Buffalo_Ken Writes BK's Gardening Ambitions Jun 8 I still have to finish watching the rest of this, but I'm going to randomly open to one of the middle pages in the book, which I now have a hard copy paperback version.....page 43 "19":~~~~~"Here is another objection to consider: Should we count on catastrophe? Should we - if only intellectually - seek out the most distant waters, the cataracts, the maelstroms, the great abysses?"~~~~~Well - sorry if this question has already been discussed, but I can answer it: Yes and no. It just depends on context of the situation. So that answer could logically be considered a "qualitative yes", but there are some abysses, most don't emerge from....so - there is that to consider. BKThat was posted on SubStack.
Basically when the ideal state is a bodily one, the result is a hellish dystopia. Heaven does not belong to bodies plain nor vice versa.Now, the statement commences with a "when", so that is the premise and then it uses one word "ideal" that has connotations and at the same time includes "hellish dystopia" in the same sentence. Seems as if that is the setup statement, for what was thought to be idea, possibly is not?
theologians, from Kierkegaard to Bernanos. As we said earlier, a balance remains open to this day only in art history.Holy-Moly.....I'm gonna have to read this book from the beginning I reckon.
OK, I've listened through the 1 hour mark on the video that was also at sott.net. It is June the 16th day of the 23rd year per present day calendar sensibilities. I don't know if I will watch the rest of the video, but I'm gonna pick out 3 of the 4 numbers typed above and read from that page from the "Forest Passage" book. Why not - this has some uncertainty to it. Now the book is not that long, I don't think it even has more than 200 pages, so the page number I choose to maximize my chance of actually reading something from a page in the book is: ??? (figure it out for yourself).Here is what it says:Upp....I got it wrong - the book doesn't even have 100 pages. But you figured 123 as the page # didn't you? If not, maybe you weren't reading close enough. So, now I conduct the same exercise, but this time knowing what I know, I choose the following page: 63. From the top:~~~~"...active, skeptical, inartistic, a natural-born debaser of higher types and ideas....."~~~Holy Moly - I need to read this book from cover to cover.BK[Link]
Regarding suffering and pain. Buddhism is based on the 4 Noble Truths, all about suffering.
You don't need to seek suffering, but you face it when it comes and don't "buffer" it as Gurdjieff would say.
In Gurdjieff's teaching there are 2 conscious responses at the 2 intervals of an octave. First, remember yourself. Second, transform suffering. More later.