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Diving deeper into the swamp that is the future of food from last week, this week we look into the issue of food being used as a weapon for control over the population. Corporate agriculture, real and manipulated food shortages, inflation, chemical food systems, genetic modification, fake foods - all of these and more are used as a means of ultimately controlling the populace.

Is there an escape? Can we still have a say in what we eat in a future food system dominated by a handful of corporations who control and track all food from the seed stage to the final sale? Will we still be able to grow food for ourselves and our families and wider communities? Will food freedom be a thing of the past?

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we look into the scary future of the human food system.

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Running Time: 00:33:46

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Here's the transcript:

Erica: Hello and welcome to Objective: Health. My name is Erica and I'll be hosting today. Joining me in the virtual studio are Elliot, Doug, Tiffany and in the background we have Damian.

All: Hellos.

Erica: Today we're going to dive deeper into the abyss, the swamp, whatever you want to call it, of the future of food, carrying over from last week's discussion about Project Salus, AI and data mining and all the wonderful things that are happening in this time that we live in. We figured we'd just have a discussion. I went back through some old articles that we carried on SOTT.net and one that I found was 6 Ways Food Is Being Used As A Weapon. This was written back in 2011. But it's very telling about what we're experiencing right now.

In the introduction to this article, the author talks about hungry people being willing to do anything for food which means that those who have control over our food can use it as leverage. In 1974 Henry Kissinger suggested using food as a weapon to induce targeted population reduction in a previously classified 200-page report called The National Security Memorandum 200-Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests. The primary tactic to be applied is that food aid would be withheld from developing nations until they submitted to birth control policies.

Now I'm not going to get into the whole idea of eugenics but what the author is saying is that food being used as a method of colonization control, these kinds of tactics only work as a blunt weapon on territories or countries during an enduring severe economic collapse with little resources for food production. Hello! We're in those times right now. {laughter} Because of massive consolidation of corporate agriculture, centrally coordinated global regulations which we talked about in last week's show and a devalued commodity dollar and unrestrained commodities speculation, real or manipulated food shortages, which we've all just experienced, there's a war being waged and food is the primary weapon.

This article goes into six different ways it's being waged. They talk about food inflation, which we've seen, shortages, which we've seen, chemical additives, which we've been talking about for years, more regulation, genetic modification of course is in there and number six is the weather. As a farmer, all these things really play into the future viability of being able to produce and actually distribute and get food out to people. It's pretty scary stuff.

You realize when you read, that this stuff was being written about in 2010 and the steps that have been happening along the way. We've watched this with genetic modification, peoples' demanding a right to label. We thought we had this huge victory and then these corporations really are 10 steps ahead of the game. It's almost like they plan strategically how they're going to get people to accept such a sinister, distorted agenda. With GMO in particular, now you can buy so many products that say GMO-free and this, that and the other thing.

But I'm wondering now if these are all just a bait and switch. People generally read headlines. They don't do their due diligence. One of the things that we're seeing is the taking over of every major company. Doug, I think you have the image behind you, but four or five corporations control 85% of the food around the world - production, distribution, all of that. So it's consolidation that's happened at a rapid rate. We're just not really seeing it.

Doug: It's interesting too, since that article has been written, other things that have come in. I'm reminded of the article George Monbiot wrote a few months ago for the Guardian that was talking about how the future of food would be farmless and that everything would be grown in vats in labs and we would no longer have to do our destructive process of farming the land and everything would just come from the lab. Back in 2011 when they wrote that article, they didn't necessarily see that coming. I don't think anybody saw that coming.

Maybe people back in the 1950s were dreaming about people taking a pill and that would be all the nutrition that they needed for the entire day, but it was always in the realm of science fiction. But now the rise of fake food I think is something that wasn't necessarily on the radar back then. When we would talk about fake food, it would be about processed food. But now the kind of stuff that's coming out now like the fake meat and the lab-grown meat and fake this and fake that, it's really scary because combined with what we were talking about in last week's show, if there is a complete and total control of the food system, top to bottom, you won't have any say in what you get to eat. You won't be able to say, "No, I don't want to eat the fake meat, I want to eat a real steak." It's like, "No, you don't have a choice. This is what you get. This is your allotted protein requirement for the week."

