Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
© Chip Somodevilla/Getty ImagesAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Greenpeace Co-Founder on AOC: 'Pompous Little Twit' - Green New Deal Would Cause 'Mass Death'

3 Mar 20198,293 2:15 Patrick Moore, the co-founder of Greenpeace who left the organization he said has been "hijacked by eco-fascists,' weighed in on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal resolution calling her a "pompous little twit" on social media.

Moore, who now calls himself a "sensible environmentalist," got attention for his tweet about Ocasio-Cortez

The Inquistr reported:
Despite Patrick Moore having a relatively modest social media following on Twitter, his acerbic words for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez drew nearly 7,000 likes in somewhat short order. As IdeaCity details, Moore is no stranger to public controversy and debate, having departed from the organization which he co-founded - Greenpeace - because activists and other sensationalists had, in his view, hijacked the meaning and the motivations behind the environmental and scientific communities.

Upon being informed by a Twitter follower that it was regrettable that "AOC" would have her voice heard to a much greater magnitude than his, Moore replied in equally blunt fashion.

"It won't be long until she is exposed for the pompous know-nothing she is. Then again, that may work in her favour!!"

In a biography posted on the Heartland Institute's website, Moore's long and distinguished career is detailed, including his work to fight Greenpeace's misguided opposition to "Golden Rice," an essential food to fight disease and death.

"In 2013 Dr. Moore, with his brother Michael and other family members, founded the Allow Golden Rice Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to seeing Golden Rice approved for commercial agriculture. 250 million children, mainly in tropical countries, are deficient in vitamin A and as a result, 2 million die each year. The Allow Golden Rice Now! campaign demands that Greenpeace and their allies discontinue their campaign of opposition to Golden Rice, which could eliminate vitamin A deficiency if cultivated and consumed."

Moore is a policy adviser at the institute, a free-market think tank.