The Prime Minister put it this way: an effective Hungarian model should be replaced by a new European model that is obviously not working.

Hungary will find a legal and political way to not implement the decisions in Brussels, he declared.

He called the situation sad and said: Hungary must defend itself not only against illegal migrants and human traffickers, but also against Brussels, and it will do so.

Viktor Orbán also spoke about how Hungarians protect not only Hungary, but the whole of Europe, including Austria, against illegal immigrants.

The Prime Minister said that last year a total of 330,000 illegal migrants were stopped along Europe's borders, of which 270,000 were on the Hungarian-Serbian border.

Praising the work of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in cooperation between nations, the Hungarian Prime Minister said: Without Serbia and Hungary, there would be hundreds of thousands more illegal migrants in Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands than there are now.

Viktor Orbán also thanked Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer for standing up for Hungary at the recent EU summit in Brussels. Because there may be solutions that are good at sea, but the same solutions will be bad on land, he indicated.

This approach was understood by few at the meeting, but the Austrian chancellor made the situation clear and tried to help. It's not his fault that he didn't succeed - added the prime minister.

Viktor Orbán emphasized: Hungary is in a special situation, there is a war in its eastern neighbor, Ukraine, and the busiest migrant route is located through the southern borders.

Viktor Orbán put it this way: the Hungarian model - which is effective - is based on a simple idea. No one can enter the territory of the country until their asylum application has been judged.

You can come in if there is a positive response to the submitted application - he added.

The prime minister pointed out that the Hungarian model works and that all European countries should adopt it. However, this is not happening, because a regulation was adopted in Brussels that stipulates mandatory quotas and obligates the member states to establish refugee camps and "migrant ghettos".

And this is not only bad for Hungary - Viktor Orbán said. He added that this regulation might help Italy, but it would certainly worsen Austria's situation from Hungary's point of view.
The article is translated from Hungarian