Erica: Or if you think that you can support "health food industries", one thing that's been written about is that the whole health food industry has been completely taken over as well. So over the past 20 years Whole Foods Market has acquired almost all of its competition and the chain dominates the market and it really has no national competitor. I'm just looking at an article called Big Corporations Have an Overwhelming Amount of Power Over Our Food Supply. This was written by the Economic Collapse blog back in 2014.

So you think, "Well I'm not interested in fake food so I'm just going to buy health food. I'm just going to support Whole Foods, Amazon, whatever." But over the past five years - again this was back in 2014 - gross sales have increased by half, so 47% percent to the tune of almost $12 billion in the health food industry. One way they've achieved this is by selling conventional foods under the guise or the false illusion that they're better than the regular grocery store food.

We see this a lot, like Doug was talking about, the rise of the Impossible Burger, the rise of the whole vegan putsch. If you don't want the Impossible Burger, what's the other one you get?

Doug: The Beyond Burger.

Tiffany: The Beyond Burger.

Erica: Yeah. So again it's this whole control. One of the biggest food distributors of natural food or health food in the United States is called United Foods International. They control the distribution of all organic and natural foods. It's a big deal.

Doug: It reminds me of the supplement industry too. In the face of the supplement industry, everybody saying "I'm going to take supplements because I don't want to deal with all that big pharma stuff. I'm going to put my dollars towards these supplements." Well the supplement industry - I don't know the figures off the top of my head - but it's overwhelmingly controlled by the pharmaceutical industry.

So your dollars are all going to the same people. Obviously supplements are preferable to pharmaceuticals in most situations, but the idea that you're supporting the little guy is, in many cases, not true. With some exceptions. Right Elliot?

Elliot: Yeah, indeed. It's growing by the day kind of thing, the industry, especially over the past decade. It's a multi-billion dollar industry. So whenever that happens, you're naturally going to bring in the hawks. They start to hover around and you see many so-called alternative companies were actually bought out by the likes of Nestle or whatever. So yeah, very much centralization of power and control in that respect.

Doug: It really is about control I think. Half of the impetus for genetic modification and fake foods and all that kind of stuff, is control; being able to patent all the corn that's coming out of the ground. One company is controlling all of that. We covered this on the last show as well, but they want to have complete control of everything grown and processed and distributed. Every bite that every person eats is theirs. You're paying them for it at multiple levels.

Erica: It's that illusion of choice too.

Doug: Exactly.

Tiffany: It seems like on one level it's somewhat of a spiritual thing because if you consider maybe this world is not under the - I don't know how to put it - our original creator who has our best interests at heart, is not in charge of the things that are going on here, that there's another faction that sort of moved in and they're trying to replace everything that is natural the way the Creator intended it to be and trying to push in this whole fake system without anybody noticing it.

It's not just with the food. It's with religion. It's with health. Everything that is natural and normal is being replaced with fakery and I think they're not just trying to do this with food now but eventually with humans with the whole transhumanism thing. I think that on the deepest level all of this is spiritual warfare.

Doug: They're even trying to replace breast milk now. That's the latest fake food that has shot across the bow. As far as I know, it's not actually a thing yet. It's not actually out to the public but they have cultured mammary cells and are producing milk with them, breast milk. So pretty soon women won't even have to breastfeed anymore. They can just go to the store and buy some breast milk.

Tiffany: This article out on CNBC from June 16, Alt Breast Milk Company Biomilk Raises $3.5 million from - surprise, surprise - Bill Gates. So I was reading this and they were talking about Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods, other fake foods - again, replacing what is natural with something that is complete hooey - so now biomilk comes on the scene and they want to create fake breast milk. The first thing that came to my mind is, 'Where are all the moms going to be? Why can't they breastfeed?' {laughter}

Doug: Yeah.

