the Europeans and their penalty shots(shoot outs). The most stupid efing rule ever dreamed of.I disagree with this. In all fair games between equal participants there comes a time when the game has to end and penalty shots as random as they are are a way to accomplish this swiftly and skill still matters and it is exciting for the fans. Don't go all "Canadian" on me and I agree - America should have some humility when it comes to hockey and Canada makes for the best players. Practice your penalty shot technique would be my advice. Lastly, "eff" has 2 F's.
Fool on the Hill I'm letting loose with the biblical quotes as I can no longer stand all the evil BS that is thrown at us constantly. It's hard to do anything, without bumping into it. I appreciate your point of view. To give me better understanding of todays world, I have found it helpful to better understand the days of Noah, not just from the Bible. It's calmed me down.Well being calm has virtue but one cannot be calm when the waves are rolling. It matters not who I think you are, what matters is if you and I share views about the future we desire.
Buffalo_Ken Who am I?Well, let's start with what I know with confidence - Your name is "JTF Truth" and I've always interpreted the "JTF" part of that to be "just the effing" and then truth is next.
In addition to a law theory, it is also a political movement. And it all boils down to this:
Someone: So, Black Kid, what are your plans after graduating high school?
Black Kid: well, I have already appl...
CRT fanatic: hold on! You can't talk to Victims that way, bigot! No matter how hard Victims work, they can never achieve anything unless white heterosexual males step aside and let them have a shot.
CRT fanatic: and even if the Victims did do well financially and socially, that only means they have been indoctrinated into White Supremacy. Because the system itself is racist. Then they are no longer true Victims.
Black Kid: ...
Someone: That's the most racist thing I have ever heard.