© ISTOCK / GETTY IMAGES PLUSStock image of solar wind hitting the Earth's magnetic field. Due to the alignment of our magnetic field towards the sun at the equinoxes, more solar wind slips through, resulting in more auroras.
So-called cracks in the
Earth's magnetic field have led to spectacular
aurora light shows being seen in the skies,
despite there not having been a solar storm to generate them.According to spaceweather.com, this is called the Russell-McPherron effect, with cracks in the magnetic field letting more
solar wind pass through during the equinoxes, i.e. during the spring and fall equinoxes, where both the day and night are the same length.
"The Rusell-McPherron effect is more of a geometrical effect to do with the orientation of the solar wind's magnetic field and that of the Earth. There is always a cusp or open region of the Earth's magnetic field around the north and south poles so the 'cracks' are permanent," Ciaran Beggan, a geophysicist from the British Geological Survey, told
This solar wind is made of plasma that has been ejected from the sun during a
coronal mass ejection (CME), which is usually ejected by sunspots, which have particularly strong coronal magnetic fields. Solar winds are constantly flowing past the Earth, however, they are a lot stronger in the aftermath of a CME
As the solar wind is always present, it is constantly loading additional energy into the magnetosphere. According to Beggan, the magnetosphere is compressed on the dayside to around 3,700 miles and extends out to over 370,000 miles on the nightside. Energy from the solar wind is transferred and builds up over a few hours and then is dissipated by the magnetosphere by shedding it through electric currents. These electric currents flow into the ionosphere, exciting gas atoms in the atmosphere, and creating the aurora.
"There really aren't any cracks as such," Mike Hapgood, the principal consultant on space weather at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) Space, told
Newsweek. "I'm not quite sure where the term has come from, but it has appeared in media articles in recent years. It's a melodramatic description of how the Earth's magnetic field can merge with the magnetic field in the solar wind, allowing solar wind energy to enter the region of space controlled by Earth's magnetic field (what we call the magnetosphere)."
According to Hapgood, the merging is caused by a process called "magnetic reconnection" which occurs when two magnetic fields in a plasma ejection have opposite directions. The outer part of the Earth's magnetic field has a northward direction, so reconnection occurs when the solar wind's magnetic field has a significant southward component.
"During the equinoxes, the orientation of the Earth's poles is (almost) perpendicular to that of the sun," Beggan said. "This maximizes the 'coupling' between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field. In summer or winter, one of the Earth's poles is pointing at an angle from the solar wind so the coupling between them is lower and hence there are fewer storms on average."
According to spaceweather.com, this effect means that September/October and March/April are the best times of year to catch auroras. The 2022
fall equinox is on September 22.
Reader Comments
Seems like an awful lot of "free" energy might be just up there a bit....
Don’t underestimate the threat this fast-approaching winter poses. Be like Obama, stock-up on propane!
Scientists plan to refreeze the North Pole - [Link] Where was all the water several million years ago ... when we also had additional continents such as Sundaland
Given that they started with nuking the upper atmosphere, it should be clear that they will never restrain themselves
imagecartoon of solar wind hitting the Earth's magnetic field"Despite the image suggesting that the 1,000,000m mph solar wind hitting Earth's magnetic field might have some effect, the distance and speed of Earth's orbit around the Sun is solely controlled by gravity
Our Solar System is a cyclical system and the outcome of these interactions are not always going to conform to such notions held by mankind.
A cursory look at our Sun output, Solar winds 333.9km/sec, Flare activity, within C class range, presently
. One could conclude alls fair and dandy, but no? What of our Sun's magnetic field's, there is a definite movement of field's that strongly suggests that a flip is eminent and such magnetic instabilities will impact upon Earth's atmosphere and weather.
Of course, that's not going to affect our Sun, or in turn our weather
Australia was once a lush tropical forested area and the northern hemisphere incredibly cold, timescales, it happened and it will happen again.
Earth's history clearly shows these migrations of weather and how it impacted upon civilisations.
Yes 25K but your part of that journey
(I should have read ahead before working out the above!) I think that It's inconceivable that the LIC could have zero impact on the climate
The Sun's journey around the Milky Way takes an estimated 226 million years - (though I doubt that has much scientific backing)
The Sun also follows a sine wave along its orbit, bobbing above and below the plane of the galaxy every 64 million years, so that it crosses the plane of the galaxy every 32 million years
The galaxy disk is about 1,000 ly thick, and we bob up and down by about 200 light years every 64 million years.
Our solar system is estimated to be 26,000 ly away from the galactic centre. The entire galaxy is estimated at 100,000 ly across (So we're about halfway between the centre and the outer rim)
The galaxy is described as a slight bulging spiral, but I haven't found any actual estimated figure for the thickness of the bulge
Something to help keep all our hearts warm gorgeous community.
