - said Ukrainian parliamentarian.

Comment: Further reading: A Dynamic Analysis of Ukraine Politics: The Crooks, the Clowns and the Nazis

War Whore

Idiots, Shills: Buzzfeed's 'crack investigators' discover Russia funded Russian elections

© AFPBuzzfeed accused of burying the details in 'secret finding' article about Russia foreign ministry.
BuzzFeed's latest "explosive" scoop on "secret" Russian financing of a 2016 election turned out to be an instant hit by burying a key detail: it was a Russian election.

On Tuesday, the US media outlet ran a story headlined "Secret Finding: 60 Russian Payments 'To Finance Election Campaign of 2016'".

The 959-word article opens with the revelation that during August 2016, at the height of US election euphoria, the Russian Foreign Ministry wired $30,000 to its embassy in Washington.

Comment: Another example of the massively hysterical and subjective anti-Russia mania that has overtaken the minds of nominally 'intelligent' people in the USA.

Bad Guys

Battle of Al Bu-Kamal and the funding of ISIS

Last week, the Islamic State's self-proclaimed caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, reportedly fled across the border from the town of Rawa in Iraq to the last bastion of the Islamic State in Syria, the border town of Al Bu-Kamal. On Thursday, the Syrian government and allied militias announced victory in Al Bu-Kamal, but by late Friday, the Islamic State mounted a counter-offensive and recaptured the northern neighborhoods of the town.

A question would naturally arise in the minds of curious observers of the war against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq that why would al-Baghdadi leave the relatively safer region of Anbar in Iraq for Al Bu-Kamal in Syria which is being heavily contested between the Syrian troops and the Islamic State jihadists? The Syrian troops and allied militias are mercilessly shelling the town and the counter-offensive of the jihadist group is equally fierce, with a large number of VBIEDs (vehicle-bound improvised explosive device) being used against the advancing troops.

The only conclusion that can be drawn from this suicidal gambit by al-Baghdadi is that the self-styled caliph of the Islamic State has become tired of living the life of a fugitive on the run and has decided to fight to death in the last major stronghold of the so-called caliphate that spanned one-third of Syria and Iraq only a couple of years ago, in order to die as a martyr and a create a legend around his persona even after his death.



Democrats still trying to make vacuous Chelsea Clinton happen

Chelsea Clinton
© Reuters/Jim YoungChelsea Clinton introduces Hillary at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.
Hasn't Bill Clinton been fellated thoroughly enough?

Nina Burleigh spoke for a certain variety of 1990s-style feminist when she famously said that "American women should be lining up" - on their knees - in order to express their gratitude to Bill Clinton for "keeping theocracy off our backs."

You all remember how close we were to theocracy back in the 1990s: California banned smoking in all bars, Chris Farley died of a cocaine-and-opiates overdose, Barry Switzer got canned . . . and . . . nothing like a theocracy was anywhere to be seen, heard of, or smelt. As much as the Democrats tried to cast Ken Starr as a modern-day Roger Chillingworth (if not a Torquemada), Bill Clinton wasn't in trouble for making the White House interns strap on their presidential kneepads: He was in trouble for perjury, an offense for which he was later obliged to surrender his law license. Clinton was guilty of everything he was accused of, and more.

But he beat two Republicans when Democrats thought they were never going to win the presidency again, and he brought the Reagan era to an end. He did not actually do a hell of a lot as president - he just surfed the long wave of prosperity that had kicked off in the early 1980s - and much of what he did do was to enact Republican priorities: NAFTA (Republicans used to believe in free enterprise - look it up, kids!) and, grudgingly, welfare reform. He bitterly complained in private that he had come into office hoping to be Jack Kennedy but had been obliged to become Dwight Eisenhower.

Comment: That Chelsea sure is a chip off the ole reprehensible block.

Eye 2

EU signs "historic" deal to integrate 23 armies to shake off its US dependence - or an attempt to intimidate Russia?

EU signs “historic” deal to integrate 23 armies to shake off its US dependence - or is it an attempt to threaten Russia?
It took 70 years, but the European Union finally signed a pact today (Nov. 13) agreeing to integrate military funding, weapons development, and deployment of European defenses.

US president's Donald Trump's frequent accusations that EU countries do not pay enough into NATO has been one catalyst for them move forward with a unified plan for military cooperation. The other is that it could legitimately diminish the bloc's dependence on US military support.

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, called the pact "historic" as "the real problem is not how much we spend, it is the fact we spend in a fragmented manner." She also said it would strengthen the work of the US-led NATO.

Comment: So is it actually 'shaking off' dependence on the psychopathic warmongers in the US or is it just another US proxy army this time in Europe??

Comment: Also See: Also check out SOTT radio's: Behind the Headlines: 'Containing' Russia-China and Global Economic Collapse

Bad Guys

After child rape cases acquitted, French Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet considers lowering age of consent to 13

French Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet considers lowering age of consent to 13 after child rape cases acquitted
© AP Photo/Christophe EnaA activist holds a banner reading: "For him impunity, for her a life sentence" during a protest in Paris, Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017. Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet provoked consternation and dismay among feminist groups by saying a legal minimum age of 13 for sexual consent "is worth considering."
Is a 13-year-old old enough to agree to sex with an adult? That's a question France is asking as the government prepares to set a legal age for sexual consent for the first time.

Twice in recent weeks, French courts have refused to prosecute men for rape after they had sex with 11-year-old girls because authorities couldn't prove coercion. Amid the public disbelief over the situation, the French government is drafting a bill to say that sex with children under a certain age is by definition coercive.

Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet provoked consternation among feminist groups Monday by saying a legal minimum age of 13 for sexual consent "is worth considering."

Comment: Which effectively lowers the age of consent from 15 (in France) to 13.

Comment: There are some strangely rapid changes occurring to the most basic understandings in society today that one wonders how and why they're coming about now:


'Weinstein Effect' goes global as powerful men are confronted for sexual misconduct

Harvey Weinstein
© Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP
The sexual harassment and assault allegations against Harvey Weinstein that rocked Hollywood and sparked a flurry of allegations in other American industries, as well as the political arena, are reaching far beyond U.S. borders. Emboldened by the women, and men, who have spoken up, the "Weinstein Effect" is rippling across the globe.

Nearly half of the "#metoo" mentions since the movement has been launched have come from outside the U.S., and decades-old accusations have led to the downfall of some of those countries' most powerful men. Here's a look at where the fallout - and the falls - have reverberated most strongly, from the United Kingdom and Israel to India and Peru.

Comment: While we welcome the fact that sexual predators are being brought to justice, we also hope that people around the world keep their heads cool enough to distinguish between the guilty and the innocent. Accusations of sexual harassment are easy to make - even without evidence or testimony - but hard to take back.