Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
G4L +1 Weakness abounds in society be it mind, body and soul as most lack the intestinal fortitude to actually invest in themselves but they are...
Black Magik is projecting our unresolved immature neurosis into the future!! Only from a warped mind which broke the body. FEAR infests.
"War seems to be a convenient crisis for the pandemic-vaccine industry to use to push vaccines onto a previously vaccine-hesitant society and war...
US taxes are piled onto the working population. Ellen Brown pointed out years ago that you pay 35%+ in upstream interest charges on every purchase...
This is good news. A bit late for a lot of victims, though.
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Reader Comments
I think though I'm going to work on my puzzle and let others make this come true if they choose to do as so - my puzzle is discussed at sott.net, so I suppose it ain't really "mine" but I call it that when typing sometimes because it was on the Stonehenge article dealing with geometry.
Hey - here is a link:
Stonehenge builders had geometry skills to rival Pythagoras -- Science & Technology -- Sott.net
Stonehenge builders had geometry skills to rival Pythagoras
Stone Age Britons had a sophisticated knowledge of geometry to rival Pythagoras - 2,000 years before the Greek "father of numbers" was born, according to a new study of Stonehenge. Five years of...Meanwhile, I'll listen to the rest.....
Despite some stellar correspondences, it was not built as an observatory or calendar. It was a place of power where geometry was actually used to amplify and concentrate the flow of energy.
At the moment, of course, many stones are missing, they have been destroyed by various cataclysms over the centuries, and the whole mechanism in the base no longer works.
PS>Pythagoras is a bad example. Pythagoras was an ordinary soldier. Fascinated by Chaldean mathematics. It was from there that he learned about the foundations of mathematics and geometry.
His interests in mathematics led him to create something similar to Chaldean mathematics, i.e. the decimal system.
Unfortunately, his decimal system doesn't quite fit the geometry, which is based on 9.
Today, it is Ukraine's turn to be destroyed. The old and completely unexplainable architecture and technology must be fully destroyed, just as free energy has been destroyed. The past, the truth, replaced by new stories. Control the past and you control the future. This sort of thing goes on and on. The New World Reorderings, meant to suit a few and keep the rest of us enslaved.
Now, please.....if I got it wrong, and the message offers other more hopeful outcomes, then please share that message instead.
If you are saying all hegemonies perish, I can get on board with that, but if your saying nuclear annihilation is unavoidable, then who gives a shit about spreading that message of extinction - it makes no sense.
Please provide some additional detail if you want consideration on my end - and death in bunkers must be most gruesome I reckon.