The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias; the spirit of liberty remembers that not even a sparrow falls to earth unheeded; the spirit of liberty is the spirit of Him who, near two thousand years ago, taught mankind that lesson it has never learned, but has never quite forgotten; that there may be a kingdom where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest.
It is to Hungary's benefit to continue the energy agreement with Russia. Good for Orban.
I bet there is a department like this in almost every government in the world. Always someone willing to waste taxpayers money.
"There is no need for Joe Biden to continue receiving access to classified information," Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social Friday night."...
All American Zionist governmental leadership, is like a pathetically poorly written comic opera! With mentally deranged actors attempting to learn...
This news undermines my paradigm. I don't think I like it. I was trying to be happy.
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Reader Comments
I wonder if 'certain' people around the world, their brainwaves subjected to additional carrier waves from the Darpa / SpaceX satellites and HAARP, begin violent rioting, holding the US gov't accountable for the surge in vax deaths or say a new virus from space. The US having been recently caught lying about bio-weapon testing etc in Ukraine then has its bases in Germany, France, Belgium, etc., come under attack by those nations own militaries. What if things escalate into a European civil war with some European countries asking the Russians for humanitarian and bio-medical assistance ? Anything could happen in the next few years ... keep the popcorn ready : )
How could Israel’s leadership deem Ukraine’s rampant neo-Nazi element “an unexpected problem,” when Israel itself has clearly, and materially, backed it since the coup?
"I believe we are facing an evil that has no equal in human history" [Link]
Then there's this: 'China Locks Down 17.5 Million In Shenzhen As Daily COVID Cases Soar To 2-Year High' [Link]
'China on brink of biggest Covid-19 crisis since Wuhan as cases surge' [Link]
Could it be that there is no covid emergency in China? They are simply trying to disrupt the supply chains & kill the USD? Look at what they are allegedly doing to their own people: ' Children in China Diagnosed With Leukemia After Taking Chinese Vaccines ' By Eva Fu [Link] or here: [Link]
If you did not take the vaccine you are unvaccinated. If you did take the vaccine you are mis-vaccinated.- Mark Twain
One respondent to the link directly above mentioned that; "they do not want a pandemic of dying vaxxed citizens to overwhelm their health system and cause mass rebellion. People in China are getting these cancers from the toxic contaminated water, soil, food. I spent a year in Shandong China as a Quality Assurance engineer. The company I worked for contracted out all the plastics manufacturing. We drove through areas that were complete waste dumps for miles and miles. We had bottle water shipped in from Canada in sealed containers. Food was flown in canned and frozen from Japan, Vietnam, Australia, Indonesia. We couldn't get any new American employees or contractors to come because these industrial areas are hellish. The air is thicker than Los Angeles mid summer. Burns your lungs."
'Meanwhile In China, All Hell Is Breaking Loose' [Link] Lockdowns, supply chain broken, Chinese stocks crashing, Chinese bonds crashing...
Now that Ukraine isn't getting the traction the MSM is attempting to get out of it, it's back to the news of variants: "A growing number of cases of a hybrid COVID-19 variant dubbed “Deltacron” are being identified, including several cases in the United States..." [Link]
I suppose they're gonna' need a new one to cover up the vax deaths... nothing to see here... St. Fauci will be back on the MSM circuit...
I quite like these graph videos - this one shows China's population at 1 billion in 1985. It steadily climbs to 1.44 billion by 2020, remains static until 2035 and the starts decreasing rapidly, all the way back down to 1 billion by 2100
I have no idea how they predict their figures, but they seem to think something is going to cause China to lose 100 million people every 20 years
Either they ARE causing it or they have a crystal ball so accurate that they can predict the weather in the same time frame.
Babies are jabbed within seconds of being birthed, school children are given jabs about the same time as their onset of puberty (effectively masking the behavioural changes) and then there are auto immune diseases and an autistic spectrum that had policy and infastructure waiting to welcome it worldwide.
But no one knows someone who has ever won the lottery. Once you lose your food autonomy and health autonomy your in their arena.
Mad eh!
Fowl humor
Sarah was in the fertilized egg business. She had several hundred young
pullets and ten roosters to fertilize the eggs.
She kept records and any rooster not performing went into the soup pot and
was replaced.
