The internet hive-mind defines transhumanism as "a philosophical and intellectual movement which advocates for the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies able to greatly enhance longevity, mood and cognitive abilities, and predicts the emergence of such technologies in the future." Sounds great, right?
Once these ideas were only relegated to science fiction, but now transhumanistic ideas have penetrated the mainstream discourse. And not just in terms of tech nerds geeking-out over cyber-punk philosophies - we can see this being reflected in government policy agenda, think-tank advisory boards and the projections of many other 'official' bodies.
While the TED talks and pundit tweets often conjure utopian visions of an entirely controllable biology and environment, knowing the nature of the people pushing this agenda rather brings to mind the potential catastrophic consequences, based mostly on the fact that these people rarely understand what they're doing (see the great GMO experiment as an example) and that these technological innovations are rarely driven by the best interests of the people.
Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we discuss the downside of the utopian vision our faithful and competent leaders have in store for us. The transhumanist agenda should be terrifying to anyone with their eyes open.
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♥ Time: 00:34:12
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When reading, and appreciating, this below quoted post by a journalistic infidel, the realisation dawned, I was being "shown", in the meaning of his prose, something of extraordinary importance. It was the relevance of his prose, unrelated to his COVID subject, but a very accurate reference to another great anomaly, that has plagued the minds and understanding's of many humanitarian seekers after justice for decades past. Namely; the multiplicity and the ugliness of undeserved tortures and unspeakable criminal punishments, hourly inflicted upon the totally innocent Palestinian Peoples, ongoing now for some seventy year's. There is no end in sight, nor even genuinely contemplated or proposed. This journalistic infidel has, unintentionally, placed the real focus, the real cause of the sustained Palestinian plight on: "Mass Psychosis". Have we not all become immersed and immobilised by fear? Fear of what Judaic Zionism may do next? Fear, because we do not know where and when these crimes will end? Fear, because we understand that Judaic Zionism is capable of much worse crime, their history in Palestine continually emphasises that possibility. We know this because why else would they equip themselves with Nuclear Bombs if not to inflict egregious harm on others? Read the Infidels post, and let us see it's relevance to occupied Palestine, and let us learn new ways to neutralise the poisonous "acids" of this unjust, unlawful, inhumane and grotesque, occupation of Palestine. There follows a:
" Guest post from Nicholas Creed (pseudonym) - a Bangkok-based journalistic infidel impervious to propaganda:" "For a mass delusional psychosis to occur, a society first needs to be put under an intense and prolonged state of fear, along with isolation and a severance of the usual familiar social bonds and support networks that people have in their everyday lives. The common denominator across these exchanges is two-fold. Firstly, a complete refusal to acknowledge objective reality, in spite of irrefutable evidence. Secondly, any semblance of empathy, shock, or outrage that would be expected by a free-thinking, feeling human, is entirely absent.
For to forsake our ability (or cognitive choice?) to empathise with someone else's suffering, or to be indifferent to humans inhumanely treating other humans, is to forsake our humanity itself. It reminds me of another exchange I had with a lifelong friend, whom I was particularly disheartened to learn was "captured"'; in response to me detailing all the atrocities being carried out, she was puzzled at why I was at all bothered, because I was not directly affected by it, still full time employed with a roof over my head and food in my belly."
Nicholas Creed
Armageddon Prose
Tue, 04 Jan 2022 18:12 UTC [Link]