German activist tells Germany to wake up: We are being conquered! Tatjana Festerling
In an epic speech full of passion activist Tatjana Festerling talks to Germany. Here's a fragment:

"Feel what is going on over there! Feel the despair, hopelessness and don't start trying to rationalize everything in your mind again! Bulls**t! Nonsense!"

"Police officers are being attacked and strangled! Women can no longer go jogging alone! What kind of country is that, please?! Ridiculous!"

"Where children in schools are being bullied, beaten up, stripped! We don't even protect our children any longer! What kind of s**tty society is this, that doesn't take care of its children?!"

[you can watch the video here]

Comment: The deterioration of western society is clear for everyone to see. And the chaos they're creating around the world is all too evident. What isn't apparent is to many is where it's really coming from and how to stop it: Also listen to SOTT's radio show for more detail on weaponised mass migration: The Truth Perspective: Weapons of Mass Migration: Interview with Michael Springmann on Europe's Migrant Crisis