WN3, arthritis gets flushed away with a daily cup of SauerKraut. (I saw below) Also yeast is nasty for arthritis. 😖🍺🙃
It shows our Sun moving as per the DJSadhu video, but also shows us the 2-D solar system image that we were all taught at school. It got me wondering what they mean when referring to the plane of the solar system, how does that apply to a moving Sun?
I also ended up wondering where Voyager actually went, was it at right angles to the direction of the Sun's movement - What would happen to a probe that just "stood still" and let the Sun disappear into the distance at 782,000 km/hour?
I'm also left wondering why Voyagers 3 & 4 weren't planned and launched some 20 years after 1 & 2
The same with our bodies... technically, we are mostly 'nothing', in terms of distance between atoms and molecules, we are majority empty space... but, the atoms have charge and an energy field, and it is that invisible energy that sustains those little particles of atoms... If we were to ingest a subatomic particle, an electron or a proton, then those very small particles would just get taken along with 'the tornado', that is the magnetic energy field of our bodies.
What you say is in relation to seeing 'space' with the naked external eye, which in itself has logic. Like Gurdjieff points out, a 'point', when taken up a dimension becomes a line... one dimension higher, that line becomes a plane... a dimension higher, that plane becomes an object... Thus, all the planetary 'points', when looked at from a higher dimension, are actually celestial bodies, possibly even beings similar to ourselves. Your question could be applied to beings who only perceive the vital world, and not the physical: they see our chakras spinning around and moving in space, going from one place to another, and they are left wondering and questioning: how do those various chakras move all together, in harmony, and do not separate and fly apart one from another?... Of course, the 'being' sustaining those spinning vortices (the human being, in this case) is not perceived by them. The same happens to us, when observing space, the planets, the stars, and so on.
I get the feeling that someone is trying to con us that one could drive a convertible from Mexico all the way to Alaska and any temperature changes must be down to someone in the car fiddling with the heating control
Apparently, the Sun weighs 2 x 10^30kg
Every second the Sun converts 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium, converting 4 million ton of matter into energy (which takes 10,000 and 170,000 years to escape the core)
I make that 1.2 x 10^17kg of matter "lost" per year
The Earth's orbit around Sol never varies because gravity and the masses of the two objects never changes
(Earth weighs 6 x 10^24kg / The Moon weighs 7 x 10^22kg)
(Allegedly we produce 5 * 10^13kg of gasses per year on Earth)
People have said that when it came in the past, the poles shifted, the Earth and other planets changed their tilt angle. Carlos Muñoz has said that just upon entering into the solar system, our planet will undergo a tremendous mega-earthquake. However, the most terrible effect will be its psychological influence on humanity... which is now all coming to the surface. Imagine the terror and panic humanity would feel, seeing that gigantic planetary body approaching. Some say that its orbit will cause '3 days of darkness'. Others say that it will suck all the degenerate souls out of the planetary spheres, in order to purify the Earth for the 'New Age'.
Some say it has come before, and that humanity had the consciousness to be prepared for the changes. However, in these times now, the effects will be catastrophic, because sadly, this humanity is in no way prepared. What could be a great planetary realization and transformation, may end up being a complete 'final judgement'.
There is also the phenomenon of Solioonensius: the neighbouring star system of Ors has a planetary body that has a vibrational affinity with planet Earth. When there are tensions in that planet's orbit, it creates social upheavals here on Earth: revolutions, spontaneous social changes... if humanity is awake and prepared, those changes can be channeled for good use, (as in the case of the Age of Enlightenment, which some say was a pre-effect of that tension)... but when humanity remains spiritually backwards, the effects can be horrific, bloodshed, massacres (as the onslaught on the French Revolution proved to be).
"... because it was going to make us all as loony as hell"
Just when we need to remember and cultivate that sense of enthusiasm and spiritual dedication, many people are losing heart, and many have even exchanged their spiritual inheritance for a plate of genetically-modified lentils. It is important to cultivate that sense of awe that one has felt in one's life, when one began a spiritual search, when that enthusiasm gave one wings and hope... we need that more than ever.
When the vials of the apocalypse are being unleashed on humanity, the angels in heaven are praising God... it might be tough on us, but we have to remember that it means that the demons are having the foundations of their power-structures torn asunder... they will do all they can to make out like it is all going to plan, even to the last minute when their cause is completely lost and beyond repair... afterall, their throne of power is based on lies and deception.
All power to you all.
Hercolubus wouldn't necessarily change all the planetary tilts and axis every time it passed, only when to passed near the planets. Carlos Muñoz calculated that this time it will come very close to Earth, attracting all the fiery content of the Earth to the surface and changing the shape of the planet completely, and possibly taking the Moon out of its orbit... who knows! It may not even happen in our lifetimes, but it is certainly a spacial factor that is now exerting influence on life on Earth.
