aleppo syrian army
Syrian troops in Aleppo celebrate as Syrian army formally declares victory.

Following the evacuation of the last remaining Jihadis from Aleppo earlier today, the Syrian army has formally declared victory and has announced that the entirety of the city is under its control.

The official Syrian news agency SANA is carrying extracts from the statement declaring victory, which has just been issued by the Syrian army
"The restoration of security and stability to Aleppo is a victory which forms a strategic juncture and important turning point in the fight against terrorism, from one point, and a blow to the terrorist project and its supporters from another," the army's general command said in a statement.

It added that this important step affirms the capability of the Syrian army and its allies to terminate the war against terrorist organizations and establishes a new era to expel terrorism from all Syrian territories.

"This great achievement will be a strong incentive to resume the national duties and eliminate terrorism as well as restore security and stability to every span of the Homeland," the Army's general command said.

It called on any one who carries weapon to throw it because the fight against terrorism will be continued until liberating the last bit of the homeland's soil.
Meanwhile Syrian President Assad, during a meeting with the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister, is reported by SANA to have called the Syrian army's victory in Aleppo
......a relapse for all the countries that are hostile towards the Syrian people and that have used terrorism as a means to realise their interests.
There are reports that the Syrian troops in Aleppo have been celebrating their victory in the streets in Arab fashions - shooting their guns into the air.

The 'Great Battle of Aleppo', which was fought over four long gruelling years, and during which it seemed on more than one occasion that the city would fall under Jihadi control, is over. The Syrian army has won.