Chris Stirewalt
Friday on Fox News Channel's "Outnumbered," Fox News' digital politics editor Chris Stirewalt said journalists should stop going to President Donald Trump's rallies during a discussion on CNN's Jim Acosta recent back and forth over Trump's press criticisms.

Stirewalt said, "We are at a point where the White House briefs very rarely and when they do it's useless. We should stop the televised briefing, it is counterproductive, it's turned into showboat theater, no one, no questions get answered. Not no questions, but the substance of issues is not addressed. It has become a forum for personal achievement and clinical utility for the administration."

He continued, "If I may submit and I'm sorry: we should stop having reporters at those Trump rallies. Everybody should stop having reporters penned up like veal in the back of those things for the President to use as a prop, and then some of the reporters exploit that for their own personal benefit. This is not helping anybody. Get out of the hall. Leave the cameras, get the reporters out of the hall. Quit letting him use you as a foil."