Good podcast / transcript here - Walter Cruttended on Precession,Binary Star and Yuga Cycles - [Link]
From the Precession link that I posted above
Great conversation but I don't think Carlson has heard of the Sun having cyclic novas yet
So pleased to see/listen to a new Forum Borealis discussion, there hasn't been one for 10 months
The first is that the sun and all the stars, rise in the east and set in the west - in a 24-hour cycle
The second is that there’s a different constellation overhead, roughly each month - in a 12-month cycle
The third is a slight movement in relation to the constellation at the equinox
The amount of change you would notice in a given period of time is very small – it’s roughly one degree every 71 and a half years at the current rate . It would take a lifetime just to notice a one-degree change. I find it hard to believe that the now expected 2 degrees variation over 150 years would have been obvious from a single comparison of two charts, the first one being of unknown accuracy. However, humans have appeared to have been long aware of the current age, with their symbols and religions matching what age it was (Pisces - Fish, Aries - Lamb, Taurus - Bull)
It absolutely blows my mind what the very first telescopes observed. I have a hard enough time with my modern $4k+ refractor setup..
People seemed to be much brighter back then. Just read some schoolwork writings from a couple hundred years ago!
Got a crazy heavy but rock solid mount/tripod and replaced the junk delrin spacers with proper bearings for the vertical post mount.
And of course the briefcase full of eyepieces and filters....
Nobody told me it was addictive.
Just a noob though, I was planning to get into some astrophotography but trying to justify the $$$ when I've already got a lot of expensive hobbies is daunting..
I still use it now and then, it brings back the magic, alone, all quiet, dark and the heavens are amazing. I prefer to take a friend or two with me 🥃🥃🥃keeps me warm inside and makes the magic all that more enjoyable
Your APP link I just love (listening to the entire album). Have not heard Friendly Card in lifetimes!! Merciiii
It pulled me right back into Seals n Croft that I was listening to yesterday - very similar vibe somehow.
Pleased to hear you enjoyed AP.
RE Vangelis, must have missed this communication , would be interested to see your link.
Jimmy Eat World
It's how the hustle goes
See what the jukebox knows
Put my last quarter on
I play "Authority Song"
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore
I got no secret purpose
I don't seem obvious
Do I-I-I-I-I?
Do I-I-I-I-I?
I don't seem obvious
Do I-I-I-I-I?
Do I-I-I-I-I?
(I don't seem obvious do)
The DJ never has it
J-A-M-C, Automatic
(Do I-I-I-I-I?)
If those were Roy's headphones
You bet he'd play "What Goes On"
(Do I-I-I-I-I?)
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore (I-I-I, I-I-I)
I got no secret purpose
I don't seem obvious
Do I-I-I-I-I?
Do I-I-I-I-I?
I don't seem obvious
Do I-I-I-I-I?
Do I-I-I-I-I?
I don't seem obvious, do I?
Do I-I-I?
Oh, well, I'm here
That means something doesn't it?
Uh-huh, won't you dance with me a little bit?
Ah-ah, you don't notice
'Cause the music's too loud
It's how the hustle goes
See what the jukebox knows (do I-I-I-I-I)
(Do I-I-I-I-I)
Put my last quarter on
I play "Authority Song" (do I-I-I-I-I)
Honesty or mystery?
Tell me I'm not scared anymore (I-I-I, I-I-I)
Say anything you want, I'm ready
I'm not scared anymore (I-I-I, I-I-I)
Honesty or mystery?
Won't something else just tell me
I'm not scared anymore (I-I-I, I-I-I)
I got no secret purpose
I don't seem obvious
Do I-I-I-I-I?
I don't seem obvious
Do I-I-I-I-I?
I don't seem obvious
Do I-I-I-I-I?
I don't seem obvious
Do I-I-I-I-I?
I don't seem obvious
Do I-I-I-I-I?
I don't seem obvious
Do I-I-I-I-I?
I don't seem obvious
Do I-I-I-I-I?
Don't seem obvious
Do I-I-I-I-I?
Don't know if this one was posted earlier - good explanation for the advancing galactic current sheet
Bernard's star is 6LY away and observed superflare was in 1998 - so occurred in 1992
Proxima Centauri is 4LY away and observed superflare was in 2016 - so occurred in 2012
AD Leo is 2LY away and observed superflare was in 2021 - so occurred in 2019
I can't find any reference to AD Leo, as opposed to AD Leonis which is 16LY away????
I'm not sure what the galactic current sheet is, but I assume anything emanating from the galactic centre and expanding, like a ripple, would have its energy more dissipated the further away it gets from the galactic centre
For reference, the Milky Way is nearly 100,000 LY diameter and we are about 25,000 LY from the centre
I double checked the dates as it seems odd to advance 2LY in 20 years and then the next 2LY in just 7 years
I did wonder about acceleration, (after all the further away things are the faster they are meant to be moving away from us), but given the current sheet has presumably travelled nearly 25,000LY that would mean it would have had to have been extremely slow at the outset
All the stars mentioned are known as "flare stars", so I think we need to know more about their flare history