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"Third day of protests against the election of Donald Trump for president." The leading global news broadcasters and news agencies begin emissions with this sentence.
The main event for media corporations such as CNN and BBC are the ongoing demonstrations against the new US head of state. Thousands of American citizens took to the streets. It is noteworthy that these are mainly young people who do not want their future to be sacrificed. Most of those involved in the protests are intelligent, active citizens, united in the fight against discrimination against women, xenophobia, Islamophobia and racism. America, they say, is out of the path of progress and democratic values. Participants in television broadcasts, mainly of civil and human rights organizations, are adamant that they will not settle for the results and insist on reviewing them. More and more celebrities get involved in the movement. Producer and director, Michael Moore, was one of the first who supported the protests. "I was very proud of the fact that so many people came out, because right now, we have to oppose his election," Moore said to Don Lemmon, leading the show, 'CNN Tonight'.
All this sounds very real, if expressed by activists in another 'color revolution' in Eastern Europe, but today the events are developing in the United States of America. The battle between globalism and Americanism in the US is out of the shadows and enters into a dangerous phase
. The events suggest that by the inauguration of Donald Trump, scheduled for January 20, 2017, the globalized financial elite will continue attacks aimed at rendering pressure on Trump "in short term" to make him follow the current domestic and foreign policy of President Obama.The demonstrations began as early as Wednesday when the election results became clear. Several dozen Americans and non-governmental organizations gathered for a peaceful protest outside the White House and in several cities in the country. The event was organized by MoveOn.org Civic Platform and its partners in the network organization. Within just two hours after the call of MoveOn, members of the organization staged more than 200 gatherings across the country, and the number continues to grow.
MoveOn.org is a progressive American non-governmental organization, established in 1998 in response to the impeachment against President Bill Clinton in the House of Representatives. Attracting significant funding, the NGO expanded its activities and maintains a number of smaller organizations in the network structure: the initiative, 'Call for Change', and the portal, 'MoveOn', petitions, in partnership with the similar Change.org, Avaaz and PetitionOnline.
The main sponsors of the organization are the billionaire, George Soros, who officially donated $1.46 million, and the CEO of Progressive Corp., Peter Lewis, with half a million dollars.The thesis that demonstrations against Trump are an orchestrated "color revolution" became popular in the social networks in the United States.
There were pictures of Austin, Texas, where arriving buses, transporting protesters are seen, and although not yet confirmed in the network, a number of ads were found, like the one in Philadelphia, offering payment of $190 a day to protest against Trump.Defenders of the President-elect blamed the protests on "banksters," who sent "radicalized youths" to the streets.
Trump himself wrote on Twitter that the riots were the work of "professional protesters" incited by the media. According to the police in Portland, Oregon, the demonstrations represent a "riot" caused by "criminal and dangerous behavior" of protesters who, according to the statement of the police, have gone out protesting after "being advised."
And while in many places in the US, the turmoil passes in the well-known spirit of 'performances', 'events' and 'jam sessions', the tension at times escalates.
The protesters increasingly have been seen to break shop windows, break cars and light the national flag, shouting obscene slogans.The civil division in the "land of the free" is unprecedented and a new deepening of the crisis is liable to lead to an escalation of tension.
The already mentioned non-governmental portal, Change.org, called the Electoral College appointing the new US president that they must not vote for Trump, but choose Hillary because the billionaire is "unfit for office." For this purpose, the organization launched an online petition in support of the idea. Should Trump be prevented from taking office, the civil peace in the US will be threatened, which is something that hardly anyone wants.
Supporters of Trump are far from fans of "workshops" and "performances," but are average American workers with permit for a weapon. A few weeks before the elections in the US, the world witnessed an armed protest against Hillary Clinton in Virginia, where the carrying of weapons is permitted. Donald Trump himself, until recently, refused to comment on whether he will recognize the election results and he even said that he would do so "only if I win." The fears of the Republicans were triggered by a possibility of electoral fraud of which Trump warned during the campaign. The point of organizing tens of thousands of observers to the fairness of elections was reached and some of those observers, like those in Pennsylvania, were armed.
We are bound to observe a tense domestic political situation in the country of George Washington, caused by the collision between the concepts "America First" and "Global America." Moreover,
the declared desire of Trump to reset relations with Russia and the sharp reduction in military spending for the allies of the United States is a major problem for another influential group in the American elite: the military-industrial complex grouped around the neoconservatives. In this dimension, more provocations can be expected, aiming to spoil Russia-US relations. The battle for the United States is not yet finished.
Written by Nikolay Nikolaev; Originally appeared at A-specto, translated by Valentina Tzoneva exclusively for SouthFront
You ever watch Angelina Jolie in the film 'SALT' from 2010? [Link]
It supposes that a group of Russians have been trained as children to infiltrate the U.S. and assume positions of control using identities created by the Russian government.
In the final scene you are given the impression that the newly elected U.S. president (in the movie) is actually one of those children.
What happens if it's based on a true story?