While Clinton's demented reaction to Ghaddafi's death was revealing, her actual contribution to it was not only immoral and illegal, it was treasonous.
Remember, it was Hillary Clinton, along with her State Department staff such as Susan Rice and Victoria Nuland who were out in front building up the case for war against Libya, a "UN Resolution," and support for the terrorists attempting to overthrow the Libyan leader.
In fact, in an article entitled "
Hillary's War: How Conviction Replaced Skepticism In Libya Intervention," the
Washington Post's Joby Warrick describes how Clinton provided yeomen's service in the effort to build an "international coalition" against Libya and Ghaddafi and how she worked overtime to see to it that the nation with the highest living standards in Africa was reduced to a burning desert of rubble and savagery.[1]
Even the Huffington Post was forced to admit that Hillary Clinton was one of the main forces promoting the war in Libya, while also fairly pointing out that Clinton was one of many in the US State Department and other governing bodies who supported the same.[2]
Clinton would stop at no lengths to push the United States into yet another war. Clinton would even go so far as to
give support to the propaganda line that Ghaddafi was using rape and sexual violence to intimidate and oppress Libyan women.[3]
Such a grandiose and idiotic claim - proven inaccurate on the ground - was only eclipsed in its absurdity by other claims coming from the Clinton State Department that Ghaddafi was
handing out Viagra for this purpose.
Disgraced US Ambassador Susan Rice was the main purveyor of this myth.[4]
However, the hands of Hillary Clinton are dripping with Libyan blood. If Clinton is ever allowed to become President, those hands will no doubt be drenched with the blood of innocent civilians the world over.
[1] Warrick, Joby. "Hillary's War: How Conviction Replaced Skepticism In Libya Intervention." Washington Post. October 30, 2011.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/hillarys-war-how-conviction-replaced-skepticism-in-libya-intervention/2011/10/28/gIQAhGS7WM_story.html Accessed 8/26/2015
[2] DePetris, Daniel R. "Should Hillary Clinton Be Blamed For Libya's Mess? The Short Answer: Not For All Of It." Huffington Post. June 21, 2015.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/daniel-r-depetris/should-hillary-clinton-be_b_7097240.html Accessed 8/26/2015
[3] "Clinton Condemns Sexual Violence In The Mideast." Voice of America. July 14, 2011.
http://editorials.voa.gov/content/clinton-condemns - 125661488/1482603.html Accessed 8/26/2015
[4] MacAskill, Ewen. "Gaddafi 'supplies troops with Viagra to encourage mass rape' claims diplomat." The Guardian. April 29, 2011.
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/apr/29/diplomat-gaddafi-troops-viagra-mass-rapeAccessed 8/26. 2015
And people here need to know that the local San Francisco Jewish Community Centers have already accepted huge numbers of 'visitors' once the human- floods begin to grow from our own destroyed immigration laws: So this will be coming here, just as soon as the money fails, and the rest of the semblance of "U.S. laws" becomes the fact: Read this and picture what you would do if faced with anything remotely close to the beginning of this - inside the dead United States?
And what's in this article is only what we've beEN able to learn - just imagine what they're still NOT TELLIN US!.