On the Saturday before last, July 11, just before 4 pm, my dear and wonderful friend Marc Angelucci was at his home in Glenwood Drive, Cedar Pines Park, California with friends.
There was a knock at the door.
One of his friends' answered, but the delivery man said he had a package that Angelucci needed to sign for. Marc went to the door. Shots were fired. A car sped away. His friends called for help.
Paramedics arrived.
Angelucci was pronounced dead at the scene.
On a Saturday afternoon, at his own front door, formidable lawyer Marc Angelucci, 52, was murdered.
Homicide detectives are investigating, the investigation is ongoing, and
the motive for the shooting is recorded in official documents as being "unknown" at this time.Except, it's not "unknown" is it?
This bears all the marks of a hit.The question that must be answered now is -
if it was a hit, who was behind the killing?Screeching feminists relentlessly whinge that men's right's activists are lazy, ineffectual and useless.
Yet, Angelucci was such an effectual, productive, constructive and incredible activist for equality, someone decided his life needed to be ended.
By what looks like a hitman.
At the front door of his own home.
On a Saturday afternoon.
Marc Etienne Angelucci was Vice-President and Board Member of the National Coalition for Men (NCFM) and long-time President and Founder of the Los Angeles Chapter of NCFM.He lived on a shoestring despite personal health challenges so he could donate many millions of dollars of his own time to mostly voluntary work on behalf of men's rights and genuine, true equality.
In 2019, Marc argued an equal protection case against the Selective Service Administration overturning male-only draft registration. He argued the case again in early March before the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals. No ruling has yet been issued.
In 2008, he won a landmark case against the State of California (
Woods vs. Horton) which held it is unconstitutional to exclude male victims of domestic violence from state funding for victim services.
He helped draft and enact legislation to stop paternity fraud.
He served on the California DCSS Paternity Committee.
He served on the Training Committee of the LA County Domestic Violence Council.
He testified before the California Senate and Assembly Judiciary Committees.
He was invited to be an Honoree on the Southern Poverty Law Center's Wall of Tolerance, due to his remarkable ability to build bridges.
He featured in The Red Pill documentary, which opened to protests.
Marc Angelucci was a brave warrior who actively fought against discrimination.
He was a prominent, active, strong leader; a force to be reckoned with who organised rallies, filed lawsuits and successfully moved the dial on discrimination. He championed people bullied by the powers that be. He was an invaluable, honourable hero of the fathers and men's rights movement.He was dearly loved as a man and a friend - as well as receiving significant media attention. He wrote op-ed opinion pieces in the
Los Angeles Times.
He stood up and worked incredibly hard to fight for a fairer world.
He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California at Berkeley in 1996 with a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy and received a law degree from UCLA School of Law in 2000.
He joined NCFM as a law student in 1997 after a male friend of his was denied domestic violence services because of his gender.
He saw injustice - and he fought it.
He improved men's lives.
He was wildly, beautifully, incredibly successful.
He was so successful he was seen as a threat.
Never, ever again may anyone attempt to assert that there is no war on men and boys in the US or around the world.Do not ever attempt to assert that feminism has any interest, regard or ambition to pursue "equality".
And do not for one second think that the growing, passionate movement which is fighting back against female supremacy, warped discrimination and seeking true equal rights for all, is going to let Marc Angelucci's death disappear from headlines.
This murder, this hit, this utterly foul destruction of a valuable and cherished life speaks volumes about the walls of power.Whether this was a coven of feminist witches desperate to remove such a slick operator, or someone powerful who he successfully challenged,
whoever ordered this hit is an enemy of equality, peace, harmony and fairness.
Associates of Angelucci are now turning their attention to the next strategic step in this disgusting war on men and boys, and doing everything in their power to ensure he did not die in vain.
Thank you, Marc Angelucci for your amazing advocacy; we will carry your spirit in our hearts as we continue to seek justice for all.
We may have lost an incredible soldier but we will not give up the fight.
Comment: The above article was published on Monday, July 20th. Just a few hours earlier, on Sunday July 19th, a hitman disguised as a FedEx delivery driver
shot dead the son of Judge Esther Salas in North Brunswick, New Jersey. Angelucci was assassinated a week earlier
on July 11th. (Note one difference between the two: in Angelucci's case, the hitman specifically requested that he come to the door to sign for a package; in Salas' case, the hitman did not appear to request Esther Salas herself.)
Now the media is linking the two deaths - which obviously
are linked, given the shared modus operandi - but with the somewhat spurious suggestion - based on leaks from "anonymous law enforcement officials" - that their suspect in the Salas home attack was "men's rights attorney and activist" Roy Den Hollander, that he "held a grudge" against Salas, and now, despite shared interests as "men's rights attorneys", that he also "held a grudge" against Angelucci (
according to "a friend of the family").
Atlantic has in the meantime
published a synopsis of "thousands of pages written by Hollander, and uploaded in bulk to the Internet Archive." The outlet provides no links to this content, and no screenshots, so we have to trust them that this "manifesto" is indeed out there somewhere. A search of the username
Atlantic provided ("Roy17den") on "the Internet Archive", by which
Atlantic presumably means
this site, yields no such "thousands of pages of documents.")
The Atlantic the benefit of doubt by assuming that the content is indeed written by Hollander, then he did seem like a "man on a mission" to "show Feminazis what's what." More than that, some of the quotes selected by
Atlantic suggests a highly unstable individual - so unstable that he claims to have "contacted my buddies at the GRU" in order to "get those Clinton emails for Trump in 2016."
If an attorney-at-law involved in some fairly high-level cases in the USA were seeking to attract the FBI's attention, the CIA's attention, the NSA's attention, and the Mueller Investigation's attention, that is precisely what he would write and publish online. And yet it never landed him in hot water. Clearly then, anything that is claimed to have been written or said by Hollander - who is now dead remember, and thus cannot contest it - must be treated as suspect.
So what are we, for now, looking at?
Three dead bodies - one the son of a judge, the other two attorneys - all ostensibly connected by men's rights issues. Look deeper though and the judge in question was 4 days into investigating Jeffrey Epstein's banking with Deutsche Bank, while the now-dead suspect in both killings has
a history with a US-Israeli-linked private intelligence firm.
Then, did the only thing right in this mess, shot himself - scumbag!