This took a lot of time, so she bought some tiny bells and attached them to
her roosters. Each bell had a different tone, so she could tell from a
distance which rooster was performing. Now, she could sit on the porch and
fill out an efficiency report by just listening to the bells.
Sarah's favorite rooster, old Butch, was a very fine specimen but, this
morning she noticed old Butch's bell hadn't rung at all! When she went to
investigate, she saw the other roosters were busy chasing pullets,
bells-a-ringing, but the pullets hearing the roosters coming, would run for
To Sarah's amazement, old Butch had his bell in his beak, so it couldn't
ring. He'd sneak up on a pullet, do his job, and walk on to the next
Sarah was so proud of old Butch, she entered him in a Show and he became an
overnight sensation among the judges.
The result was the judges not only awarded old Butch the "No Bell Peace
Prize" they also awarded him the "Pulletsurprise" as well...
"Mark Crispin Miller taught a course on propaganda for over 20 years at New York University, until merely suggesting his students look into the research regarding the effectiveness of masks in mitigating the spread of respiratory viruses. This led to a backlash that eventually resulted in the course being canceled. How convenient for the propagandists. He joins Tom to discuss the propaganda machine on overdrive regarding both Covid and the Ukraine War."
The Russians plan is not to extend energy on the majority, just the major cities which happen to be close to Russia's border, making any incursion by western powers more difficult.
It would appear that Zelensky has been brainwashed by the west to see his cities pulverized before any return to the Russian wing.
For what its worth, this western 'take over' by long term economic destruction has set the standard for war.
Can you see the same in the US cities? Only here the small towns are being gleaned by retired gov employees and once reaped, the passage of a local Criminal Justice Center creates a secure status of same. Even mental coercion from social workers and talk therapists are used to collect generational wealth from local citizens denying there children earned middle class status. Only manual labor is their future and lowered IQ from toxic work conditions.
Sad world we live in.
Still, and regardless, ooooh - most interesting.
I linked a video a couple of weeks back regarding the July 1999 Putin and the Julian Calendar....
For may years on Pravda's forum I posted about how Nostradamus X-72 relates to Putin. God told me. Seriously, before Putin arose to power God sent me a prophetic dream that a new Tsar would arise in Russia.
Nostradamus X-86 - Griffon symbolizes Putin because it is a symbol of St Petersburg where Putin was born and baptized. Putin is the King of Europe. Putin leads Reds and Whites. Babylon is the symbol of the globalist NWO whose head is the
I'm a Texan who admires Putin.
I posted on the old Pravda forum for many years under the name, Atossa (daughter of Cyrus the Great.)
Keep listenimg, intention has a purpose, and we have mountains to climb.
Does you name mean anything? ... sounds a bit like "A Tosser" (a person who masturbates (used as a general term of abuse))
Need more evidence, well, check out the show notes: [Link]
Russia's Putin announces 'military operation' in Ukraine [Link]
Putin Signs "Fake News" and "Internet Insults" Bill [Link]
Censorship, arrests, shutdowns: Putin crushes Russian media | The Listening Post [Link]
Protester arrested by Russian jackboots for holding sign that says "Two Words" [Link]
Russian President Vladimir Putin says country needs to step up vaccination campaign [Link]
Russia : Moscow, St. Petersburg and Perm Restaurants to "Hire" Robots to Check Qr Codes of Vaccinate [Link]
Putin and Herman Gref at Sberbank's Artificial intelligence conference [Link]
Putin praises China's achievements in combating COVID-19Vladimir Putin says he drove a taxi after fall of Soviet Union [Link]
Special Address by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation | DAVOS AGENDA 2021 [Link]
Episode 381 - Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?" [Link]
Putin and Kissinger have maintained warm personal relations over a number of years" [Link]
"Putin and Kissinger have held more than a dozen meetings" [Link]
Putin Welcomes Kissinger: ‘Old Friends’ to Talk Shop? [Link]
"No War" an arrestable offence in Russia, even printing photos of "No War" graffiti is illegal [Link]
Sputnik V: What you're not being told [Link]
Sputnik V is a scam [Link]
Russia's Gamaleya Research, UK-Swedish Astrazeneca Sign Memorandum of Cooperation in COVID-19 Fight [Link]
World Economic Forum Freezes ‘All Relations’ With Russia to Dodge Sanctions [Link]
Interview 1703 - Riley Waggaman on Russian Myths vs. Russian Reality [Link]
Russia Joins Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network [Link]
10 Signs The War In Ukraine Is Part Of The Great Reset [Link]
Is the Narrative Shifting? Or Is This Phase 2 Mass Psychosis? [Link]
ESG muscle flexing [Link]
China and Russia Creating "Alternate" Banking System [Link]
China’s Digital Yuan May Aid Russia Bypass SWIFT Ban, But Will It? [Link]
Bank of Russia Proceeds With Digital Ruble, Renews Push for Crypto Ban [Link]
Episode 369 - Globalization is Dead. Long Live the New World Order! [Link]
Now it is time to slice some veins. Get ready….blood on the way.
you get what you think
the snake always wraps around.
Seems like melee mayhem leading to full mobilization is just around the corner. May the best ideas prevail, but blood is fixing to be shed.
You care more than Putin?
I doubt that..
War beckons.
You get what you give.
Back off parzival and let’s sleep on it. Shall we?
if not, then I know what must be done, and I’ll do it..
Gee Ken I didn't realize that I attacked one of your 'sacred cows.'
You know what they say about sacred cows don't you? They make the best burgers...
.... RC
... the only enemy lives within.
the War out there disTRACKS from the War in here
I'm thinking one of my cabbage plants and I'll throw in a basil plant as well out of good will.
It is a deal?
Afterwards, if not prepared as desired, I will let you know, and then based on how you respond to that I'll decide whether to come back. On the other hand, if prepared as desired, then who can argue with a fair barter arrangement? Tax free it is.
I'm the opposite of high maintenance because I prefer simplicity, but when it comes to business I'm serious.
I want Peace.
"...Putin played into the hands of the war industry. He gave the warmongers what they wanted. He fulfilled their wildest fantasies. There will be no impediments now on the march to Armageddon. Military budgets will soar. The oil will gush from the ground. The climate crisis will accelerate.
China and Russia will form the new axis of evil. The poor will be abandoned. The roads across the earth will be clogged with desperate refugees. All dissent will be treason. The young will be sacrificed for the tired tropes of glory, honor and country. The vulnerable will suffer and die.
The only true patriots will be generals, war profiteers, opportunists, courtiers in the media and demagogues braying for more and more blood. The merchants of death rule like Olympian gods. And we, cowed by fear, intoxicated by war, swept up in the collective hysteria, clamor for our own annihilation."
“Currently in Ukraine we’ve got Neo-Nazi militias who obey the orders of their Jewish president doing battle with Devout Islamist mercenaries sent in by an Orthodox Christian country, all in the midst of a modern fully digital battlefield.
This whole thing is like if you locked Naoki Yoshida and Tom Clancy together in a room with a **** ton of cocaine and told them to write a book.”
Seven people killed by powerful 136mph tornado that barreled through rural Iowa town and destroyed dozens of homes
A tornado ripped through rural Iowa, killing two children and five adults as winds hit nearly 140 miles an hour. The EF3 tornado - which can see up to 165mph winds - touched down in Madison County...The Virus Scam has become a permanent fixture of "public health" in Russia by Edward Slavsquat
"...It’s a very strange time to be in Russia. Remarkably, the same officials and public figures who pushed for lockdowns and clot-shots are now wrapping themselves in the flag as they vow to sniff out the dreaded “fifth columnists.
Russian actress and activist Maria Shukshina summed up the current situation quite nicely:
The [COVID] propagandists were in favor of coercive vaccination, and those who were against were called enemies of the people, they called for shooting, cordoning off quarters and stabbing, stabbing, stabbing. This was all said on federal channels. Now a somersault in the air—and the same full-time propagandists who advocated compulsory vaccination and participated in the globalist agenda of Schwab and Gates to redistribute the world, are now patriots and now they are for spiritual and moral values, nationalization and import substitution. They first failed the vaccine agenda, and now there are fears that they will fail the patriotic one… There is no trust in these people.
Some have theorized that the Not-War in Ukraine is the opening salvo of the Kremlin’s purported rebellion against the Davos agenda—including the Global War on Public Health. Observable reality suggests otherwise."