Tiffany: Are they going to be off in some camp? Are they growing these babies in pods somewhere {laughter} and not going to have mothers to breastfeed them? Why are we going to need this breast milk?

Erica: Well Tiffany, it says in one of the articles that we read, this is for working moms! This is for moms that may have a little bit of problems getting the baby to latch on and nursing effectively. What blew my mind about this whole thing is that they're doing it because they want to cut down on greenhouse gases?!

Doug: Yeah, that's ridiculous. {laughter} That's ridiculous. They're basically saying that because infant formula comes from cows and everybody knows that cows are terrible for the environment despite the fact that they've been on the planet for god knows how long and before that there were billions of buffalo across North America, but no, no, no, cow farts are destroying the planet so if we can come up with an alternative to infant formula... It's just so ridiculous.

Tiffany: Not that I'm a fan of infant formula or anything, yes it is crap of course! But this doesn't seem like a viable alternative. I don't know. Maybe I'm just old fashioned.

Doug: Well I wonder honestly. The way I see it - we've done shows on this in the past - we know that breast milk is offering so much more than just the bare nutrition. It's not just protein and vitamins, etc. etc. There's melatonin in there that has to do with the time of day that the nursing is going on. There's the whole bonding experience that goes on there that's important for infant development.

So the idea that you can just replace that with a lab grown thing is ridiculous! But that being said, if it is better than infant formula because it is actually something produced by mammary cells, it is intended for humans, blah, blah, blah, maybe it would actually be a step up in situations where women actually can't breastfeed. There are some situations like that. So obviously it's going to be far inferior to actual breastfeeding but I'm wondering if it might be better than infant formula.

Tiffany: Well there was one plus side to this. I was reading that they use the mammary epithelial cells. So at least they're using human mammary epithelial cells versus some other animal. But I guess that they showed proof that their artificial breast milk can produce casein and lactose. These are the proteins that are found in natural human breast milk that are important for growth. But like you said, there are other types of components in breast milk, some we don't even know what they are.

Doug: Exactly.

Tiffany: So this is undoubtedly going to be an inferior product. I don't know if it'll be as inferior as the formula.

Doug: And the problem is that whenever something like this comes out, they have the idea that this is for a specific target group. They say, "This is for women who, for whatever reason, can't breastfeed." Or kids who have allergies to their mother's breast milk or some kind of situation where it's actually necessary. It never stops there, right? They always try to expand the market. You know that even if it doesn't come out, first they're going to push it so that it starts getting marketed to moms on the go. Eventually it's just to moms who can't be bothered.

They'll probably eventually be the same way of sports drinks. First it was marketed toward people who actually did sports and then after a while it got to the point where they were saying, "This is better than water. Drinking our sports drink is more hydrating than water so everybody should be drinking this all of the time." It's going to get to that point.

Tiffany: The electrolytes.

Doug: Yeah. Because of electrolytes. Even your plants need it.

Tiffany: Another thing that crossed my mind and I don't know why, for some reason the climate that we're living in just makes me think of conspiracies everywhere. {laugher} Like you said Doug, moms who are too busy or maybe moms who can't get their baby to latch on. But what if there were no moms involved at all?

Doug: Well yeah.

Tiffany: What if the state became so powerful that on birth, your child becomes a ward of the state. You can have visitation but somebody's going to have to feed these babies, so we're going to need another form of breast milk...

Doug: That's the ultimate...

Tiffany: ...to give to them because their mom's not going to be there.

Doug: That's the ultimate feminist agenda essentially.

Tiffany: Yeah, because the family is so overbearing...

Doug: Toxic.

Tiffany: ...and awful. To be a wife and a mother and to take care of the home and children is so oppressive.

Doug: Degrading.

Erica: That's what's interesting about the way that this article was written. Biomilk Co-Founder and CEO Michelle Egger and another CSO Leila Strickland, it's two women. And of course one of them did a stint for the Gates Foundation. {laughter} So here, just like you were saying about the feminist agenda, this is freedom! These are two very smart women that are taking on this initiative and making it better. I wouldn't be surprised if it was for countries like Africa or India, pushing it over there first to see what kind of side effects happen.

I also think with those mammalian epithelial cells that you were talking about Tiff, I wouldn't be surprised if they used gene-drive technology too.

Doug: Talking about starting it in Africa first, that's exactly what they did with the infant formula. Nestle was pushing the infant formula over there and telling all the mothers that it was superior to breast milk and they should stop breastfeeding and use their infant formula instead. It was an absolute disaster! They washed their hands of it and walked away having made millions.

Erica: All to combat world hunger.

Doug: Oh of course! It always comes in the guise of a cloak of philanthropy.

Tiffany: And it works too because it's not like there aren't still over a billion people in the world who aren't hungry right now, given all the technology and all the food that is grown, people are still hungry. In the grand tradition of all these mega-corporations and the people who run them, they are so fixated on what their final result is, they just double down in the face of all evidence to the contrary that their schemes are not working.

Doug: Yeah, how many years have we had GMOs?

Tiffany: Not that the people at the very top believe that these schemes have the purpose of helping the world or anything.

Erica: But if you create dependence, then you have that control.

Doug: I was just going to say, how many years have we had GMOs? When they came out the great promise was that it was going to help feed the world. It was going to save the world. World hunger will be at an end.

Tiffany: And increase yields.

Doug: Yeah, increased yields and all this kind of stuff. Have any of those promises come to pass? No! We just have crops that can drink poison or create poison. That's it. Yields are not better. They're not getting more food. Hunger is not going down.

Erica: And it becomes kind of cyclical too. Golden rice was first introduced in Asia and the Philippines and they claimed they did it to help people get more vitamin A. "We're going to genetically modify rice to be able to help with vitamin A deficiency, especially in these Asian countries where rice is a staple food. Then when it came to actually doing the testing on how much vitamin A you actually got from the golden rice, you had to eat an ungodly amount to even make it worth it.

But then you see that didn't really take off. Then again, 10 or 15 years later they try it again. The golden rice in Asia. They figure maybe people's attention span is so bad that they're not going to realize they already tried this and it didn't work.

Doug: It was discovered that the longer it was on the shelf, the more degradation there was of the beta-carotene and by the time people were actually eating it there was none left.

Erica: They called it golden rice because through the genetic modification it turned this piss yellow colour. {laughter} They realized, oh my gosh! In Asia rice is sometimes referred to as China white because it's white. But it was golden colour and so whoever created it, Gates or whoever, some philanthropic organization, said, "Let's just call it golden rice because everyone loves gold!" {laughter}

Tiffany: I'm eating gold! {laughter}

Erica: Again, mass manipulation of your mind and not questioning. "Oh, it's a good thing. They want to feed all these Asians golden rice." We won't even get into the potential of sterility in the rice or the corn, all the god-knows-what added benefits of philanthropic Bill Gates and his friends.

Doug: Exactly. What's coming in through the back door with that stuff?***

Tiffany: Back to that first article written way back in 2011, it seems like a very long time ago. Six Ways Food is Being Used as a Weapon, the first thing they named was food inflation which we're seeing right now. So they say that they can purposely inflate the price of food just through Wall Street speculation and excessive money printing, which is happening right now as we speak. They're just printing and printing with no end, quantitative easing. It says QE infinity. Is that what they're calling it now? They're just printing, printing, printing. You go to the grocery store, I haven't noticed it so much with non-meat products yet, just a little bit. But meat, beef especially, the price has doubled in the last few months, I've noticed.

At the very source of it is all fakery from this hoax of a pandemic that they're running, but they're closing down slaughterhouses and food packing plants and people are allegedly testing positive for Covid and the three-day supply chain or just-in-time supply chain is breaking down. I can see why the prices would go up. You can say that those are all natural occurrences to the Covid pandemic or you could say that it's completely manufactured in one way or the other. But we are seeing that the price of food is going up a lot.

So if people can't afford to buy food, you've got them. And if you're in control of the food, they will do whatever they can do in order to feed their families, whether it's submitting to birth control policies like they're using on a countrywide level or whatever policies that they choose to put in place, if your kids are hungry, you want to feed them.

Doug: They'll all have to become climate activists.

Tiffany: Yeah.

Erica: Drinking biomilk.

Doug: It's pretty crazy.

Tiffany: Well the same thing goes for food shortages too. We're seeing that. I've never seen so many empty food shelves ever in my lifetime. When this pandemic first broke out, there were loads and loads of empty food shelves. The meat department would be completely ransacked and all you'd see there was some Beyond Burgers or something. {laughter}

Doug: Exactly. That's what's always left behind.

Tiffany: It seems like maybe in the last three to four weeks the shelves of the grocery stores, at least where I live, are looking like they're back to normal for the most part but for a while it was really strange because I never had an experience seeing a bunch of empty food shelves like the whole milk section or the bread section wiped out.

Doug: Yeah, that's crazy. I'm lucky that I didn't see that where I am. I didn't really see food shortages at all. Not to say that it won't happen in the future, for sure.

Erica: Europe seems to be better off than us 24/7 guinea pigs here in the U.S. of A. {laughter} But as you were saying Tiff, with shortages too, also being only able to purchase one of something. Say you want to buy a pork butt or beef, all the signs around the grocery store limit one per person. Just the psychological operation in the mind of something like that. Say you got your paycheck or your stimulus check and you decided you wanted to spend the whole thing to buy food to can, to be a little bit prepared and you go to the grocery store and you're not allowed to do that. You're only allowed to buy one of each thing. Back to being a parent with kids, all of a sudden that paranoia switch is turned on and you start to panic a little bit.

We saw a lot of panic buying of toilet paper in the beginning but also around the US people with money could buy all kinds of stuff and then other people were just left with the scraps and whatnot. But I think it's interesting how the Beyond Burger and fake cheese and all that was the only thing left on some of the shelves. So that maybe gave them a picture of the fact that people still aren't ready for that. {laughter} They don't really want that. They're not really that interested.

Doug: Despite the push. When the shit really hits the fan, nobody wants those goddamn Beyond Burgers. {laughter} Nobody wants that shit! Everybody wants real food. "No, we're in a crisis situation. I need some real food, now! We're not joking around anymore. Give me the real food!"

Erica: So, as with all things, wait and see, right? Wait and see what comes next. We didn't go through all six ways of the control of food, but we've talked in the past about additives and we talked a little bit last week about regulations.

One last thing is the weather. It's been very strange and as farmers know, every day can ruin you financially. It can be devastating. For a long time the GMO thing was pushed onto farmers as being drought-resistant or being able to handle a lot more environmental change. I think that was all just BS. Like we've said so many times, there are solutions. You can have a little square foot garden in your backyard. You can have potted plants in your house. Trying to have a plan, a little bit of food storage, even if it's just figuring out how many people are in your family and how much it would take to feed everyone for a month, just being a little bit more prepared, having that knowledge can help do away with that paranoia that a lot of people start to experience and then feel like they have no resources or access. That's just something off the top of my head.

Anyone else have anything? We want to try and end on a more positive note.

Doug: Yeah, it's not hopeless.

Erica: Just knowing this is going to be something that will help you. I just have a quote here from the end of this six ways article. It's by Franklin Roosevelt.
"True individual freedom can not exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made."
Tiffany: Didn't they didn't just rip down his statue? {laughter}

Doug: Probably. They don't want to know that.

Erica: So get your food stuff up.

Doug: Get rid of the dictatorship.

Erica: Find your own little home business. Start weaving baskets, I don't know, selling canaries. Whatever you've got to do. Alright. Anybody have anything else?

Tiffany: No.

Doug: I think that's it.

Tiffany: Yeah, just be prepared.

Erica: Yeah, wake up every day being open to all possibilities.

Doug: There you go. That's good advice.

Erica: So thank you all, co-hosts and Damian for those images that help really get the message across about what we're trying to share here. Please like and subscribe below and thank you all for tuning in. Have a great day.
