Brian Bartels
© CBS Pittsburgh
A suspected Antifa anarchist accused of inciting riots in Pittsburgh was turned in to police by his own parents Monday evening. Brian Bartels, 20, is accused of inciting violent protests in the city on Saturday in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.

"Police secured the warrant as part of an investigation into a male suspect who incited Saturday's violence by breaking the windows out of a marked Pittsburgh Police vehicle Uptown, against the wishes of peaceful protesters who tried to stop him," police spokesman Chris Togneri told Fox News of the search law enforcement conducted on his home in Shaler, PA.

Pittsburgh Police Chief Scott Schubert attributed the chaos across the city to Antifa. "I'm willing to bet my check that there's a lot of people who are anarchists, who, they're not here to protest what happened, they're not here to protest what happened, they're here to take advantage of situations and throw it their way and bring other people into the mix and cause damage and cause injury," Cheif Schubert told KTKA-TV.

Schubert added, "There's no doubt that that's who's doing it and a lot of things we're seeing are white males, dressed in the anarchist, ANTIFA, they're ones who are fueling a lot of this. It's just a damn shame that they took advantage of the situation, for something, something happened in another state where somebody died who shouldn't have died, and they hijacked that message for their own."

During the riots, Bartels was wearing the trademark attire of Antifa militants: a black bandanna and a black hoodie. President Donald Trump says he's moving to designate the organization a domestic terrorist group.