Concerned families told the Bristol Post that Parson Street Primary School was going a "step too far" in inviting Drag Queen Story Time (DQST) to read books promoting alternative lifestyles to their children.
"Lots of parents at the school are not happy about it but the headmaster says there's no negotiation. He said if we don't like it we should take our kids out of school on an unauthorised absence," a mother who wished to remain anonymous told the newspaper.
"There are books dotted around the school about sexuality, they learn a lot about LGBTQ+ in school and that's fine.
"But I just think it's gone too far now and the head is using his position of power and influence to push this information on the children," she added.
My daughter loved it! Screw the Post ๐ก curriculum of Parson Street Primary School is 'Live and Learn', with the syllabus focusing on "preparing children to live in an ever-changing and diverse world", according to the Bristol Post.
- Cheryl Warner (@CherylWarner77) February 24, 2018
The academy was the first school in Bristol to be awarded Gold Practice Status by Educate & Celebrate, a nationwide programme which demands schools inject content promoting LGBT lifestyles in everything they do.
A number of mothers also accused headteacher Jamie Barry of being "vague" about which men will be attending the school on March 1, and what stories they plan to read.
"One of the drag queens refers to herself as Bristol's Resident S***, these are children of between four and 11 - they don't need to be exposed to that," a mother remarked.
"They are adult entertainers, I just don't see how that is age appropriate."
Drag Queen Story Time founder Tom Canham said while he "appreciates the concerns of parents" who fear the event will not be suitable for children, he argued that the group's stable of cross-dressing men "are at the top of their field in their art form, and like all performance artists are able to tailor their performance to the audience that they work with."
"I wholeheartedly believe they should learn about these ideas. When you introduce tolerance at a young age they take it on board. Many of these children will not be LGBT themselves but they will at some point come into contact with someone who is," he told the Bristol Post.
"We have an opportunity to provide our children with a better world in which to grow up, free from fear of rejection, or abuse, for being who they are - and Drag Queen Story Time is proud to be working with fantastic organisations all across the country to help make that a reality."
More than 2,000 children have now been exposed to the project, which holds sessions at taxpayer-funded schools, community centres, and libraries at which children learn songs about "transgender" teddy bears as the drag queens teach about homophobia, misogyny, and racism through reading books which promote 'queer' and LGBT lifestyles.
The organisation was able to go country-wide after a crowdfunding campaign helped Canham buy books and pay for Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks to enable DQST transvestites to hold sessions at nursery schools.
As Breitbart London previously reported, the London Early Years Foundation (LEYF) invited DQST to hold events as 'queer role models' for three and four-year-old toddlers at several of their nurseries over the winter, with a view to rolling the scheme out across all the foundation's 37 sites.
Comment: Children between ages 4 and 11 do not need to be exposed to this kind of information which is complicated to understand even for adults. And no, this is not an "art form" as Mr Canham says, and it does not promote "tolerance". Quite the contrary! It is propaganda from a minority imposed on the majority, and because the majority resents propaganda being shoved on their children's faces, it will result in exactly the opposite of tolerance. Well done postmodern social justice advocates!