If carbon dioxide emissions don't drop by the equivalent of a worldwide lockdown "roughly every two years" for the next decade, the earth will heat to apocalyptic levels, a team of researchers at the University of East Anglia warned in a Nature article published Wednesday.
Comment: The same global warmists who told the world that children 'would never know snow': Madrid's heaviest snowfall in 50 years, red warnings also issued for Italy & Croatia as even more snow is forecast
This apparently so excited a certain strain of climate fanatic on the Guardian staff, that they originally posted the piece under the title "Global lockdown every two years needed to meet Paris CO2 goals - study." After being dragged mercilessly for such fear porn, the headline was changed to "Equivalent of Covid emissions drop needed every two years - study" with an explainer that "experts say" that "equivalent falls in emissions over a decade" would be "required to keep safe limits of global heating."
Despite calling for "completely different methods" to achieve and lock in the emissions drop from the pandemic, lead researcher Corinne Le Quéré nevertheless insisted that climate change couldn't be a "side issue. It can't be about one law or policy, it has to be put at the heart of all policy."
"Every strategy and every plan from every government must be consistent with tackling climate change."
While Le Quéré didn't come out and suggest people be arbitrarily deprived of their liberties every two years in order to please a climate model, the other "strategic actions" she mentioned to keep some of the gains of the pandemic were already being implemented - and in many cases had been implemented for years. From city planning to incentivize "active transport" (walking and cycling) and growing public transportation, to promoting remote work where possible, her suggestions were not exactly new - and unlikely to convince anyone they were sufficient enough.
"There is a real contradiction between what governments are saying they are going to do [to generate a green recovery], and what they are doing," Le Quéré told the Guardian, calling the phenomenon "very worrisome."
Her co-researcher Glen Peters was more explicit in what latitude countries should have to move away from fossil fuels on their own time, calling for "structural changes" to move economies toward renewable energy.
Some on social media, seeing the "quiet part" said out loud on the first edition of the Guardian article, had an "I told you so" moment. The threat of 'climate lockdowns' has been alternately presented and "debunked" by mainstream media for months.
Comment: We can see that, now the public is conditioned into accepting lockdowns, politicians will invoke them for any reason that furthers their agenda.
...others at first assumed it had to be satire, because no one would post something that on-the-nose -
...except maybe for the World Economic Forum, which actually posted in praise of what lockdowns had done to cities - presumably turned them into uninhabitable hives of snitches where one can't even take in a Broadway show anymore - earlier this week, before removing its tweet under public pressure.
The WEF had posted a video praising the "silence" and clearer air - and lack of humans, though they didn't say that part out loud.
Comment: It's reflective of the warped mindset of those in positions of power that they and their lackeys would dare propose these kinds of ideas:
Helen Buyniski is an American journalist and political commentator at RT. Follow her on Twitter @velocirapture23Masks & social distancing EVERY WINTER?
Lockdown critics have slammed CNN over a segment featuring infectious disease expert Paul Offit, who suggested the "lesson" from the Covid-19 pandemic is that people should social distance and wear masks every winter from now on.
"If we mask and social distance every winter, we will see a dramatic reduction in flu, which usually causes hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and tens of thousands of deaths," Offit, who is also a co-inventor of the rotavirus vaccine, told CNN in the Wednesday segment.
Comment: The law of unintended consequences: British Covid modellers predict 'severe flu next winter because lockdowns prevented usual herd immunity'
Long-term masking and social distancing, Offit suggested, could very well be the "lesson" we take away from restrictions put in place during the Covid-19 pandemic.
With millions of Americans confined mostly to their homes for months, and as events and mass gatherings have either been shut down entirely or restricted, flu rates have dramatically fallen. Many doctors are now pointing to the lowered human contact during winter months and other Covid-19 precautions as the reason for the dramatic downward shift.
Comment: Meanwhile excess death rates have remained relatively stable leading one to conclude that flu deaths were simply rebranded as Covid deaths. Note, however, that there's solid data showing that there was and will be a surge in mortality caused by the lockdowns.
The clip had more conservative pundits pulling their hair out, immediately pushing back and saying they would take part in no such future restrictions willingly.
"The idea that masking is the precaution that caused low flu rates this winter as opposed to the dramatic reduction of all in-person human contact, particularly in crowded environments, is not empirical," Tablet Magazine associate editor Noah Blum shot back at Offit.
Others were much more blunt in their dismissal of the suggestion.
Comment: Some of the comments from Twitter:
Beverly Hallberg: "I'd rather get the flu. No, thank you."
Drew Holden: "I don't know why we aren't talking about the enormous social, behavioral and health downsides to doing this, as if isolation is just some fun game we can get to play every winter if we want."
"You do you, CNN pundit. The rest of us will be living our lives like normal [people]," journalist Megyn Kelly tweeted.
Others fully agreed with Offit's argument and took to promoting the fact that they will continue masking and social distancing beyond the current pandemic.
CNN anchor Jake Tapper also came to Offit's defense in the midst of the pushback, taking issue with the fact that he was being dismissed simply as a "pundit" to downplay the merit of his views.
"That 'CNN pundit' is Dr. Paul Offit, a widely-respected pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases, vaccines, immunology, and virology who just happens to be co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine," Tapper tweeted. "If you disagree, fine, but let's frame these discussions honestly."
Comment: The idea that the authorities would be reluctant to relinquish newly snatched powers isn't exactly revelatory, any one with a basic understanding of psychology and/or history could have predicted it. Here's old footage of current Conservative UK MP Michael Gove, party to those very power grabs, admitting to that very point: